Ilya Zakharevich on Sat, 27 May 2006 01:16:47 +0200

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Extra files for lowlevel-Gnuplot plotting terminals

Some files needed for Gnuplot output were removed some time ago.  They
can be fetched from

FYI, below are the patches WRT the latest versions I could find.


--- ./src/functions/graphic/plotterm-ini	Thu Jun 26 11:49:38 2003
+++ ./src/functions/graphic/plotterm	Sun Mar 19 16:41:06 2006
@@ -3,10 +3,7 @@ Class: highlevel
 Section: graphic
 C-Name: term_set
 Prototype: ls
-Help: plotterm(\"termname\"): set terminal to plot in high resolution to.
- Ignored by some drivers. In gnuplot driver possible terminals are the same
- as in gnuplot, terminal options can be put after the terminal name and
- space; terminal size can be put immediately after the name, as in
- \"gif=300,200\". If term is \"?\", lists possible values. Positive return
- value means success
+Help: plotterm("modename"): set plotting mode of high resolution plots.
+ Ignored by some drivers. If modename is "?", emits documentation of this
+ function for the current driver. Positive return value means success
--- ./src/graph/Gnuplot.h-ini	Wed Mar 15 00:29:30 2006
+++ ./src/graph/Gnuplot.h	Fri May 26 01:21:38 2006
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-/* $Id: Gnuplot.h,v 1.13 2004/09/23 14:49:14 kb Exp $
+/* $Id: Gnuplot.h,v 1.13 + edits $
-Copyright (C) 2000  The PARI group.
+Copyright (C) 2006  The PARI group.
 This file is part of the PARI/GP package.
@@ -64,49 +64,22 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suit
 /* Compatibility with the old gnuplot: */
 extern  FILE *outfile;
-FILE *outfile = NULL;
 extern  FILE *gpoutfile;
-FILE *gpoutfile = NULL;
-static int outfile_set;
-static void
-  outfile = stdout;
-  gpoutfile = stdout;
-#define SET_OUTFILE (outfile_set++ ? 1 : (set_gpoutfile(), 1))
 extern int encoding;
-int        encoding = 0;
 extern float                   xoffset;  /* x origin */
 extern float                   yoffset;  /* y origin */
-float                   xoffset = 0.0;  /* x origin */
-float                   yoffset = 0.0;  /* y origin */
 extern int		multiplot;
-int		multiplot		= 0;
+#define SET_OUTFILE (outfile_set++ ? 1 : (set_gpoutfile(), 1))
 extern char *outstr;
 #define MAX_ID_LEN 50
 /* char        outstr[MAX_ID_LEN+1] = "STDOUT"; */
-char        *outstr = NULL;
+/* char        *outstr = NULL; */
 extern double ticscale; /* scale factor for tic marks (was (0..1])*/
-double        ticscale = 1.0; /* scale factor for tic mark */
-char *input_line = NULL;
-int inline_num;          /* from command.c */
-float xsize=1.0, ysize=1.0;
-double pointsize=1.0;		/* During test! */
-int interactive;    /* from plot.c */
-char *infile_name;       /* from plot.c */
-extern char     default_font[];
-char            default_font[MAX_ID_LEN+1] = "\0"; /* Entry added by DJL */
 typedef int TBOOLEAN;
+extern char     default_font[];
 enum DATA_TYPES {
@@ -136,11 +109,10 @@ struct lexical_unit {	/* produced by sca
 /* char *token; */
 #define MAX_TOKENS 20
 extern struct lexical_unit *token;
-struct lexical_unit tokens[MAX_TOKENS];	/* We only process options,
-					   there should not be many */
-struct lexical_unit *token = tokens;
-long c_token = 0, num_tokens = 0;
-char term_options[200] = "";
+extern long c_token;
+extern long num_tokens;
+extern char *input_line;
+/* char term_options[200] = ""; */
 /* New with 3.7.1: */
@@ -165,11 +137,7 @@ extern double base_array[], log_base_arr
 extern TBOOLEAN log_array[];
 /* graphics.c */
 extern TBOOLEAN is_3d_plot;
-double min_array[AXIS_ARRAY_SIZE], max_array[AXIS_ARRAY_SIZE], base_array[AXIS_ARRAY_SIZE], log_base_array[AXIS_ARRAY_SIZE];
-int xleft, xright, ybot, ytop;
-TBOOLEAN is_3d_plot;
+extern float xsize, ysize;
 /* End of 3.7.1 additions */
@@ -183,6 +151,53 @@ extern double			log_base_log_x2, log_bas
 extern double base_z;
 extern TBOOLEAN screen_ok;
+/* End of 3.7.0-devel additions */
+FILE *outfile = NULL;
+FILE *gpoutfile = NULL;
+static int outfile_set;
+static void
+  outfile = stdout;
+  gpoutfile = stdout;
+int        encoding = 0;
+float                   xoffset = 0.0;  /* x origin */
+float                   yoffset = 0.0;  /* y origin */
+/* int		multiplot		= 0; */
+double        ticscale = 1.0; /* scale factor for tic mark */
+char *input_line = NULL;
+int inline_num;          /* from command.c */
+float xsize=1.0, ysize=1.0;
+double pointsize=1.0;		/* During test! */
+int interactive;    /* from plot.c */
+char *infile_name;       /* from plot.c */
+char            default_font[MAX_ID_LEN+1] = "\0"; /* Entry added by DJL */
+struct lexical_unit tokens[MAX_TOKENS];	/* We only process options,
+					   there should not be many */
+struct lexical_unit *token = tokens;
+long c_token = 0, num_tokens = 0;
+/* char term_options[200] = ""; */
