Karim Belabas on Sat, 14 Sep 2013 17:19:27 +0200 |
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GP reference card (2.6.*) |
Hi all, I made major changes to the GP reference card, for soon-to-be-released pari-2.6.1. Moving arond and creating subsections, updating the elliptic curve description, and cramming about 60 new functions in there: http://pari.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/pub/pari/snapshots/refcard.pdf Hopefully, it remains about as readable/useful as the former one: http://pari.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/pub/pari/manuals/2.5.1/refcard.pdf (If not, we will have to select and remove a few functions from the card !) The general organization remains the same: two pages recto/verso for "basic" stuff (sheet 1) and two pages for elliptic curves and algebraic number theory (and graphics...). Intended use: quickly find the *name* of the functions associated to a given feature, and then go and check the help (? or ??) for confirmation and details. All comments welcome ! Cheers, K.B. P.S. The list of all GP functions *not* mentioned in the refcard: # not-so-important routines Strtex Strexpand Vecsmall addhelp bernvec bitnegimply breakpoint dbg_down dbg_err derivnum ellchangepointinv ellmodulareqn errname factorcantor factorint forcomposite gammah getheap getstack idealappr idealcoprime incgamc intnumromb intcirc intfouriercos intfourierexp intfouriersin intfuncinit intlaplaceinv intmellininv intmellininvshort intnuminit intnuminitgen intnumstep ispolygonal ispowerful isprimepower istotient length matdetint mathnfmodid mathouseholder matimagecompl matisdiagonal matmuldiagonal matmultodiagonal matpascal nfcertify nfdetint nffactorback nfhnfmod numtoperm permtonum polcyclofactors poldiscreduced polgraeffe polhensellift poliscyclo poliscycloprod poltschirnhaus polzagier printsep printsep1 qfautoexport qfisom qfisominit removeprimes setbinop shiftmul sqr sizedigit sumdigits sumnuminit vectorsmall warning zncoppersmith # obsolete routines bezout bezoutres bnfcompress ellpow factornf kill listcreate listkill matalgtobasis matbasistoalg nfeltdivmodpr nfeltmulmodpr nfeltpowmodpr nfeltreduce nfeltreducemodpr plotpointsize polred polredord poltchebi sumnumalt trap whatnow -- Karim Belabas, IMB (UMR 5251) Tel: (+33) (0)5 40 00 26 17 Universite Bordeaux 1 Fax: (+33) (0)5 40 00 69 50 351, cours de la Liberation http://www.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/~kbelabas/ F-33405 Talence (France) http://pari.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/ [PARI/GP] `