# Previous Ateliers: [2015 (Bordeaux)](Atelier%202015), [2016 (Grenoble)](Atelier%202016), [2017 (Lyon)](Atelier%202017) [2017b (Clermont-Ferrand)](Atelier%202017b) [2017c (Oujda)](Atelier%202017c) [2018 (Besançon)](Atelier%202018) # [Welcome to Atelier PARI/GP 2018b (Roma)](http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/Events/PARI2018b/) Please write you name under the relevant headers # OS ## Windows ## Macos ## Linux # Experience with PARI/GP ## Beginner ## Know how to write a GP program or function ## Have a computational project with PARI/GP # Proposed topics ## GP programming ## algebraic number theory ## class field theory ## elliptic curves cryptography ## elliptiques curves over number fields ## L-functions ## modular forms ## numerical summations and integrations ## parallel computing with GP