+/* New with 3.7.1: */
+double min_array[AXIS_ARRAY_SIZE], max_array[AXIS_ARRAY_SIZE], base_array[AXIS_ARRAY_SIZE], log_base_array[AXIS_ARRAY_SIZE];
+int xleft, xright, ybot, ytop;
+TBOOLEAN is_3d_plot;
+/* End of 3.7.1 additions */
+/* 3.7.0-devel additions */
 float surface_rot_z = 30.0;
 TBOOLEAN polar = 0;
 TBOOLEAN is_log_x = 0;
@@ -200,7 +215,7 @@ TBOOLEAN screen_ok;
 void map3d_xy (double x, double y, double z, unsigned int *xt, unsigned int *yt)
   (void)x; (void)y; (void)z; (void)xt; (void)yt;
-  croak("Unsupported function map3d_xy called");
+    croak("Unsupported function map3d_xy called");
 /* End of 3.7.0-devel additions */
@@ -210,12 +225,15 @@ void map3d_xy (double x, double y, doubl
 struct value*
 const_express(struct value*v)
-  if (token[c_token].is_token)
-      croak("Expect a number, got a string");
-  *v = token[c_token++].l_val;
-  return v;
+    if (token[c_token].is_token)
+	croak("Expect a number, got a string");
+    *v = token[c_token++].l_val;
+    return v;
+df_showdata(void) {}
 gp_alloc(unsigned long size, char *usage)
@@ -236,6 +254,8 @@ bail_to_command_line()
   croak("panic: gnuplot");
+#endif /* !GNUPLOT_NO_CODE_EMIT */
 #endif	/* NO_JUNK_SMALL */ 
 /* Cannot pull the whole plot.h, too many contradictions. */
@@ -246,6 +266,205 @@ typedef int (*FUNC_PTR)(...);
 typedef int (*FUNC_PTR)();
+#ifndef __PROTO
+#  define __PROTO(proto) proto
+#if 1
+/* this order means we can use  x-(just*strlen(text)*t->h_char)/2 if
+ * term cannot justify
+ */
+typedef enum JUSTIFY {
+    LEFT,
+    CENTRE,
+    RIGHT
+ *    color modes
+ */
+typedef enum { 
+    SMPAL_COLOR_MODE_GRAY = 'g',      /* grayscale only */
+    SMPAL_COLOR_MODE_RGB = 'r',       /* one of several fixed transforms */ 
+    SMPAL_COLOR_MODE_FUNCTIONS = 'f', /* user definded transforms */
+    SMPAL_COLOR_MODE_GRADIENT = 'd'   /* interpolated table: 
+				       * explicitly defined or read from file */
+} palette_color_mode;
+/* Contains a colour in RGB scheme.
+   Values of  r, g and b  are all in range [0;1] */
+typedef struct {
+    double r, g, b;
+} rgb_color;
+/* to build up gradients:  whether it is really red, green and blue or maybe
+ * hue saturation and value in col depends on cmodel */
+typedef struct {
+  double pos;
+  rgb_color col;
+} gradient_struct;
+typedef struct value t_value;
+# define MAX_NUM_VAR	5
+/* user-defined function table entry */
+typedef struct udft_entry {
+    struct udft_entry *next_udf; /* pointer to next udf in linked list */
+    char *udf_name;		/* name of this function entry */
+    struct at_type *at;		/* pointer to action table to execute */
+    char *definition;		/* definition of function as typed */
+    t_value dummy_values[MAX_NUM_VAR]; /* current value of dummy variables */
+} udft_entry;
+typedef struct {
+  /** Constants: **/
+  /* (Fixed) number of formulae implemented for gray index to RGB
+   * mapping in color.c.  Usage: somewhere in `set' command to check
+   * that each of the below-given formula R,G,B are lower than this
+   * value. */
+  int colorFormulae;
+  /** Values that can be changed by `set' and shown by `show' commands: **/
+  palette_color_mode colorMode;
+  /* mapping formulae for SMPAL_COLOR_MODE_RGB */
+  int formulaR, formulaG, formulaB;
+  char positive;		/* positive or negative figure */
+  /* Now the variables that contain the discrete approximation of the
+   * desired palette of smooth colours as created by make_palette in
+   * pm3d.c.  This is then passed into terminal's make_palette, who
+   * transforms this [0;1] into whatever it supports.  */
+  /* Only this number of colour positions will be used even though
+   * there are some more available in the discrete palette of the
+   * terminal.  Useful for multiplot.  Max. number of colours is taken
+   * if this value equals 0.  Unused by: PostScript */
+  int use_maxcolors;
+  /* Number of colours used for the discrete palette. Equals to the
+   * result from term->make_palette(NULL), or restricted by
+   * use_maxcolor.  Used by: pm, gif. Unused by: PostScript */
+  int colors;
+  /* Table of RGB triplets resulted from applying the formulae. Used
+   * in the 2nd call to term->make_palette for a terminal with
+   * discrete colours. Unused by PostScript which has calculates them
+   * analytically. */
+  rgb_color *color;
+  /** Variables used by some terminals **/
+  /* Option unique for output to PostScript file.  By default,
+   * ps_allcF=0 and only the 3 selected rgb color formulae are written
+   * into the header preceding pm3d map in the file.  If ps_allcF is
+   * non-zero, then print there all color formulae, so that it is easy
+   * to play with choosing manually any color scheme in the PS file
+   * (see the definition of "/g"). Like that you can get the
+   * Rosenbrock multiplot figure on my gnuplot.html#pm3d demo page.
