Bill Allombert on Sun, 07 Nov 2004 20:40:09 +0100

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experimental pari-ntl package

Hello PARI-dev,

I would like to announce the pari-ntl package.
This is a framework to interface GP with the NTL library of Victor Shoup

It is available at

Read the README file for installation instruction.

The package consists mainly of a C++ source file and a GP script.

When loaded the GP script give access to some NTL routine under GP.
for example, ntlfactormod() is the NTL implementation of factormod:

The functions available are: ntlfactorff, ntlpolrootsff, ntlffinit,
ntlfactormod, ntlfactorcantor, ntlfactor (for polynomials over Z only),

The C++ source file can also be used as a framework to interface GP with
other NTL functions. It provide code for converting between some NTL and 
PARI objects (integers and polynomials).

Acknowledgement: I would like to thank Guillaume Hanrot for contributing
the lllint wrapper code.
