Jeroen Demeyer on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 23:42:07 +0100 |
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My "fullfactor" package |
Hello list,I have developed a complete GP package with some functions related to factoring. In particular, it contains the Cunningham tables with factors of b^e - 1 for "small" b and e.
The package + help can be found at important remark is that it needs a recent CVS version of GP, because it uses CLOSUREs.
Example: ? fullfactor(3^(6*97)-1, factor_cyclo) time = 116 ms. %1 = [2 3] [7 1] [13 1] [76631 1] [189733 1] [1693621 1] [80640757 1] [459991849 1] [503803759819 1] [2549755542947 1] [184812684901540537 1] [9594160501626613625431 1] [1989549405617260510054951 1] [20591603926857377806745611 1] [48845962828028421155731228333 1] [2726865189058261010774960798134976187171462721 1] [5852407890668586529163364311233328351058899596487336893 1]