Jeroen Demeyer on Mon, 24 Feb 2014 13:59:48 +0100

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ellwp over fields which are not t_REAL or t_COMPLEX

Both these used to work in PARI-2.5.5 but no longer work in PARI-2.6.2. Is this a bug or was ellwp() never intended to work for these fields?

gp> ellwp(ellinit([0,0,0,Mod(1,1009),0]))
  ***   at top-level: ellwp(ellinit([0,0,0
  ***                 ^--------------------
  *** ellwp: incorrect type in roots (t_INTMOD).
gp> ellwp(ellinit([0,0,0,Mod(x,x^2+5),0]))
  ***   at top-level: ellwp(ellinit([0,0,0
  ***                 ^--------------------
  *** ellwp: incorrect type in roots (t_POLMOD).