Donald Parsons on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:26:19 +0200

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Spelling patch needed for polchebyshev in help

Hello PARI-dev,

I just noticed a mis-matched spelling for ?polchebyshev
in the help:

(20:18) gp > ?polchebyshev
polchebishev(n,{flag=1},{v=x}): Chebychev polynomial of the first
   (flag = 1) or second (flag = 2) kind, of degree n, in variable v.

(20:18) gp > ?polchebishev
polchebishev: unknown identifier

(20:20) gp > polchebishev(2,flag=2,v)
  ***   unknown function or error in formal parameters:

(20:28) gp > polchebyshev(2,flag=2,v)
%3 = 4*v^2 - 1

Hits for i spelling in cvs tree:

  Chebychev polynomial of the first (flag = 1) or second (flag = 2)
  kind, of degree n, in variable v"},
src/functions/polynomials/polchebyshev:Help: polchebishev(n,{flag=1},
  {v=x}): Chebychev polynomial of the first (flag
src/functions/polynomials/polchebyshev: (small,?1,?var):gen
src/functions/polynomials/polchebyshev: (small,2,?var):gen 
src/functions/polynomials/polchebyshev: (small,small,?var):gen
src/desc/pari.desc:Help: polchebishev(n,{flag=1},{v=x}): Chebychev
  polynomial of the first (flag
src/desc/pari.desc: (small,?1,?var):gen polchebishev1($1,$3)
src/desc/pari.desc: (small,2,?var):gen  polchebishev2($1,$3)
src/desc/pari.desc: (small,small,?var):gen polchebishev($1,$2,$3)

There are many more hits for y spelling.  So I'm not doing a
simple patch.

Don Parsons