Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - graph - plotport.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 30093-5ee0843b38) Lines: 1213 1423 85.2 %
Date: 2025-03-25 09:19:38 Functions: 111 131 84.7 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* Copyright (C) 2000  The PARI group.
       2             : 
       3             : This file is part of the PARI/GP package.
       4             : 
       5             : PARI/GP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
       6             : terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
       7             : Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
       8             : version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
       9             : ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.
      10             : 
      11             : Check the License for details. You should have received a copy of it, along
      12             : with the package; see the file 'COPYING'. If not, write to the Free Software
      13             : Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
      14             : 
      15             : /*******************************************************************/
      16             : /*                                                                 */
      17             : /*                         PLOT ROUTINES                           */
      18             : /*                                                                 */
      19             : /*******************************************************************/
      20             : #include "pari.h"
      21             : #include "paripriv.h"
      22             : #include "rect.h"
      23             : 
      24             : static void (*pari_get_plot)(PARI_plot *);
      25             : 
      26             : /* no need for THREAD: OK to share this */
      27             : static hashtable *rgb_colors = NULL;
      28             : 
      29             : THREAD PariRect rectgraph[18]; /*NUMRECT*/
      30             : static THREAD long current_color[18]; /*NUMRECT*/
      31             : 
      32             : static long plotpoint_itype = 0, rectline_itype  = 0;
      33             : 
      34             : const long NUMRECT = 18;
      35             : const long RECUR_MAXDEPTH = 10;
      36             : const double RECUR_PREC = 0.001;
      37             : const long DEFAULT_COLOR = 1, AXIS_COLOR = 2;
      38             : 
      39             : enum {
      40             :   ROt_MV = 1, /* Move */
      41             :   ROt_PT,  /* Point */
      42             :   ROt_LN,  /* Line */
      43             :   ROt_AC,  /* Arc */
      44             :   ROt_FAC, /* Filled Arc */
      45             :   ROt_BX,  /* Box */
      46             :   ROt_FBX, /* Filled Box */
      47             :   ROt_MP,  /* Multiple point */
      48             :   ROt_ML,  /* Multiple lines */
      49             :   ROt_ST,  /* String */
      50             :   ROt_PTT,  /* Point type change */
      51             :   ROt_LNT,  /* Line type change */
      52             :   ROt_PTS,  /* Point size change */
      53             :   ROt_NULL, /* To be the start of the chain */
      54             : };
      55             : 
      56             : /* string justification */
      57             : #define RoSTdirLEFT       0x00
      58             : #define RoSTdirRIGHT      0x02
      59             : #define RoSTdirHPOS_mask  0x03
      60             : #define RoSTdirBOTTOM     0x00
      61             : #define RoSTdirTOP        0x08
      62             : #define RoSTdirVPOS_mask  0x0c
      63             : #define RoSTdirHGAP       0x10
      64             : #define RoSTdirVGAP       0x20
      65             : 
      66             : /* ploth flags */
      67             : #define PLOT_PARAMETRIC   0x00001
      68             : #define PLOT_RECURSIVE    0x00002
      69             : #define PLOT_NO_RESCALE   0x00004
      70             : #define PLOT_NO_AXE_X     0x00008
      71             : #define PLOT_NO_AXE_Y     0x00010
      72             : #define PLOT_NO_FRAME     0x00020
      73             : #define PLOT_POINTS       0x00040
      74             : #define PLOT_POINTS_LINES 0x00080
      75             : #define PLOT_SPLINES      0x00100
      76             : #define PLOT_NO_TICK_X    0x00200
      77             : #define PLOT_NO_TICK_Y    0x00400
      78             : #define PLOT_NODOUBLETICK 0x00800
      79             : #define PLOT_COMPLEX      0x01000
      80             : #define PLOT_NOMINMAX     0x02000
      81             : 
      82             : #define PLOT_PARA         0x80000
      83             : 
      84             : 
      85             : INLINE long
