Bill Allombert on Wed, 21 Oct 2015 23:41:08 +0200

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GP interface for computing Artin L functions

Dear PARI developers,

We just added to master a new function lfunartin() to compute
Artin L functions.
This is based on a GP script by Charlotte Euvrard.
Currently, the representation needs to be given explicitly

This is the documentation:


   Returns the Ldata structure associated to the Artin L-function associated to the
representation  rho of the Galois group of the extension K/Q,  defined over the cyclotomic field
Q(zeta_n),   where  nf is the nfinit structure associated to K,  gal is the galoisinit structure
associated to K/Q, and M is the vector of the image of the generators G.gen by rho. The elements
of  M  are matrices with polynomial entries,  whose variable is understood as the complex number
exp(2 i Pi/n).

   In  the  following  example  we build the Artin L-functions associated to the two irreducible
degree-2 representations of the dihedral group D_{10} defined over Q(zeta_5),  for the extension
H/Q  where  H  is the Hilbert class field of Q(sqrt{-47}).   We show numerically some identities
involving Dedekind zeta functions and Hecke L series.

   ? P=quadhilbert(-47);Q=nfsplitting(P);
   ? N=nfinit(Q);G=galoisinit(N);
   ? L1=lfunartin(N,G,[[a,0;0,a^-1],[0,1;1,0]],5);
   ? L2=lfunartin(N,G,[[a^2,0;0,a^-2],[0,1;1,0]],5);
   ? lfun(1,1)*lfun(-47,1)*lfun(L1,1)^2*lfun(L2,1)^2 - lfun(Q,1)
   %5 ~ 0
   ? lfun(1,1)*lfun(L1,1)*lfun(L2,1) - lfun(P,1)
   %6 ~ 0
   ? bnf=bnfinit(x^2+47);bnr=bnrinit(bnf,1,1);
   ? lfun([bnr,[1]],1) - lfun(L1,1)
   %7 ~ 0
   ? P=quadhilbert(-47);Q=nfsplitting(P);
   ? N=nfinit(Q);G=galoisinit(N);
   ? L1=lfunartin(N,G,[[a,0;0,a^-1],[0,1;1,0]],5);
   ? L2=lfunartin(N,G,[[a^2,0;0,a^-2],[0,1;1,0]],5);
   ? lfun(1,1)*lfun(-47,1)*lfun(L1,1)^2*lfun(L2,1)^2 - lfun(Q,1)
   %5 ~ 0
   ? lfun(1,1)*lfun(L1,1)*lfun(L2,1) - lfun(P,1)
   %6 ~ 0
   ? bnf=bnfinit(x^2+47);bnr=bnrinit(bnf,1,1);
   ? lfun([bnr,[1]],1) - lfun(L1,1)
   %7 ~ 0

   ? lfun([bnr,[2]],1) - lfun(L2,1)
   %8 ~ 0
   ? lfun(1,1)*lfun([bnr,[1]],1)*lfun([bnr,[2]],1) - lfun(P,1)
   %9 ~ 0

   The  first identity is the factorisation of the regular representation of D_{10},  the second
the  factorisation  of  the  natural  representation of D_{10}\subset S_5,  the next two are the
expressions of the degree-2 representations as induced from degree-1 representations.   The last
one is a collorary of the others.

   The library syntax is GEN lfunartin(GEN nf, GEN gal, GEN M, GEN n).