+   * Note: this option is used by all terminals of the postscript
+   * family, i.e. postscript, pslatex, epslatex, so it will not be
+   * comfortable to move it to the particular .trm files. */
+  char ps_allcF;
+  /* These variables are used to define interpolated color palettes:
+   * gradient is an array if (gray,color) pairs.  This array is 
+   * gradient_num entries big.  
+   * Interpolated tables are used if colorMode==SMPAL_COLOR_MODE_GRADIENT */
+  int gradient_num;
+  gradient_struct *gradient;
+  /* the used color model: RGB, HSV, XYZ, etc. */
+  int cmodel;  
+  /* Three mapping function for gray->RGB/HSV/XYZ/etc. mapping
+   * used if colorMode == SMPAL_COLOR_MODE_FUNCTIONS */
+  struct udft_entry Afunc;  /* R for RGB, H for HSV, C for CMY, ... */
+  struct udft_entry Bfunc;  /* G for RGB, S for HSV, M for CMY, ... */
+  struct udft_entry Cfunc;  /* B for RGB, V for HSV, Y for CMY, ... */
+  /* gamma for gray scale palettes only */
+  double gamma;
+} t_sm_palette;
+/* a point (with integer coordinates) for use in polygon drawing */
+typedef struct {
+    unsigned int x, y;
+    double z;
+    colorspec_t spec;
+} gpiPoint;
+typedef struct TERMENTRY {
+    const char *name;
+#ifdef WIN16
+    const char GPFAR description[80];  /* to make text go in FAR segment */
+    const char *description;
+    unsigned int xmax,ymax,v_char,h_char,v_tic,h_tic;
+    void (*options) __PROTO((void));
+    void (*init) __PROTO((void));
+    void (*reset) __PROTO((void));
+    void (*text) __PROTO((void));
+    int (*scale) __PROTO((double, double));
+    void (*graphics) __PROTO((void));
+    void (*move) __PROTO((unsigned int, unsigned int));
+    void (*vector) __PROTO((unsigned int, unsigned int));
+    void (*linetype) __PROTO((int));
+    void (*put_text) __PROTO((unsigned int, unsigned int, const char*));
+    /* the following are optional. set term ensures they are not NULL */
+    int (*text_angle) __PROTO((int));
+    int (*justify_text) __PROTO((enum JUSTIFY));
+    void (*point) __PROTO((unsigned int, unsigned int,int));
+    void (*arrow) __PROTO((unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, TBOOLEAN));
+    int (*set_font) __PROTO((const char *font));
+    void (*pointsize) __PROTO((double)); /* change pointsize */
+    int flags;
+    void (*suspend) __PROTO((void)); /* called after one plot of multiplot */
+    void (*resume)  __PROTO((void)); /* called before plots of multiplot */
+    void (*fillbox) __PROTO((int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)); /* clear in multiplot mode */
+    void (*linewidth) __PROTO((double linewidth));
+#ifdef USE_MOUSE
+    int (*waitforinput) __PROTO((void));     /* used for mouse input */
+    void (*put_tmptext) __PROTO((int, const char []));   /* draws temporary text; int determines where: 0=statusline, 1,2: at corners of zoom box, with \r separating text above and below the point */
+    void (*set_ruler) __PROTO((int, int));    /* set ruler location; x<0 switches ruler off */
+    void (*set_cursor) __PROTO((int, int, int));   /* set cursor style and corner of rubber band */
+    void (*set_clipboard) __PROTO((const char[]));  /* write text into cut&paste buffer (clipboard) */
+#ifdef PM3D
+    int (*make_palette) __PROTO((t_sm_palette *palette));
+    /* 1. if palette==NULL, then return nice/suitable
+       maximal number of colours supported by this terminal.
+       Returns 0 if it can make colours without palette (like 
+       postscript).
+       2. if palette!=NULL, then allocate its own palette
+       return value is undefined
+       3. available: some negative values of max_colors for whatever 
+       can be useful
+     */
+    void (*previous_palette) __PROTO((void));  
+    /* release the palette that the above routine allocated and get 
+       back the palette that was active before.
+       Some terminals, like displays, may draw parts of the figure
+       using their own palette. Those terminals that possess only 
+       one palette for the whole plot don't need this routine.