      86      173749 : DTOL(double t) { return (long)(t + 0.5); }
      87             : 
      88             : static const long PS_WIDTH = 1120 - 60; /* 1400 - 60 for hi-res */
      89             : static const long PS_HEIGH = 800 - 40; /* 1120 - 60 for hi-res */
      90             : static const long PS_SCALE = 1000; /* Allowing 64x zoom on 500ppi */
      91             : 
      92             : static void
      93           0 : _psdraw_scale(PARI_plot *T, GEN w, GEN x, GEN y)
      94             : {
      95           0 :   pari_sp av = avma;
      96           0 :   FILE *F = fopen(current_psfile, "a");
      97           0 :   if (!F) pari_err_FILE("postscript file",current_psfile);
      98           0 :   fputs(rect2ps(w,x,y,T), F);
      99           0 :   fclose(F); set_avma(av);
     100           0 : }
     101             : static void
     102           0 : _psdraw(PARI_plot *T, GEN w, GEN x, GEN y)
     103           0 : { (void)T; _psdraw_scale(NULL,w,x,y); }
     104             : static void
     105          49 : pari_get_psplot(PARI_plot *T)
     106             : {
     107          49 :   T->width  = PS_WIDTH;
     108          49 :   T->height = PS_HEIGH;
     109          49 :   T->fheight= 15;
     110          49 :   T->fwidth = 6;
     111          49 :   T->hunit  = 5;
     112          49 :   T->vunit  = 5;
     113          49 :   T->dwidth = 0;
     114          49 :   T->dheight= 0;
     115          49 :   T->draw = NULL;
     116          49 : }
     117             : static void
     118          93 : pari_get_svgplot(PARI_plot *T)
     119             : {
     120          93 :   T->width   = 480;
     121          93 :   T->height  = 320;
     122          93 :   T->fheight = 12;
     123          93 :   T->fwidth  = 6;
     124          93 :   T->hunit   = 3;
     125          93 :   T->vunit   = 3;
     126          93 :   T->dwidth  = 0;
     127          93 :   T->dheight = 0;
     128          93 :   T->draw = NULL;
     129          93 : }
     130             : 
     131             : /********************************************************************/
     132             : /**                                                                **/
     133             : /**                      RECTPLOT FUNCTIONS                        **/
     134             : /**                                                                **/
     135             : /********************************************************************/
     136             : void
     137        1893 : pari_init_graphics(void) { pari_get_plot = &pari_get_svgplot; }
     138             : 
     139             : void
     140        1883 : pari_set_plot_engine(void (*plot)(PARI_plot *))
     141             : {
     142             :   long n;
     143        1883 :   pari_get_plot = plot;
     144       35777 :   for (n = 0; n < NUMRECT; n++)
     145             :   {
     146       33894 :     PariRect *e = &rectgraph[n];
     147       33894 :     RHead(e) = RTail(e) = NULL;
     148       33894 :     RXsize(e) = RYsize(e) = 0;
     149             :   }
     150        1883 : }
     151             : 
     152             : void
     153        1883 : pari_kill_plot_engine(void)
     154             : {
     155             :   int i;
     156       35777 :   for (i=0; i<NUMRECT; i++)
     157             :   {
     158       33894 :     PariRect *e = &rectgraph[i];
     159       33894 :     if (RHead(e)) plotkill(i);
     160             :   }
     161        1883 :   if (rgb_colors)
     162             :   {
     163          25 :     pari_free((void*)rgb_colors->table);
     164          25 :     pari_free((void*)rgb_colors);
     165             :   }
     166        1883 : }
     167             : 
     168             : static PariRect *
     169       25026 : check_rect(long ne)
     170             : {
     171       25026 :   const char *f = "graphic function";
     172       25026 :   const long m = NUMRECT-1;
     173       25026 :   if (ne < 0)
     174           8 :     pari_err_DOMAIN(f, "rectwindow", "<", gen_0, stoi(ne));
     175       25018 :   else if (ne > m)
     176           4 :     pari_err_DOMAIN(f, "rectwindow", ">", stoi(m), stoi(ne));
     177             :   else
     178       25014 :     return &rectgraph[ne];
     179             :   return NULL;/*LCOV_EXCL_LINE*/
     180             : }
     181             : 
     182             : static PariRect *
     183       24704 : check_rect_init(long ne)
     184             : {
     185       24704 :   PariRect *e = check_rect(ne);
     186       24696 :   if (!RHead(e)) pari_err_TYPE("graphic function [use plotinit()]", stoi(ne));
     187       24696 :   return e;
     188             : }
     189             : static void
