Joe Christy on Sat, 10 Jul 2004 03:46:52 +0200

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Re: Is this a bug or have I lost my mind?

  Vis-a-vis Karim's note of 07/09/2004 12:36 PM:
* Joe Christy [2004-07-05 22:33]:

I don't understand why this member function invocation should be unknown:

         GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.2.8 (development CHANGES-1.975)
          i686 running linux (ix86/GMP-4.1.2 kernel) 32-bit version
      compiled: Jul  5 2004, gcc-3.3.3 20040412 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.3-7)


? cf = bnfinit(x^3 - 6*x^2 + 5*x - 1,1);
? bnfcertify(cf)
%2 = 1
? cf[8][5]
%3 = [x^2 - 5*x + 1, x^2 - 5*x + 2]
? cf.fu
 ***   unknown member function: cf.fu

I can't reproduce that. Maybe the description file was somewhat incorrectly
updated in your local copy ? (and then there's something wrong in our
Makefile logic...).


  rm src/desc/pari.desc
  make gp

	That didn't do it, even with a Make clean first

However, performing a clean cvs checkout did fix it. Looks like I forgot to update the cvs pserver that I was using from to Doh!
