Bill Allombert on Mon, 25 Jun 2018 18:11:31 +0200

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PARI package GALPOL 4.0 released

Dear PARI lovers,

Igor Schein and myself have just released GALPOL v4.0, a database of polynomials
defining Galois extensions of the rationals representing all abstract groups of
order up to 143, for all possible signatures, (3657 groups, 7194 polynomials)
see <>.

This release also includes the data needed for PARI 2.10.1 functions
galoisgetgroup (return the underlying group) and galoisgetname
(return the group name).

This database is available as a PARI package "galpol" from

Once installed, it can be accessed under GP using galoisgetpol.

? galoisgetname(8,3)
%1 = "D8"
? galoisgetgroup(8,3)
%2 =
? P=galoisgetpol(8,3,1);
? G=galoisinit(P[1],P[2]);
? galoisidentify(G)
%6 = [8,3]
? polsturm(P[1])
%7 = 8

Note that some polynomials are different between galpol v3.0 and galpol v4.0.

Bill and Igor.