+     */
+    void (*set_color) __PROTO((double gray));
+    /* gray is from [0;1], terminal uses its palette or another way
+       to transform in into gray or r,g,b
+       This routine (for each terminal separately) remembers or not
+       this colour so that it can apply it for the subsequent drawings
+     */
+    void (*filled_polygon) __PROTO((int points, gpiPoint *corners));
 struct TERMENTRY {
         char *name;
 #if defined(_Windows) && !defined(WIN32)
@@ -260,6 +479,7 @@ struct TERMENTRY {
 	int flags;
         FUNC_PTR suspend,resume,fillbox,linewidth;
 #ifdef _Windows
 #  define termentry TERMENTRY far
@@ -268,7 +488,10 @@ struct TERMENTRY {
 extern struct termentry *term;
 struct termentry *term;
+#endif /* !GNUPLOT_NO_CODE_EMIT */
 #define RETVOID
 #define RETINT , 1
@@ -278,8 +501,10 @@ struct termentry *term;
 #define F_1I int(*)(int)
 #define F_1D void(*)(double)
 #define F_1IP int(*)(char*)
+#define F_1IV int(*)(void*)
 #define F_2 void(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int)
 #define F_2D int(*)(double,double)
+#define F_2T void(*)(int,void*)
 #define F_3 void(*)(unsigned int,unsigned int,int)
 #define F_3T void(*)(int,int,char*)
 #define F_4 void(*)(int,int,int,int)
@@ -290,10 +515,13 @@ struct termentry *term;
 #define CALL_G_METH1I(method,arg1) CALL_G_METH(method,1I,(arg1),RETINT)
 #define CALL_G_METH1D(method,arg1) CALL_G_METH(method,1D,(arg1),RETVOID)
 #define CALL_G_METH1IP(method,arg1) CALL_G_METH(method,1IP,(arg1),RETINT)
+#define CALL_G_METH1IV(method,arg1) CALL_G_METH(method,1IV,(arg1),RETINT)
 #define CALL_G_METH2(method,arg1,arg2) \
 #define CALL_G_METH2D(method,arg1,arg2) \
+#define CALL_G_METH2T(method,arg1,arg2) \
+		CALL_G_METH(method,2T,((arg1),(arg2)),RETVOID)
 #define CALL_G_METH3(method,arg1,arg2,arg3) \
 #define CALL_G_METH3T(method,arg1,arg2,arg3) \
@@ -307,12 +535,15 @@ struct termentry *term;
        (term==0) ? (						\
 	 croak("No terminal specified") returnval		\
        ) :							\
-       (*(CAT2(F_,mult))term->method)args		\
-     )
+         ((term->method==0) ? (					\
+	   croak("Terminal does not define " STRINGIFY(method)) returnval \
+         ) :							\
+           (*(CAT2(F_,mult))term->method)args			\
+     ))
-#define GET_G_FLAG(mask)    (		\
+#define GET_G_FLAG(mask)    (					\
        (term==0) ? (						\
-	 croak("No terminal specified") RETINT		\
+	 croak("No terminal specified") RETINT			\
        ) :							\
        (term->flags & (mask)))
@@ -324,7 +555,7 @@ struct termentry *term;
 #define reset()		CALL_G_METH0(reset)
 #define text()		CALL_G_METH0(text)
-#define options()	CALL_G_METH0(options)
+#define t_options()	CALL_G_METH0(options)
 #define graphics()	CALL_G_METH0(graphics)
 #define linetype(lt)	CALL_G_METH1(linetype,lt)
 #define justify_text(mode)	CALL_G_METH1I(justify_text,mode)
@@ -345,6 +576,38 @@ struct termentry *term;
 #define cannot_multiplot()	GET_G_FLAG(TERgM_CANNOT_MULTIPLOT)
 #define is_binary()	GET_G_FLAG(TERgM_BINARY)
+#ifdef PM3D
+#define term_make_palette(palette)	CALL_G_METH1IV(make_palette,palette)
+    /* 1. if palette==NULL, then return nice/suitable
+       maximal number of colours supported by this terminal.
+       Returns 0 if it can make colours without palette (like 
+       postscript).
+       2. if palette!=NULL, then allocate its own palette
+       return value is undefined
+       3. available: some negative values of max_colors for whatever 
+       can be useful
+     */
+#define previous_palette()	CALL_G_METH0(previous_palette)
+    /* release the palette that the above routine allocated and get 
+       back the palette that was active before.
+       Some terminals, like displays, may draw parts of the figure
+       using their own palette. Those terminals that possess only 
+       one palette for the whole plot don't need this routine.
+     */
+#define set_color(size)	CALL_G_METH1D(set_color,size)
+    /* gray is from [0;1], terminal uses its palette or another way
+       to transform in into gray or r,g,b
+       This routine (for each terminal separately) remembers or not
+       this colour so that it can apply it for the subsequent drawings
+     */
+#define filled_polygon(num,corners)	CALL_G_METH2T(filled_polygon,num,corners)
+extern t_sm_palette sm_palette;
 #define termprop(prop) (term->prop)
 #define termset(term) my_change_term(term,strlen(term))
@@ -366,6 +629,20 @@ typedef void (*SET_MOUSE_FEEDBACK_RECTAG
