Revision eb713f024330c985b98c2e79e8aadd025f2a13ed (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from eb713f024330c985b98c2e79e8aadd025f2a13ed to current

Some recently written functions whose documentation needs to be proofread (see src/functions/ subdirectories)

- check short documentation (?fun) for clarity / correction / brevity

- check detailed description (??fun) for clarity / correction / completeness
  and missing / confusing / non-working examples.

- also check the function [online translation]( for
  conversion glitches.

Add you name next to the function if you're checking it. Either leave your
comments here or (preferred) edit the documentation in src/functions/*/fun
and send a patch

# Reference cards
- refcard
- refcard-ell
- refcard-ell (Valentin)
- refcard-lfun
- refcard-mf
- refcard-nf

# New functions
- asympnumraw
- bnfunits
- bnrclassfield
- ellpadiclambdamu
- eulerfrac
- eulerianpol
- eulerpol
- eulervec
- fft (KB)
- fftinv
- lfunshift
- matreduce
- mfisetaquo
- mscosets
- msfarey
- nfsubfields (not new but modified interface)
- nfsubfieldscm
- nfsubfieldsmax
- parplothexport
- rootsof1
- asympnumraw (Marine) [DONE, KB]
- bnfunits (Marine, ok)
- bnfisunit (Marine) [DONE, KB]
- bnrclassfield (Marine) [DONE, KB]
- ellpadiclambdamu (Paul)
- eulerfrac (Marine)
- eulerianpol (Marine, ok)
- eulerpol (Marine) [DONE, KB]
- eulervec (Marine) [DONE, KB]
- fft (Marine, ok)
- fftinv (Marine, ok)
- lfunshift (FB: In ?lfunshift, should be "shift of L by d". In ??lfunshift, %3 should be -0.5. Maybe explain the meaning of %2,%5,%6.) [DONE, KB]
- matreduce (Marine, ok)
- mfisetaquo (FB: in the last example, mfisetaquo doesn't behave as the doc indicates) [DONE, KB]
- mscosets (Paul)
- msfarey (FB: in the first def of G1(N), after my(), missing semi-colon) [DONE, KB]
- nfsubfields (not new but modified interface) (JK, ok)
- nfsubfieldscm (JK, ok)
- nfsubfieldsmax (JK, ok)
- parplothexport (Paul)
- nfrootsof1 (CH ok but need to change syntax "the $w$-th cyclotomic polynomial: the algorithm " "the $w$-th cyclotomic polynomial. The algorithm ".) [DONE, Aurel]
- rootsof1 (transcendental/rootsof1)

