Prof. Dr. Nils-Peter Skoruppa on Thu, 19 Feb 2004 14:38:34 +0100

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catching execeptions of libpari the nice way

We are currently setting up a sort of web server which
uses the pari library to provide various numerical data on demand.
Is there a reasonable way to catch exceptions of the pari library
without having it exit the whole machinery ( and tearing down
among others the server).
For the moment I declared the
static jmp_buf environnement
from language/init.c in one of my files as extern (after commenting out
the static, which crept in recently (?)) and put a setjmp( environnement)
at an approptiate place in one of my own supplied routines.
Though it seems to work (at least as interim solution
while we are developping)
I fear that this not what one is supposed/allowed to do.
Of course I already looked into gp.c for finding an answer
but, probably due to my ignorance, was unfortunately not able to pick up
a "quick" answer.
---Nils-Peter Skoruppa

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