 			     int term_ymin, int term_ymax,
 			     double plot_xmin, double plot_xmax,
 			     double plot_ymin, double plot_ymax);
+typedef void (*SET_TOKENS_t)(struct lexical_unit *toks, int ntoks, char *s);
+typedef int (*START_END_OUTPUT_t)(void);
+typedef int (*DO_OUTPUT_LINE_t)(char *s);
+typedef struct {
+  START_END_OUTPUT_t start_output_fun, end_output_fun;
+  DO_OUTPUT_LINE_t output_line_fun;
+typedef int (set_output_routines_t)(OUTPUT_FUNC_t *funcs);
+typedef OUTPUT_FUNC_t * (get_output_routines_t)(void);
+typedef int (*GET_TERMS_t)(int n, const char **namep, const char **descrp);
 struct t_ftable {
   int loaded;
@@ -375,8 +652,15 @@ struct t_ftable {
   GET_SIZES_t get_sizesp;
   TST_END_FP term_funcs[TTABLE_COUNT];
   SET_MOUSE_FEEDBACK_RECTAGLE_t mouse_feedback_func;
+  TSET_FP setup_exe_path_func;
+  SET_TOKENS_t set_tokens_func;
+  set_output_routines_t *set_output_routines_func;
+  get_output_routines_t *get_output_routines_func;
+  GET_TERMS_t get_terms_func;
 #ifdef DYNAMIC_PLOTTING			/* Can load plotting DLL later */
@@ -395,6 +679,7 @@ static void myterm_table_not_loaded_v4i4
 			     int term_ymin, int term_ymax,
 			     double plot_xmin, double plot_xmax,
 			     double plot_ymin, double plot_ymax);
+static void myterm_table_not_loaded_v1t1i1p(struct lexical_unit *toks, int ntoks, char *s);
 #if 0
 static int ftable_warned;
 static void
@@ -414,7 +699,8 @@ static struct t_ftable my_term_ftable = 
 	{&myterm_table_not_loaded_v, &myterm_table_not_loaded_v, 
 	 &myterm_table_not_loaded_v, &myterm_table_not_loaded_v,
 	 &myterm_table_not_loaded_v, &myterm_table_not_loaded_v},
-	myterm_table_not_loaded_v4i4d
+	myterm_table_not_loaded_v4i4d, &myterm_table_not_loaded,
+	myterm_table_not_loaded_v1t1i1p
 static struct t_ftable *my_term_ftablep = &my_term_ftable;
@@ -468,6 +754,13 @@ static void myterm_table_not_loaded_v4i4
+static void myterm_table_not_loaded_v1t1i1p(struct lexical_unit *toks, int ntoks, char *s)
+  (void)toks; (void)ntoks; (void)s;
+  myterm_table_not_loaded_v();
 #  define change_term		(*my_term_ftablep->change_term_p)
 #  define term_set_output	(*my_term_ftablep->term_set_outputp)
 #  define term_start_plot	(*my_term_ftablep->term_funcs[TTABLE_STARTPLOT])
@@ -488,6 +781,30 @@ static void myterm_table_not_loaded_v4i4
 	 ((*my_term_ftablep->mouse_feedback_func)(term_xmin, term_xmax, term_ymin, term_ymax, plot_xmin, plot_xmax, plot_ymin, plot_ymax), 0) : 0)
 #endif	/* defined USE_SET_FEEDBACK_RECTANGLE */
+#define my_setup_exe_path(dir)	\
+	((my_term_ftablep->loaded & 4) ?	\
+	 ((*my_term_ftablep->setup_exe_path_func)(dir), 0) : 0)
+#define run_do_options()			\
+	((my_term_ftablep->loaded & 8) ?	\
+	 ((*my_term_ftablep->set_tokens_func)(tokens,num_tokens,input_line), 0) :	\
+	 (t_options(), 0))
+#define set_output_routines(f)					\
+	((my_term_ftablep->loaded & 8) ?			\
+	 ((*my_term_ftablep->set_output_routines_func)(f)) :	\
+	 (0))
+#define get_output_routines()		\
+	((my_term_ftablep->loaded & 8) ?	\
+	 ((*my_term_ftablep->get_output_routines_func)()) :	\
+	 ((OUTPUT_FUNC_t*)0))
+#define get_terms(n,p1,p2)					\
+	((my_term_ftablep->loaded & 8) ?			\
+	 ((*my_term_ftablep->get_terms_func)(n,p1,p2)) :	\
+	 (0))
 #  define scaled_xmax()	((int)(termprop(xmax)*plotsizes_scale_get(0)))
 #  define scaled_ymax()	((int)(termprop(ymax)*plotsizes_scale_get(1)))
@@ -547,26 +864,57 @@ set_term_ftable(struct t_ftable *p)
 extern struct t_ftable *get_term_ftable();
+#define options() run_do_options()
 #else /* !DYNAMIC_PLOTTING */
 #define set_mouse_feedback_rectangle  mys_mouse_feedback_rectangle
+#define my_setup_exe_path setup_exe_paths
+extern void setup_exe_paths(char *path);
+#define options()	t_options()
+extern int my_set_output_routines(OUTPUT_FUNC_t *func);
+extern OUTPUT_FUNC_t * my_get_output_routines(void);
+#define set_output_routines		my_set_output_routines
+#define get_output_routines		my_get_output_routines
+#define get_terms			my_get_terms
+extern int my_get_terms(int n, const char **namep, const char **descrp);
 extern struct termentry term_tbl[];
 extern double min_array[], max_array[];
 extern int xleft, xright, ybot, ytop;
+extern void mys_mouse_feedback_rectangle(int term_xmin, int term_xmax, 
+			     int term_ymin, int term_ymax,
+			     double plot_xmin, double plot_xmax,
+			     double plot_ymin, double plot_ymax);
 mys_mouse_feedback_rectangle(int term_xmin, int term_xmax, 
 			     int term_ymin, int term_ymax,
