James Wanless on Thu, 02 Feb 2012 19:27:24 +0100

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Re: Please test pari-2.5.1 prerelease 2

./Configure, make all, make bench checks out for me on a (fairly) standard Mac OSX Leopard 10.5 and Xcode [I didn't make install]
though there were some ?warnings? compiling the doc:  "

tex develop
This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2010/MacPorts 2010_4)
(./develop.tex (./parimacro.tex (./paricfg.tex)
No aux file.) [1] [2] [3] (./develop.aux) [4]
Reference `se:dbgclosure' on page 5 undefined on input line 77
[5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] (./index.tex [12] ) )
Output written on develop.dvi (12 pages, 24248 bytes).
Transcript written on develop.log.
tex develop
This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2010/MacPorts 2010_4)
(./develop.tex (./parimacro.tex (./paricfg.tex)
(./develop.aux)) [1] [2] (./develop.toc) [3] (./develop.aux) [4] [5] [6]
[7] [8] [9] [10] [11] (./index.tex [12] ) )
Output written on develop.dvi (12 pages, 29444 bytes).
Transcript written on develop.log.
make develop.std; tex develop; rm -f develop.std
sed -e 's/!\([1-9]\)!/!00\1!/'\
	    -e 's/!\([1-9][0-9]\)!/!0\1!/'\
	    -e 's/\\EFF {}/f/g'\
	  develop.idx | env LANG=C sort -f |\
	sed -e 's/!00*\([0-9]*\)!/!\1!/' > develop.std;
This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2010/MacPorts 2010_4)
(./develop.tex (./parimacro.tex (./paricfg.tex)
(./develop.aux)) [1] [2] (./develop.toc) [3] (./develop.aux) [4] [5] [6]
[7] [8] [9] [10] [11] (./index.tex) [12] )
Output written on develop.dvi (12 pages, 39852 bytes).
Transcript written on develop.log.
rm -f libpari.std
tex libpari
This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2010/MacPorts 2010_4)
(./libpari.tex (./parimacro.tex (./paricfg.tex)
No aux file.) [1] [2] [3] (./usersch4.tex [4]
Reference `se:prog' on page 5 undefined on input line 30
Reference `se:pari_init_tech' on page 5 undefined on input line 59
Reference `se:primetable' on page 6 undefined on input line 90
Reference `se:level2names' on page 7 undefined on input line 206
Reference `se:impl' on page 8 undefined on input line 260

On 2 Feb 2012, at 18:03, Bill Allombert wrote:

Dear PARI developers,

I have updated the prerelease tarball to fix the bug reported by Jeroen.
Please test the new tarball:

<http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/pub/pari/snapshots/pari-2.5.1.pre2.tar.gz >

Also I am considering whether or not applying the attached patch which work around
a compiler problem (gcc PR49330).
