Phil Carmody on Wed, 13 Aug 2003 07:46:45 -0700 (PDT)

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factor() boob

The following version of GP:

GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.2.5 (alpha)
i686 running linux (ix86/GMP-4.1.2 kernel) 32-bit version
(readline v4.1 enabled, extended help available)

does naughty things when asked to factor simple difference of squares

gp > for(i=1,908,if(length(factor(x^2-i*i)~)==1,print(i"\t("x^2-i*i")\t"factor(x^2-i*i))))
58      (x^2 - 3364)    Mat([x^2 - 3364, 1])
59      (x^2 - 3481)    Mat([x^2 - 3481, 1])
61      (x^2 - 3721)    Mat([x^2 - 3721, 1])
62      (x^2 - 3844)    Mat([x^2 - 3844, 1])
893     (x^2 - 797449)  Mat([x^2 - 797449, 1])
895     (x^2 - 801025)  Mat([x^2 - 801025, 1])
896     (x^2 - 802816)  Mat([x^2 - 802816, 1])
898     (x^2 - 806404)  Mat([x^2 - 806404, 1])
899     (x^2 - 808201)  Mat([x^2 - 808201, 1])
901     (x^2 - 811801)  Mat([x^2 - 811801, 1])
902     (x^2 - 813604)  Mat([x^2 - 813604, 1])
904     (x^2 - 817216)  Mat([x^2 - 817216, 1])
905     (x^2 - 819025)  Mat([x^2 - 819025, 1])
907     (x^2 - 822649)  Mat([x^2 - 822649, 1])
908     (x^2 - 824464)  Mat([x^2 - 824464, 1])


Has this been noticed before or even already fixed?


Given that Dubya has control of a such vast arsenal, I'm sure 
the most pressing issue on his mind is :

Which bombs would Jesus drop?     (-- "mm")

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