Karim Belabas on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 11:35:13 +0200

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pari-2.3.1 (STABLE) released

Dear PARI lovers,

I would like to announce the release of pari-2.3.1 (STABLE). The sources and
a Windows binary can be obtained through the address


This is a BUGFIX release, fixing most problems reported so far (all the ones
we could reproduce).

Many thanks to all those who reported problems, on the mailing lists or
through our Bug Tracking System. ( See http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/Bugs/ )

Have fun,



P.S1: If you are running Mac OS X, please see this FAQ before reporting
problems with 'readline' (line editing):


An alternate fix has been proposed at 
but could not be properly tested yet.

P.S2: The Changelog.

Done for version 2.3.1 (released 06/10/2006):
[last column crossreferences current development release 2.4.0]
    1- typo in remiimul: wrong result in a "failsafe" branch (hardly ever
       taken). May affect modular powering /Fp if p >> 10^1300 [#457]
       Also affects the gmp kernel, for p >> 10^5800.                     [F1]
    2- inconsistent return type in nffactormod [#460]                     [F3]
    3- gammah(1+O(3^5)) --> incorrect type in ggamd.                      [F8]
    4- invalid read in copy_leaf [ SEGV in some libc ]                    [F9]
BA  5- ellheight short help was accidentally truncated.                   [F10]
    6- substpol(1+O(x^(2*n)),x^2,x) --> 1+O(x) instead of 1+O(x^n) [#470] [F11]
    7- [OS X] only use -no-cpp-precomp with Apple cc                      [F12]
    8- divrem(x,x,y) --> [1/y*x, 0]                                       [F13]
    9- typo in qflll: in rare cases (exact input+floating point computation+
       precision increase in last-but-1 step), the returned base change is not
       properly updated in last iteration --> basis not LLL-reduced       [F15]
   10- (1+x)/(1-x)/(1+x)^2 not simplified [#472,#473]                 [F14,F16]
   11- ispower(x^k, k) would answer 0 for some x and k in {3,5,7}  [#476] [F17]
   12- content(t_MAT with exactly 1 col) gave a wrong result              [F18]
   13- rare bug in red_montgomery (returning 0 with + sign, an incorrect object)
       [ polrootspadic(x^11+x,11,10) --> corrupts gen_0 ]                 [F20]
   14- qfbsolve(Qfb(1,2,10),5) --> [0,0; 0,0] instead of 0 [#479]         [F21]
   15- ispower(0, n, &z) would not set z                                  [F22]
   16- wrong result in conversion t_QUAD -> t_PADIC whenever disc = 1 (4) [F23]
JJ 17- gaddgsz macro was wrong [#481]                                     [F24]
   18- polsubcyclo(p^k, q) --> wrong result [ gener_Fl(p^k) can't handle
       k > 1, use gener instead ] [#480]                                  [F25]
SC 19- [GMP] mp_set_memory_functions was called with an incompatible realloc 
       function. [#484]                                                   [F26]
AM 20- [TeXmacs] typo in texmacs_output: x --> <bluex> [#491]             [F30]
BA 21- bnrstark prototype code was non-standard.                          [F34]
   22- rnfkummer(,,degree) often found too many fields [#482]             [F35]
   23- missing GC in forvec(,,2)                                          [F37]
   24- loss of accuracy in p-adic ellinit: wrong digits and spurious errors:
       E.g i = 5; ellinit([1, -1, 1, -1, -14]*(1+O(17^i)))                [F36]
   25- possible stack corruption in charpoly(,1)                          [F39]
   26- Ser(x) raised an error [#499]                                      [F40]

    1- remove CPP from Configure tests                                    [C3]
Karim Belabas                  Tel: (+33) (0)5 40 00 26 17
Universite Bordeaux 1          Fax: (+33) (0)5 40 00 69 50
351, cours de la Liberation    http://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~belabas/
F-33405 Talence (France)       http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/  [PARI/GP]