Revision 3a7fcab2eba5016e77ce082ccc8b0e0a66a1bcc8 (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from 3a7fcab2eba5016e77ce082ccc8b0e0a66a1bcc8 to 05cfb779457893741bbe810a7524efd4b90a199d

**call**(*f*, *A*). *A* being a vector, evaluate *f*(*A*[1], ..., *A*[#*A*]).

**Remark**. Unlike **apply**, **call** can be used if the function *f* needs several arguments. For example :
**Remark**. Note that, if #*A*=1, **call**(*f*, *A*)=**apply**(*f*, *A*)[1] ; but unlike **apply**, **call** can be used if the function *f* needs several arguments. For example :

>? printc(x[..])=call(printsep,[":",x]);  
>? printc(1,2,3)  


>? call(idealprimedec,[nfinit(x^2+1),3])  
>%1 = [[3, [3, 0]~, 1, 2, 1]]