## OLDER FUNCTIONS (not proofread in 2019)

# Modular Forms
- mfTheta        
- mfatkin           
- mfatkineigenvalues
- mfatkininit      
- mfbasis        
- mfbd              
- mfbracket
- mfcoef           
- mfcoefs        
- mfconductor       
- mfcosets
- mfcuspisregular  
- mfcusps        
- mfcuspval         
- mfcuspwidth
- mfderiv          
- mfderivE2      
- mfdescribe        
- mfTheta  (Razvan ok) (Samuele: the level (4*conductor^2) should be added to make the normalization clear) [DONE, KB]      
- mfatkin  (Samuele: documentation accessed with ?? is OK, documentation accessed with ?: maybe change Q(F) to QQ(F) or remove it) [DONE, KB]      
- mfatkineigenvalues (Samuele: chi is the character of mf, it should be specified) [DONE, KB]
- mfatkininit (Razvan typo CM vs MC) [DONE, KB]   
- mfbasis (Samuele: CHI should be chi)   [DONE, KB]    
- mfbd   (Baptiste OK, maybe change the name for a more explicit one)    [KB: bad for backward compatibility to change the name at this point unless the new name is clearly better; what name would you use ?]      
- mfbracket (Samuele OK)
- mfcoef  (Baptiste, OK) (Samuele: documentation accessed with ? should be generalized modular form, documentation accessed with ?? should include a(n)) [DONE, KB]
- mfcoefs (Baptiste, OK)
- mfconductor  (Samuele: the code works not only for cuspoforms (Karim checked), so maybe mfconductor(mf,F): mf being output by mfinit and F a generalized modular form, gives the less common multiple of the levels of newforms in the decomposition of F.)  [DONE with a more precise formulation, KB]   
- mfcosets (Samuele : N can be an integer or a space of modular forms, so probably saying c divides N should become c divides N or the level of N) [DONE, KB]
- mfcuspisregular (Samuele: OK)
- mfcusps (Samuele: b divides N or the level of N)) [DONE, KB]       
- mfcuspval (Samuele: chi is the character of F, this should be added) [DONE, KB]
- mfcuspwidth (Samuele: Gamma_0(N) if N is an integer or Gamma_0(mfparams(N)[1])
  if N is a modular form space.) [DONE, KB]
- mfderiv (Samuele: OK)         
- mfderivE2 (Samuele: OK)
- mfdescribe (Samuele: the definition of leaf is missing, the parenthesis is not clear).        
- mfdim
- mfdiv            
- mfeigenbasis   
- mfeigensearch     
- mfeisenstein
- mfembed          
- mfeval         
- mffields          
- mffromell
- mffrometaquo     
- mffromlfun     
- mffromqf          
- mfgaloistype
- mfgaloisprojrep
- mfhecke          
- mfheckemat     
- mfinit            
- mfisCM
- mfinit (Razvan feature request : input a congruence group i.e. mfinit(Gamma0(N),k) )           
- mfisCM (Razvan ok)
- mfisequal        
- mfkohnenbasis  
- mfkohnenbijection 
- mfkohneneigenbasis
- mflinear         
- mfmanin        
- mfmul             
- mfnumcusps        
- mfparams         
- mfperiodpol    
- mfperiodpolbasis  
- mfpetersson       
- mfpow            
- mfsearch       
- mfshift           
- mfshimura         
- mfslashexpansion 
- mfspace        
- mfsplit           
- mfsturm           
- mfsturm (Baptiste, done)     
- mfsymbol         
- mfsymboleval   
- mftaylor          
- mftobasis
- mftocoset        
- mftonew        
- mftraceform       
- mftwist  

# L-functions

- lfunartin
- lfuncost
- lfunthetacost
- lfungenus2
- lfuntwist
- hyperellpadicfrobenius
- hyperellcharpoly

# Elliptic curves / Hyperelliptic curves
- ellbsd
- ellminimaldisc
- ellpadicbsd
- ellratpoints 
- elltamagawa
- ellweilcurve
- hyperellratpoints
- ellbsd (Valentin, AM)
- ellminimaldisc (Valentin)
- ellpadicbsd (AM)
- ellratpoints (Valentin)
- elltamagawa  (Valentin, AM)
- ellweilcurve (AM)
- hyperellratpoints (AM,OK)

# Modular symbols
- msatkinlehner
- mscuspidal
- mseisenstein
- mseval
- msfromcusp
- msfromell
- msfromhecke
- msgetlevel
- msgetsign
- msgetweight
- mshecke
- msissymbol
- mslattice
- msnew
- mspathgens
- mspathlog
- mspetersson
- mspolygon
- msqexpansion
- mssplit
- msstar

# Miscellaneous
- export
- exportall
- getlocalprec
- getlocalbitprec
- localprec
- localbitprec
- unexport
- unexportall
# Miscellaneous (Marine)
- export (ok)
- exportall (ok)
- getlocalprec (ok)
- getlocalbitprec (ok)
- localprec (ok)
- localbitprec (ok)
- unexport 
- unexportall (ok)

# Other
- forvec (Jared, "a_i, b_i are real numbers" ... "its entries in the range [a_i, b_i]" which entries? integer entries? real number entries (of which it contains infinite)? ... apparently it just adds 1 to each element as if it were nested for-loops with a_i,b_i as the bounds? ... should that be clarified in the documentation? ... i could try to write up something if that is the intended action) [KB, clarified]