Bill Allombert on Mon, 24 Oct 2016 01:21:19 +0200 |
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Please test pari-2.8.1 |
Dear PARI developers, We have made available a prerelease of PARI 2.8.1 (beta). Due to time constraint, there is not -pre1 release this time. Instead PARI 2.8.1 should be seen as a prerelease for PARI 2.9.0 to be released shortly. So please test it and report any problem and incompatibilities. Please test the tarball: <> Please also test the standalone 64bit Mac OS X binary: <> ane the the 64bit windows installer: <> I have also built the 32bit Windows installer: <> and the following standalone Windows binaries: 32bit <> <> 64bit <> <> The list of changes is below. On behalf of the PARI group, Bill and Karim - - - - Bug numbers refer to the BTS at Done for version 2.8.1 (released 23/10/2016): Fixed 1- nfroots(non-monic t_POL) => wrong result [#1841] [from 2.8.0] 2- crash on BIB in ellpointtoz(t_PADIC) [#1840] 3- nfisideal(nfinit(x^2+1),[1,0;0,2]) -> 1 instead of 0 4- intnuminit(-oo,oo,1) -> error [#1847] 5- idealstar([f_0,f_oo]) for f_oo t_VECSMALL (place selection) didn't work 6- msinit objects could not be saved to file then read back in [from 2.8.0] 7- wrong value for bnrrootnumber for non-primitive characters [#1848] 8- allow znstar(N,flag) for idealstar(,N,flag) 9- allow znlog(x,G) for G = znstar(N), instead of ideallog(,x,G), for DL wrt. G.gen; in addition to traditional znlog(x,g), where an arbitrary generator g is specified 10- e=ellinit([1,-1,1,98,126],O(5^10)); ellpointtoz(e,[1,14]) -> div. by 0 11- ellpointtoz(E / Qp, P) was not reduced mod q^Z BA 12- [breakloop] changes done in the first-level breakloop were lost when leaving the second-level breakloop. 13- polinterpolate could create illegal objects [#1837] (test-case by PB) BA 14- [libpari] FqX_nbfact did not work 15- incorrect change of variable in elllocalred over a number field for places dividing 6 [from 2.8.0] 16- contfraceval([[],[]],1) -> SEGV [from 2.8.0] 17- agm(1.0, 1.0*I + x + O(x^200)) -> oo loop [#1654] 18- primepi(2750160) -> crash [#1855] 19- polinterpolate([],[],Mod(1,3)) => 0 instead of Mod(0,3) 20- subst(Pol(0),x,Mod(1,3)) => 0 instead of Mod(0,3) 21- subst(Pol(1),x,Mod(1,3)) => 1 instead of Mod(1,3) 22- e=znconreyexp(idealstar(,N),) could give a result with (e,N) = 2 when N = 2 (mod 4) [from 2.8.0] 23- idealprincipalunits(,,1) not supported [ concat error ] [from 2.8.0] 24- stack corruption in pollardbrent() at \g4 [#1858] BA 25- fflog could crash in char 2. [from 2.8.0] JD 26- is_universal_constant() made (possibly wrong) assumptions about memory layout (gen_0 < ghalf) BA 27- lfundiv(L1,L2): division by 0 if L2[6] (rootno) is 0. 28- inconsistent thresholds for zeta(2*n); e.g. at \p100000, zeta(22934) was much faster than zeta(22936) BA 29- [pthread] fix race conditions that caused memory corruption 30- rare SEGV in bnfisprincipal Added 1- permtonum: allow t_VECSMALL input 2- [libpari] Z_to_perm, perm_to_Z 3- [libpari] checkprid_i, is_nf_factor, is_nf_extfactor 4- extend ellissupersingular for E/nf 5- added a tag Obsolete: to the RFC822 description system (pari.desc) 6- new GP functions nfmodpr, nfmodprlift 7- [libpari] get_arith_Z, get_arith_ZZM 8- [libpari] Mod2, Mod4, Mod8, Mod16, Mod32, Mod64, umodi2n 9- [libpari] logint, logintall 10- [libpari] zk_inv, zkmultable_capZ, zkmultable_inv, nfC_multable_mul, zkC_multable_mul 11- [libpari] Idealstarprk 12- [libpari] ZpX_monic_factor 13- [libpari] nf_to_Fp_coprime 14- [libpari] idealprod, idealHNF_Z_factor 15- [libpari] rnfcomplete, rnf_build_nfabs, bnf_build_cycgen, bnf_build_units, bnf_build_matalpha 16- [libpari] rnf_zkabs 17- [libpari] get_nf_field (black box field arithmetic over a number field