# Previous Ateliers: [2015 (Bordeaux)](Atelier%202015), [2016 (Grenoble)](Atelier%202016), [2017 (Lyon)](Atelier%202017) [2017b (Clermont-Ferrand)](Atelier%202017b) [2017c (Oujda)](Atelier%202017c) [2018 (Besançon)](Atelier%202018) [2018b (Roma)](Atelier%202018b) [2019 (Bordeaux)](Atelier%202019) [2019b (Roma)](Atelier%202019b) [2020 (Grenoble)](Atelier%202020) [2021b (Oujda)](Atelier%202021b) [2022 (Besançon)](Atelier%202022) # [Welcome to Atelier PARI/GP 2023 (CIRM)](http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/Events/PARI2023/) [Doctesting](doc2023) - Pascal M: Rosetta stone Magma/Sage/Pari for elliptic curves - Francesco P: elliptic curves - James: quaternion algebras - Robin: algebraic number theory - Karim S: ANT - Jean G: tutorials + pairings and elliptic curves - Aurel: quaternion algebras - Christian: number fields - Bernadette: doc - Francesco B: S-units - Jean K: theta functions - Karim B: helping around + improve qfminimize output + apply doctesting patches - François: modular parametrisation of Q-curves - Fabrice: tutorials, S-units - Nicolas: tutorials elliptic curves - Wessel: LLL - Pierrick: tutorials - Marine: doctesting - Pedro: tutorial - Ignasi: tutorial - Henry: tutorial - Xavier: p-adic L-functions - Denis: multdep - Njaka: tutorials - Thu Ha: elliptic curves - Henri: helping around