Bill Allombert on Sat, 16 May 2009 18:13:22 +0200

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New PARI package GALPOL

Hello PARI-dev,

Igor Schein and myself have just released GALPOL v1.0,
a database of polynomials defining Galois extensions of the rationals
representing all abstract groups of order up to 95, for all possible
signatures, see <>

This database is available as a PARI package "galpol" from

PARI 2.4.3SVN include a function galoisgetpol to query this database:

Here an example:
? V=galoisgetpol(16,14,2)
%1 = [x^16 - 7*x^12 + 48*x^8 - 7*x^4 + 1, 144]
? G=galoisinit(V[1],V[2]);
? galoisidentify(G)
%3 = [16, 14]
