Jason Moxham on Fri, 26 Jun 2009 21:13:41 +0200

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Pari svn on MSVC


I'm trying to get Pari svn running under MSVC 32bit , we allready have Pari-2.4.2-alpha running under MSVC 32bit with/without MPIR/GMP.

The file
has minor buglet which stops compilation on MSVC
this diff corrects the problem

$ diff -u  ../pari/src/kernel/none/mp.c mp.c
--- ../pari/src/kernel/none/mp.c        2009-06-26 20:02:43.788784600 +0100
+++ mp.c        2009-06-26 17:26:16.037784600 +0100
@@ -1480,10 +1480,13 @@
    GEN  u = gel(V,i);
    if (signe(u))
+      GEN ap;
+      GEN up;
+      long lu;
-      GEN ap = int_W(a,s);
-      GEN up = int_LSW(u);
-      long lu = lgefint(u)-2;
+      ap = int_W(a,s);
+      up = int_LSW(u);
+      lu = lgefint(u)-2;
      *ap-- = addll(*ap, *up--);
      for (j=1; j<lu; j++)
        *ap-- = addllx(*ap, *up--);

MSVC doesn't like it when LOCAL_OVERFLOW is empty , as the declarations are not at the beginning of the block.