 			     double plot_xmin, double plot_xmax,
 			     double plot_ymin, double plot_ymax)
-  xleft = term_xmin, xright = term_xmax;
-  ybot = term_ymin, ytop = term_ymax;
-  min_array[FIRST_X_AXIS] = min_array[SECOND_X_AXIS] = plot_xmin;
-  max_array[FIRST_X_AXIS] = max_array[SECOND_X_AXIS] = plot_xmax;
-  min_array[FIRST_Y_AXIS] = min_array[SECOND_Y_AXIS] = plot_ymin;
-  max_array[FIRST_Y_AXIS] = max_array[SECOND_Y_AXIS] = plot_ymax;
+	gp4mouse.xleft  = term_xmin;
+	gp4mouse.xright = term_xmax;
+	gp4mouse.ybot   = term_ymin;
+	gp4mouse.ytop   = term_ymax;
+	gp4mouse.xmin   = plot_xmin;
+	gp4mouse.xmax   = plot_xmax;
+	gp4mouse.ymin   = plot_ymin;
+	gp4mouse.ymax   = plot_ymax;
+	gp4mouse.is_log_x = 0;
+	gp4mouse.is_log_y = 0;
+	gp4mouse.log_base_log_x = 10;
+	gp4mouse.log_base_log_y = 10;
+	gp4mouse.graph  = graph2d;
+#endif /* !GNUPLOT_NO_CODE_EMIT */
 #  define my_change_term	change_term
 #  define my_term_tbl		term_tbl
@@ -578,23 +926,85 @@ extern void term_start_multiplot(void);
 extern void term_end_multiplot(void);
 extern void term_init(void);
 extern void list_terms(void);
+extern int  term_count(void);
-static void
+extern void plotsizes_scale(double x, double y);
+extern double plotsizes_get(int flag);
+extern DO_OUTPUT_LINE_t output_line_p;
 plotsizes_scale(double x, double y)	{ xsize=x; ysize=y; }
-static double
 plotsizes_get(int flag)	{ return (flag ? ysize : xsize); }
+static void
+my_do_options(struct lexical_unit *toks, int ntoks, char *s)
+  int i = -1;
+  char *ol = input_line;
+  num_tokens = ntoks;
+  while (++i < MAX_TOKENS)
+    tokens[i] = toks[i];
+  c_token = 0;
+  input_line = s;
+  options();
+  input_line = ol;
+OUTPUT_FUNC_t output_functions;
+#define OUTPUT_FUNCTIONS(field) (output_functions.field)
+my_set_output_routines(OUTPUT_FUNC_t *f)
+  if (f->start_output_fun)
+	output_functions.start_output_fun = f->start_output_fun;
+  if (f->end_output_fun)
+	output_functions.end_output_fun = f->end_output_fun;
+  if (f->output_line_fun)
+	output_functions.output_line_fun = f->output_line_fun;
+  return 1;
+  return(&output_functions);
 struct t_ftable my_term_ftable =
-	2,		/* bit 2 means it has mys_mouse_feedback_rectangle */
+	/* bits 0x2: has mys_mouse_feedback_rectangle;
+		0x4: setup_exe_path
+		0x8: do_options & [gs]et_output_routines & get_terms */
+	0x2 | 0x4 | 0x08,
 	(FUNC_PTR)&change_term, &term_set_output,
 	&plotsizes_scale, &plotsizes_get,
 	{&term_start_plot, &term_end_plot, 
 	 &term_start_multiplot, &term_end_multiplot, &term_init, &list_terms},
-	&mys_mouse_feedback_rectangle
+	&mys_mouse_feedback_rectangle, &setup_exe_paths,
+	&my_do_options,	&my_set_output_routines, &my_get_output_routines,
+	&my_get_terms
+my_get_terms(int n, const char **namep, const char **descrp)
+  int termc;
+  if (n < 0) return 0;
+  termc = term_count();
+  if (n >= termc) return 0;
+  *namep = term_tbl[n].name;
+  *descrp = term_tbl[n].description;
+  return 1;
 struct t_ftable *get_term_ftable()	{ SET_OUTFILE; return &my_term_ftable; }
 void set_term_ftable()	{ SET_OUTFILE; }
@@ -609,6 +1019,7 @@ set_term_funcp3(FUNC_PTR change_p, void 
 	my_term_ftable.term_set_outputp = tchange;
+#endif /* !GNUPLOT_NO_CODE_EMIT */
 #define scaled_xmax()	((int)termprop(xmax)*xsize)
 #define scaled_ymax()	((int)termprop(ymax)*ysize)
@@ -618,14 +1029,18 @@ set_term_funcp3(FUNC_PTR change_p, void 
 #define int_get_term_ftable()	((IV)get_term_ftable())
 #define int_set_term_ftable(a) (v_set_term_ftable((void*)a))
 v_set_term_ftable(void *a) { set_term_ftable((struct t_ftable*)a); }
+#endif /* !GNUPLOT_NO_CODE_EMIT */
 typedef void (*set_term_ftable_t)(struct t_ftable *p);
 typedef struct t_ftable *(get_term_ftable_t)(void);
 extern get_term_ftable_t *get_term_ftable_get(void);
 static int shim_set;
@@ -650,6 +1065,7 @@ setup_gpshim(void) {
+#endif /* !GNUPLOT_NO_CODE_EMIT */
 /* This sets the tokens for the options */
@@ -658,7 +1074,7 @@ set_tokens_string(char *start)
     char *s = start;
     char *tstart;
-    int is_real, is_integer, has_exp;
+    int is_real, is_integer, is_string, has_exp;
     num_tokens = 0;
     while (num_tokens < MAX_TOKENS) {
@@ -672,12 +1088,19 @@ set_tokens_string(char *start)
 	    is_integer = is_real = 0;
 	    goto process;
-	is_integer = is_real = ((*s) != 0);
-	if (*s == '+' || *s == '-')
+	is_string = ((*tstart == '"') || (*tstart == '\''));
+	is_integer = is_real = (((*s) != 0) && !is_string);
+	if (is_string)
+	    s += 2;
+	else if (*s == '+' || *s == '-')
