Bill Allombert on Mon, 17 Feb 2020 15:05:10 +0100

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Please test pari-2.11.3 prerelease 1

Dear PARI developers,

We have made available a prerelease of PARI 2.11.3 (stable).

This is a large update, so please test thoroughly.
This release should fix install() on Windows with gp-sta.

The expected release date is set to the 03/03/2020.

Please test the prerelease tarball:

The digital signature is 

Please test the 64bit windows installer:

This release should fix problems with the plotting engine on Windows.

I have also built the 32bit Windows installer:

and the following standalone Windows binaries:



64bit, multithreaded

and the following MacOS DMG:


and the following MacOS stand-alone binaries:

The changelog:

Bug numbers refer to the BTS at

    1- qfisom([16,6;6,10],[4,3;3,10]) was not 0. [#2140]          [2.12.0-F102]
    2- mfeval: wrong result when level and space didn't match     [2.12.0-F103]
BA  3- nfisincl(x^3+9,x^6+2187): wrong result [#2144]             [2.12.0-F104]
    4- ispower(27,2^60) -> SEGV [#2145]                           [2.12.0-F105]
BA  5- matsolve(M,vector(n)) return result of wrong dimension     [2.12.0-F106]
    6- [Windows] no longer crash on deep recursion [#2105]        [2.12.0-F107]
    7- factor(Mod(x^3 + x + y^2,2)) -> oo loop [#2148]            [2.12.0-F108]
BA  8- plotlines flag was ignored                                          [F1]
    9- fileopen(,"w" or "a") was bypassing the check for 'secure' default  [F2]
   10- bnfcertify did not certify correctly its argument when DEBUGLEVEL > 1
       (\g 2 and above) and the computed class group was trivial (introduced
       in 2002, commit d3d44841). The code was correct at \g1 or \g0, and in
       all cases if the computed class group was non-trivial.              [F4]
   11- [mf,F] = mffromqf([2,0;0,2]); L=lfunmf(mf,F) => wrong values        [F7]
   12- t=mfTheta();mfslashexpansion(mfinit(t),t,[0,1;-1,0],1,1) -> error   [F8]
   13- poldisc(x^4 + 8/y*x) -> type error in Q_divi_to_int [#2157]         [F9]
   14- T=mfTheta(); mfeval(mfinit(T),T,I/10) -> wrong sign                [F10]
   15- quadtofp(quadgen(-3)) -> t_FRAC component [#2158]                  [F13]
   16- conjvec(t_FFELT of characteristic 2) was missing a conjugate       [F15]
   17- nf2 = nfnewprec(nf) could return incompatible nf2 [#2154]          [F16]
   18- issquare(non square t_FFELT, &x) -> SEGV [#2163]                   [F20]
   19- modular symbols package: better type checks                        [F23]
   20- division by 0 in Flx_extresultant when one input is 0              [F24]
   21- internal error in isprime(,1) after addprime() [#2166]             [F26]
   22- ZM_gauss returned incorrect result for t_MAT RHS and 0 input       [F27]
BA 23- lfunhardy(..., t) with t<0 -> error                                [F28]
BA 24- ellweilpairing(E,P,P, odd m) -> wrong result [#2172]               [F29]
PB 25- FlxqM_mul could return wrong result [#2174]                        [F30]
   26- p = 4*vecprod(primes([3,373]))*587-1; quadclassunit(-p) -> SEGV    [F31]
   27- M=mfinit([11,2,Mod(3,11)]); f=mfbasis(M)[1];
       lfuncheckfeq(lfunmf(M,f)) -> type error                            [F34]
   28- rare random SEGV in nfbasis [#2178]                                [F35]
   29- missing type checks in lfunthetacheckinit [#2179]                  [F36]
   30- idealispower(x,n,&y): y could be incorrect [#2181]                 [F37]
   31- SEGV in idealispower [#2183]                                       [F38]
XR 32- factorpadic: incorrect factors (might not lift to Q))
        E.g. T=polsubcyclo(271,9); factorpadic(T,3,7)[4,1]                [F40]
BA 33- polcompositum(x^2+x/3+1,x^2+x/3+1) -> SEGV                         [F41]
   34- p=nextprime(2^20);q=nextprime(2*p);n=q*p;v=n+1;P=x^2-1;
        zncoppersmith(v*P,v*n,p,p*v) --> oo loop                          [F42]
   35- missing reduction of pr.gen in idealprimedec [ slowdown ]
        + nfmodprinit [ division by 0 ]                                   [F43]
   36- lfuninit: lfunrootres calls too expensive if rootno and polar part [F47]
   37- incorrect rounding in divrr(realprec = 3)                          [F48]
   38- polrootsreal(x+0.) -> SEGV                                         [F49]
   39- qflllgram([2,2,3;4,5,6]) -> SEGV                                   [F51]
   40- printf("%10.6f\n",2^-100) -> SEGV [#2198]                          [F52]
BA 41- ((x^7+x^3+x+1)*Mod(1,Mod(1,2)*d))%(x^4+x^3+x^2+1)->x^3+x
        instead of Mod(1,2)*x^3+Mod(1,2)*x [#2199]                        [F54]
   42- ellocalred / K != Q: wrong encoding for I0 (kod = 1 instead of 0)  [F56]

IZ  1- [win32+gp-sta] support for install()                        [2.12.0-A65]

On behalf of the PARI group,
Bill and Karim