nf), nfM_det, nfM_inv, nfM_mul, nfM_nfC_mul 18- [libpari] bnftestprimes 19- [libpari] upr_norm 20- [libpari] bid_get_fact, bid_get_ind, bid_get_sarch, bid_get_sprk 21- [libpari] qfbforms 22- [libpari] nfroots_if_split 23- [libpari] nfmaxord_to_nf, nfinit_basic, nfinit_complete, idealprimedec_kummer, nf_deg1_prime 24- [libpari] ZNstar, znstar0, znlog0 25- GP function znchartokronecker 26- [libpari] ser_inv 27- allow ellztopoint for E/Qp BA 28- [libpari] F2x_factor_squarefree, F2xqX_factor, FlxqX_factor BA 29- [libpari] FlxXC_to_F2xXC, F2xXC_to_ZXXC 30- [libpari] pr_uniformizer, prV_lcm_capZ, pr_inv, pr_inv_p, pr_basis_perm 31- [libpari] cmp_padic 32- [libpari] ZV_snf_trunc, ZM_hnfmodall_i, ZM_hnfall_i, ZC_Z_div 33- [libpari] uisprime_101, uisprime_661 34- [libpari] lift_shallow 35- [libpari] rowsplice 36- GP functions bnflogef, bnflog, bnflogdegree, nfislocalpower, rnfislocalcyclo 37- [libpari] varnmin, varnmax 38- allow ellglobalred for E over a number field BA 39- [libpari] FpXQX_split_part BA 40- [libpari] ZpXQX_roots, ZqX_roots, ZqX_liftfact, ZqX_liftroot, Zq_sqrtnlift 41- [libpari] hash_dbg 42- [libpari] Qdivii, ceildivuu 43- GP function ellintegralmodel 44- [libpari] ZM_hnf_knapsack, hnf_invscale 45- [libpari] pol_xn, pol_xnall, retmkrfrac 46- allow lindep(vector of t_VEC), lindep(vector of t_COL) [#1857] 47- [libpari] famat_pow_shallow, famat_mulpow_shallow 48- [libpari] modRr_safe 49- [libpari] Z_ppo, u_ppo Changed 1- remove useless flag in idealappr: directly allow factorization 2- [libpari] idealappr0 is now obsolete: use idealappr 3- replace qfbil(x,y,{q}) by qfeval({q},x,y) and qfnorm(x,{q}) by qfeval({q},x): it makes more sense to have q first, and a single function for qf+polar form (as in all other qf-like routines: ellheight, etc.) 4- functions nfeltdivmodpr, nfeltmulmodpr, nfeltpowmodpr, nfeltreducemodpr, nfkermodpr, nfsolvemodpr are obsolete. Use nfmodpr, work in the finite field, then lift back using nfmodprlift. 5- split off historical refcard in submodules basic, ell, lfun, mf, nf 6- rewrite nfeltinv / nfeltdiv (use mult. table rather than polmod representation) 7- idealred algorithm (find small y in I^(-1), not in I) 8- bnf format (allow dynamically adding units): old bnfs will be detected as invalid. Dirty trick to force conversion: bnf[10]=vector(3); 9- nfelt* functions may now return scalars (t_INT/t_FRAC) in addition to t_COL on nf.zk basis. 10- remove flag = 2 in nfgaloisconj (slow, unreliable, obsolete for 15 years) 11- bnfcertify(K): use automorphisms (speedup roughly #Aut_Q(K)) 12- idealstar format, to access data more conveniently (and avoid recomputations): old bid and bnr structures from versions up to 2.8.0 are now invalid 13- narchstar output: include finf in output 14- set_sign_mod_divisor prototype: module is now useless (implicitly contained in sarch argument) 15- [libpari] removed discrayabs, discrayabscond, discrayrel, discrayrelcond, discrayabslistlong: obsoleted since 2.0 16- gcd(t_VEC/t_COL/t_MAT, ...) is now forbidden, same for lcm 17- E/Qp: add sequence of isogenous curves to structure (converges to the singular E_oo) => much faster ellpointtoz BA 18- ZpX_liftfact no longer handles extensions of Qp, use ZqX_liftfact 19- char_rootof1 renamed to rootsof1_cx, char_rootof1_u -> rootsof1u_cx 20- gp --test: consider that the session is not interactive BA 21- [libpari] rename listcreate to mklist 22- [libpari] rename idealinv_HNF -> idealHNF_inv, idealinv_HNF_Z -> idealHNF_inv, idealmul_HNF -> idealHNF_mul 23- [libpari] made famat_mul_shallow a true equivalent of famat_mul 24- move 'install' tests from test-program to test-install target 25- allow normlp(v, +oo) 26- [documentation] removed .ps files (use dvips -o if you need them); install dvis