 	has_exp = 0;
-	while (*s && !(*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n')) {
-	    if (!(*s <= '9' && *s >= '0')) {
+	while ( *s &&
+		(is_string
+		 ? (s[-1] != *tstart)
+		 : !(*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n')) ) {
+	    if (is_string) /* DO NOTHING */;
+	    else if (!(*s <= '9' && *s >= '0')) {
 		if (*s == '.') {		
 		    if (!is_integer)
 			is_real = 0;
@@ -712,6 +1135,7 @@ set_tokens_string(char *start)
 	    token[num_tokens].l_val.v.cmplx_val.imag = 0;
 	} else {
 	    token[num_tokens].is_token = 1;
+/* printf("Token `%.*s'\n", token[num_tokens].length, input_line + token[num_tokens].start_index); */
@@ -736,15 +1160,32 @@ set_options_from(char *s)
-StartOutput() { return 0; }
+StartOutput() {
+  if (output_functions.start_output_fun)
+	return( (output_functions.start_output_fun)() );
+  return 0;
-EndOutput() { return 0; }
+EndOutput() {
+  if (output_functions.end_output_fun)
+	return( (output_functions.end_output_fun)() );
+  return 0;
 OutLine(char *s)
+  if (output_functions.output_line_fun)
+	return( (output_functions.output_line_fun)(s) );
    return fprintf(stdout, "%s", s);
--- ./src/graph/plotgnuplot.c-ini	Sun Dec 19 04:52:22 2004
+++ ./src/graph/plotgnuplot.c	Fri May 26 15:41:14 2006
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suit
 # include "pari.h"
 #include "rect.h"
-#define croak(str) err(talker,str)
+#define croak(str)		err(talker,str)
+#define croak2(fmt, str)	err(talker,fmt,str)
 /* The gnuplot library may reference a function with *this* name */
@@ -44,32 +44,32 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suit
 #  endif
 int X11_init, is_builtin = DEFAULT_IS_BUILTIN;
 extern void  X11_PARI_get_plot(long fatal);
-extern void  X11_rectdraw0(long *w, long *x, long *y, long lw, long do_free);
-extern void  X11_set_pointsize(double d);
-extern long  X11_term_set(char *s);
-static void my_rectdraw0(long *w, long *x, long *y, long lw, long do_free);
+extern void  X11_rectdraw0(long *w, long *x, long *y, long lw);
+static void my_rectdraw0(long *w, long *x, long *y, long lw);
 #  define X11_PARI_get_plot         PARI_get_plot
 #  define X11_rectdraw0             rectdraw0
-#  define X11_set_pointsize         set_pointsize
-#  define X11_term_set              term_set
+#define X11_set_pointsize(d)         1
+#define X11_term_set(s)              1
+static char *exe_dir = 0;
-rectdraw0(long *w, long *x, long *y, long lw, long do_free)
+rectdraw0(long *w, long *x, long *y, long lw)
 #  ifdef BOTH_GNUPLOT_AND_X11
     if (is_builtin) {
-	X11_rectdraw0(w, x, y, lw, do_free);
+	X11_rectdraw0(w, x, y, lw);
-    my_rectdraw0(w, x, y, lw, do_free);
+    my_rectdraw0(w, x, y, lw);
 static void
-my_rectdraw0(long *w, long *x, long *y, long lw, long do_free)
+my_rectdraw0(long *w, long *x, long *y, long lw)
 #  endif	/* defined BOTH_GNUPLOT_AND_X11 */
   double *ptx,*pty;
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ my_rectdraw0(long *w, long *x, long *y, 
   RectObj *p1;
   int strdir = RoSTdirLEFT, can_justify = 1, shift = 0, xstart, xend;
-  (void)do_free;
   hgapsize = h_unit;  vgapsize = v_unit;
@@ -237,11 +236,13 @@ PARI_get_plot(long fatal)
       if (X11_init)
       if (getenv("DISPLAY")) {
+	  pari_plot.init = 0;
 	  X11_init = 1;
       is_builtin = 0;			/* Don't defaut to X11 if no DISPLAY */
+      pari_plot.init = 0;
 #endif	/* defined BOTH_GNUPLOT_AND_X11 */ 
   if (pari_plot.init)
@@ -250,22 +251,31 @@ PARI_get_plot(long fatal)
+static int no_start_end_out(void) {return 1;}
+static int tmp_output_line(char *s) { pariputs(s); return 1;}
+static OUTPUT_FUNC_t tmp_output_f
+    = {&no_start_end_out, &no_start_end_out, &tmp_output_line};
 term_set(char *s)
   char *t, *size = NULL;
   double x, y;
-  static int had_error;
+  static int had_error, exe_path;
-#ifdef BOTH_GNUPLOT_AND_X11    
   if (is_builtin) {
       if (!strcmp(s,"builtin")) {
 	  if (!getenv("DISPLAY"))
 	      goto complain;
-	  return X11_term_set(s);	  
+	  return 1;			/* Nothing to do */
       is_builtin = 0;
+      pari_plot.init = 0;
+      X11_init = 0;			/* Need to reset stuff */
       /* The following line may switch on Gnuplot's X11 term first: */
       /* PARI_get_plot(1); */
   } else if (!strcmp(s,"builtin")) {
@@ -278,19 +288,50 @@ term_set(char *s)
 	  if (pari_plot.init && strcmp(, "dumb"))
 	  is_builtin = 1;
+	  pari_plot.init = 0;
 	  X11_init = 1;
 /*      }*/
-      return X11_term_set(s);
