Karim Belabas on Fri, 30 Jan 2004 17:16:59 +0100

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Re: Preparing PARI 2.3

* Bill Allombert [2004-01-28 02:11]:
> Above is a mail I sent a year ago that listed some problems that needed
> to be addressed before releasing.
> > --- The polrootspadic(x^2+8*x+4, 2, 2) bug is still not fixed.
> It is rather annoying, since PARI 2.1 give the correct result while 2.2
> give another (incorrect) result.

I believe this can (and should!) wait. See final comments below.

Both stable and unstable usually give an "incorrect" inconsistent result
is the precision is small. E.g

(16:42) gp > for (i = 1, 4, print( polrootspadic((x+1)^2-27,3,i) ) )
[2 + O(3)]~
[2 + O(3^2), 2 + 3 + O(3^2)]~
[2 + 2*3 + 2*3^2 + O(3^3)]~

(16:45) gp > for(i = 1, 4, print( polrootspadic(x^2-27, 3, i) ) )
[]~      \\ because ( O(3^2) )^2 = O(3^4), not Mod(0, 9)

(16:45) gp > polrootspadic((x-1)^2 + O(3^3), 3, 100)
%1 = [1 + O(3^100)]~

The exact problem is: do we want polrootspadic(A, p, r) to return

1) an existing p-adic root of A (in Qp), given to relative accuracy r ?
[ consistent with polroots() ]

2) the roots of A in Z / p^r ? 

As for 1), it can already be optained via factorpadic. It is in general
impossible to answer the question if coefficients of A are (inexact) p-adic
numbers. It might require a huge amount of computation to decide whether a
root exists or not, even if r = 1. True, it is still much easier/faster than

As for 2), polrootspadic currently does this for the roots which are not  0
mod p (because of the phenomenon described in the comment above). No other
routine does it and it would be straightforward to implement it consistently
(including 0 mod p !). We have a minor problem when A has non-p-integral
coefficients but one can always raise an error.

It should be fixed as 1) but 2) is also useful. Probably more so.

1) padicappr() has the same problem.

2) the various polroots routine are inconsistent wrt multiplicities: polroots
and polrootsmod(,,1) repeat roots, the others don't.

3) we badly need a FqX_roots routine ( easy from factmod9 code ),
there's a ridiculous loop over Fq in padicappr(). Also we must rename

  factmod0 --> FpX_factor

and have factmod9 / rootmod be simple wrappers for

  factmod9 --> FqX_factor 
  rootmod  --> FpX_roots

In short, there's a lot of (simple but annoying) work to do to properly fix
the problem. The problem is not specific to the unstable branch (only a few
specific instances are), and has been with us since the beginning.


Karim Belabas                     Tel: (+33) (0)1 69 15 57 48
Dep. de Mathematiques, Bat. 425   Fax: (+33) (0)1 69 15 60 19
Universite Paris-Sud              http://www.math.u-psud.fr/~belabas/ 
F-91405 Orsay (France)            http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/  [PARI/GP]