     190       36422 : Rchain(PariRect *e, RectObj *z)
     191             : {
     192       36422 :   if (!RHead(e)) RHead(e) = z; else RoNext(RTail(e)) = z;
     193       36422 :   RTail(e) = z;
     194       36422 :   RoNext(z) = NULL;
     195       36422 : }
     196             : 
     197             : static long
     198       11216 : rgb_to_long(long r, long g, long b)
     199       11216 : { return (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; }
     200             : /* c from graphcolormap */
     201             : static long
     202       11212 : colormap_to_color(long i)
     203             : {
     204       11212 :   GEN c = GP_DATA->colormap;
     205       11212 :   long k = i+1, l = lg(c)-1;
     206             :   int r, g, b;
     207       11212 :   if (k > l)
     208           4 :     pari_err_COMPONENT("graphcolormap",">", stoi(l), stoi(k));
     209       11208 :   color_to_rgb(gel(c, k), &r,&g,&b);
     210       11208 :   return rgb_to_long(r, g, b);
     211             : }
     212             : 
     213             : static void
     214         314 : initrect_i(long ne, long x, long y)
     215             : {
     216             :   PariRect *e;
     217             :   RectObj *z;
     218             : 
     219         314 :   if (x <= 1) pari_err_DOMAIN("plotinit", "x", "<=", gen_1, stoi(x));
     220         314 :   if (y <= 1) pari_err_DOMAIN("plotinit", "y", "<=", gen_1, stoi(y));
     221         314 :   e = check_rect(ne); if (RHead(e)) plotkill(ne);
     222             : 
     223         310 :   current_color[ne] = colormap_to_color(DEFAULT_COLOR);
     224         310 :   z = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObj));
     225         310 :   RoType(z) = ROt_NULL;
     226         310 :   Rchain(e, z);
     227         310 :   RXsize(e) = x; RXcursor(e) = 0; RXscale(e) = 1; RXshift(e) = 0;
     228         310 :   RYsize(e) = y; RYcursor(e) = 0; RYscale(e) = 1; RYshift(e) = 0;
     229         310 : }
     230             : static long
     231         180 : initrect_get_arg(GEN x, long dft)
     232             : {
     233         180 :   if (!x) return dft;
     234         110 :   if (typ(x) != t_INT) pari_err_TYPE("plotinit",x);
     235         110 :   return itos(x);
     236             : }
     237             : void
     238          90 : plotinit(long ne, GEN x, GEN y, long flag)
     239             : {
     240          90 :   const long m = NUMRECT-3;
     241             :   long xi, yi;
     242             :   PARI_plot T;
     243             : 
     244          90 :   if (flag)
     245             :   {
     246           0 :     pari_get_plot(&T);
     247           0 :     xi = T.width -1; if (x) xi = DTOL(xi * gtodouble(x));
     248           0 :     yi = T.height-1; if (y) yi = DTOL(yi * gtodouble(y));
     249             :   }
     250             :   else
     251             :   {
     252          90 :     if (!x || !y) pari_get_plot(&T);
     253          90 :     xi = initrect_get_arg(x, T.width -1);
     254          90 :     yi = initrect_get_arg(y, T.height-1);
     255             :   }
     256          90 :   if (ne > m) pari_err_DOMAIN("plotinit", "rectwindow", ">", stoi(m), stoi(ne));
     257          86 :   initrect_i(ne, xi, yi);
     258          82 : }
     259             : 
     260             : GEN
     261          47 : plotcursor(long ne)
     262             : {
     263          47 :   PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     264          47 :   return mkvec2s((long)RXcursor(e), (long)RYcursor(e));
     265             : }
     266             : 
     267             : static void
     268         171 : plotscale0(long ne, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2)
     269             : {
     270         171 :   PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     271             :   double x, y;
     272             : 
     273         171 :   x = RXshift(e) + RXscale(e) * RXcursor(e);
     274         171 :   y = RYshift(e) + RYscale(e) * RYcursor(e);
     275         171 :   RXscale(e) = RXsize(e)/(x2-x1); RXshift(e) = -x1*RXscale(e);
     276         171 :   RYscale(e) = RYsize(e)/(y1-y2); RYshift(e) = -y2*RYscale(e);
     277         171 :   RXcursor(e) = (x - RXshift(e)) / RXscale(e);
     278         171 :   RYcursor(e) = (y - RYshift(e)) / RYscale(e);
     279         171 : }
     280             : void
     281          34 : plotscale(long ne, GEN x1, GEN x2, GEN y1, GEN y2)
     282          34 : { plotscale0(ne, gtodouble(x1), gtodouble(x2), gtodouble(y1), gtodouble(y2)); }
     283             : 
     284             : static void
     285         958 : plotmove0(long ne, double x, double y, long relative)
     286             : {