+      return 1;
 #endif	/* defined BOTH_GNUPLOT_AND_X11     */ 
+  if (exe_dir && !exe_path++)
+      my_setup_exe_path(exe_dir);
   if (*s == 0)
       s =;
   t = s;
-  if (t[1] == '\0' && t[0] == '?') {
-     list_terms();
+  if (t[0] == '?') {
+    if (t[1] == '?' && t[2] == '\0') {
+      OUTPUT_FUNC_t old;
+      OUTPUT_FUNC_t *oldp = get_output_routines();
+      old = *oldp;
+      if (!set_output_routines(&tmp_output_f))
+	croak("Cannot reset output routines to copy term list to a variable");
+      list_terms();
+      if (!set_output_routines(&old))
+	croak("Cannot reset output routines back...");
+      list_terms();
+      pariputs("\tbuiltin\t\tThe GP/PARI builtin X11 plotting device (no options)\n");
+      return 1;
+    } else if (t[1] == '\0') {
+     pariputs("Low-level terminals of Gnuplot.  Query available terminals via\n"
+	    "\tplotterm(\"??\")\n"
+	    "Specify size (if it changable via scaling) as in \"termname=300,200\".\n"
+	    "Add terminal options (if applicable) after the name and SPACE char.\n"
+	    "See documentation of options in gnuplot, or, if via Term::Gnuplot, via\n"
+	    "    perldoc GnuplotTerminals\n");
      return 1;
+    }
   while (*t && !(*t == ' ' || *t == '\t' || *t == '\n' || *t == '='))
@@ -374,7 +415,7 @@ set_pointsize(double d) 
 #ifdef BOTH_GNUPLOT_AND_X11    
     if (is_builtin) {
-	X11_set_pointsize(d);
+	(void)X11_set_pointsize(d);
 #endif	/* defined BOTH_GNUPLOT_AND_X11     */ 
@@ -386,6 +427,12 @@ set_pointsize(double d) 
 #ifdef HAS_DLOPEN
 #include <dlfcn.h>
+/* Satisfy DLL dependencies: dummy only */
+#  define EXTERN_DLL_DPES *PL_markstack_ptr, PL_stack_max, *PL_Sv, *PL_stack_sp, \
+  *PL_tmps_floor, *PL_tmps_ix, *PL_markstack_max, *PL_stack_base, *PL_na, \
+  *PL_sv_yes, *PL_sv_no, *PL_curpad, *PL_op
 get_term_ftable_t *
 get_term_ftable_get(void) /* Establish runtime link with gnuplot engine */
@@ -408,26 +455,42 @@ get_term_ftable_get(void) /* Establish r
 	char cmdbuf[256];
 	FILE *p;
 	char ext[256];
-	char *sub;
+	char *sub, *sub1;
 	char name[256];
 	char *n = "Gnuplot";
+	int len;
 	/* Make 2 runs of Perl to shorten the command length */
 	/* Find the directory of the Term::Gnuplot's PM and DLL extension */
-	sprintf(cmdbuf, "perl -MTerm::Gnuplot -MConfig -wle %c"
+	sprintf(cmdbuf, "perl -MConfig -wle %cuse Term::Gnuplot;"
 		"print $INC{qq(Term/};print $Config{dlext}%c",
 	p = popen(cmdbuf, "r");
 	if (!p || !fgets(fbuf, sizeof(fbuf), p) || !fgets(ext, sizeof(ext), p))
 	    goto end_find;
+	/* Find the directory of the EXE files (as strip .pm) */
+	len = strlen(fbuf);
+	if (len > 4 && 0 == strcmp(".pm\n", fbuf + len - 4)) {
+	    fbuf[len - 4] = 0;
+	    exe_dir = strdup(fbuf);
+	} else
+	    croak2("filename of Term::Gnuplot does not end in `.pm': `%s'", fbuf);
 	/* Find the directory of the DLL file */
-	sub = strrchr(fbuf,'/');
+	sub  = strrchr(fbuf,'/');
+	sub1 = strrchr(fbuf,'\\');
+	if (sub1 && (!sub || sub < sub1))
+	    sub = sub1;
 	if (!sub)
 	    goto end_find;
 	/* Do as XSLoader */
 	sub[0] = 0;
-	sub = strrchr(fbuf,'/');
+	sub  = strrchr(fbuf,'/');
+	sub1 = strrchr(fbuf,'\\');
+	if (sub1 && (!sub || sub < sub1))
+	    sub = sub1;
+	if (!sub)
+	    goto end_find;
 	if (!sub)
 	    goto end_find;
 	if (sub - fbuf >= 9 && !strncmp(sub - 9, "/blib/lib",9)) {
@@ -461,7 +524,13 @@ get_term_ftable_get(void) /* Establish r
 	      "set GNUPLOT_DRAW_DLL environment variable"
 	      " to the name of the DLL,\n\t"
 	      "or install Perl module Term::Gnuplot, e.g., by running\n\t\t"
-	      "perl -MCPAN -e \"install Term::Gnuplot\"\n");
+	      "perl -MCPAN -e \"install Term::Gnuplot\"\n\t"
+	      "With Term::Gnuplot, if you don't have root access, consult\n\t\t"
+	      "perldoc -q \"my own\"\n\t"
+	      "alternatively, you can use an uninstalled version of Term::Gnuplot\n\t"
+	      "by running GP/PARI as\n\t\t"
+	      "env PERL5OPT=-Mblib=/directory/of/build/of/Term-Gnuplot gp\n"
+	      );
     h = dlopen(s, mode);
     if (!h) {
 	sprintf(buf,"Can't load Gnuplot drawing engine from '%s': %s", s, dlerror());
@@ -469,8 +538,11 @@ get_term_ftable_get(void) /* Establish r
 	return 0;
     f = dlsym(h, "get_term_ftable");
-    if (f)
-	return (get_term_ftable_t *)f;
+    if (f) {
+	get_term_ftable_t *ff = (get_term_ftable_t *)f;
+	return ff;
+    }
     sprintf(buf, "Can't resolve 'get_term_ftable' function from Gnuplot drawing engine '%s': %s", s, dlerror());
     return 0;