Bill Allombert on Thu, 09 Oct 2014 17:37:28 +0200 |
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experimental localprec() feature |
Dear PARI developpers, I have created an experimental git branch bill-localprec that adds a command localprec() which allow to set the real precision locally: Consider the function: f(s)=Pi^s and s=precision(1.,100) Pi is computed using the current precision. If we want the resut to be correct to the precision of s, we could do g(s)= { my(prec=default(realprecision)); default(realprecision,precision(s)); my(r=Pi^s); default(realprecision,prec); r; } which is rather cumbersome. Using localprec() it is sufficient to say: g(s)=localprec(precision(s));Pi^s Also it is safer since the value of realprecision is restored even if an error occurs. Cheers, Bill.