Igor Schein on Fri, 17 Nov 2000 22:14:12 -0500

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Re: pari-2.1 released ! (fwd)

On Fri, Nov 17, 2000 at 08:29:05PM -0600, James G. McLaughlin wrote:
> Could some try reading in the following on the new version
> {cr=[1, x, -G, -x*(1 + x), -((H + x)/(x*(1 + x))), x, (f*(1 + f)*(1 +
> x))/x, -x, 
> (f^2 - K)/(f*(1 + f)*x*(1 + x)), 1 + x, -1 + x - G*x^2, -(f + (1 +
> f)*h*(1 + h)*(1 + x))/(f*x), 
> x, -G,   -x*(1 + x), 
> (-h^2 + L - b*f*(1 + f)*h*(1 + h)*(1 + x))/
>    (f*(1 + f)*h*(1 + h)*x*(1 + x)), 
> -(1/b^2) + x/b, 
>   b^2 + (b^3*x)/(1 + b), -(((1 + b)^2*G)/b^4), 
>   b^4 + (b^4*x)/(1 + b), -(1/b^4) + x/b^5, 
>   (b^6*f*(-1 + f*H))/(x*(1 + x)), -(x/b^5), 
>   b^4 + (b^4*(1 + f)*(-h^2 + (1 + h)^2*(-1 + h - k)*K)*
>      (1 + x))/(f*x), x/(b^4*(1 + b)), -b^4*(1 + b)^2*G, 
>   1/b^6 + x/(b^5*(1 + b)), -b^6 + b^7*x, 
>   (H + x)/(b^8*x*(1 + x)), -((b^8*x)/(1 + b)), 
>   -(((1 + b)^2*f*(1 + f)*(1 + x))/(b^8*x)), (b^8*x)/(1 + b)];}
> None of the variables have declared values.
> An earlier version 
>  GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.0.18 (beta)
>                  UltraSparc (MicroSparc kernel) 32-bit version
>                 (readline v1.0 enabled, extended help available)
> Gives a problem.

Funny, 2.0.18 is the only version which gives a problem, all earlier
and later versions including 2.1 work just fine. 