     287         958 :   PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     288         950 :   RectObj *z = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObj1P));
     289             : 
     290         950 :   if (relative) { RXcursor(e) += x; RYcursor(e) += y; }
     291         932 :   else          { RXcursor(e) = x; RYcursor(e) = y; }
     292         950 :   RoType(z) = ROt_MV;
     293         950 :   RoMVx(z) = RXcursor(e) * RXscale(e) + RXshift(e);
     294         950 :   RoMVy(z) = RYcursor(e) * RYscale(e) + RYshift(e);
     295         950 :   Rchain(e, z);
     296         950 : }
     297             : static void
     298         821 : _move(long ne, double x, double y)
     299         821 : { plotmove0(ne,x,y,0); }
     300             : void
     301         119 : plotmove(long ne, GEN x, GEN y)
     302         119 : { plotmove0(ne,gtodouble(x),gtodouble(y),0); }
     303             : void
     304          18 : plotrmove(long ne, GEN x, GEN y)
     305          18 : { plotmove0(ne,gtodouble(x),gtodouble(y),1); }
     306             : 
     307             : /* ROt_MV/ROt_PT */
     308             : static void
     309          36 : plotpoint0(long ne, double x, double y,long relative)
     310             : {
     311          36 :   PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     312          36 :   RectObj *z = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObj1P));
     313             : 
     314          36 :   if (relative) { RXcursor(e) += x; RYcursor(e) += y; }
     315          18 :   else          { RXcursor(e) = x; RYcursor(e) = y; }
     316          36 :   RoPTx(z) = RXcursor(e)*RXscale(e) + RXshift(e);
     317          36 :   RoPTy(z) = RYcursor(e)*RYscale(e) + RYshift(e);
     318          36 :   RoType(z) = ( DTOL(RoPTx(z)) < 0
     319          36 :                 || DTOL(RoPTy(z)) < 0 || DTOL(RoPTx(z)) > RXsize(e)
     320          72 :                 || DTOL(RoPTy(z)) > RYsize(e) ) ? ROt_MV : ROt_PT;
     321          36 :   Rchain(e, z);
     322          36 :   RoCol(z) = current_color[ne];
     323          36 : }
     324             : static void
     325          18 : plotpoint(long ne, GEN x, GEN y)
     326          18 : { plotpoint0(ne,gtodouble(x),gtodouble(y),0); }
     327             : void
     328          18 : plotrpoint(long ne, GEN x, GEN y)
     329          18 : { plotpoint0(ne,gtodouble(x),gtodouble(y),1); }
     330             : 
     331             : GEN
     332           8 : plotcolor(long ne, GEN c)
     333             : {
     334           8 :   long t = typ(c), n = lg(GP_DATA->colormap)-2;
     335             :   int r, g, b;
     336           8 :   check_rect(ne);
     337           8 :   if (t == t_INT)
     338             :   {
     339           8 :     long i = itos(c);
     340           8 :     if (i < 0) pari_err_DOMAIN("plotcolor", "color", "<", gen_0, c);
     341           8 :     if (i > n) pari_err_DOMAIN("plotcolor", "color", ">", stoi(n), c);
     342           8 :     c = gel(GP_DATA->colormap,i+1);
     343             :   }
     344             :   else
     345             :   {
     346           0 :     if (t == t_VEC) { c = ZV_to_zv(c); t = typ(c); }
     347           0 :     if (t != t_VECSMALL && t != t_STR) pari_err_TYPE("plotcolor",c);
     348             :   }
     349           8 :   color_to_rgb(c, &r,&g,&b);
     350           8 :   current_color[ne] = rgb_to_long(r,g,b);
     351           8 :   return mkvec3s(r, g, b);
     352             : }
     353             : 
     354             : /* ROt_MV/ROt_LN */
     355             : static void
     356         264 : rectline0(long ne, double gx2, double gy2, long relative)
     357             : {
     358             :   double dx, dy, dxy, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, x1, y1, x2, y2;
     359         264 :   PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     360         264 :   RectObj *z = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObj2P));
     361         264 :   const double c = 1 + 1e-10;
     362             : 
     363         264 :   x1 = RXcursor(e)*RXscale(e) + RXshift(e);
     364         264 :   y1 = RYcursor(e)*RYscale(e) + RYshift(e);
     365         264 :   if (relative)
     366          18 :     { RXcursor(e)+=gx2; RYcursor(e)+=gy2; }
     367             :   else
     368         246 :     { RXcursor(e)=gx2; RYcursor(e)=gy2; }
     369         264 :   x2 = RXcursor(e)*RXscale(e) + RXshift(e);
     370         264 :   y2 = RYcursor(e)*RYscale(e) + RYshift(e);
     371         264 :   xmin = maxdd(mindd(x1,x2),0); xmax = mindd(maxdd(x1,x2),RXsize(e));
     372         264 :   ymin = maxdd(mindd(y1,y2),0); ymax = mindd(maxdd(y1,y2),RYsize(e));
     373         264 :   dxy = x1*y2 - y1*x2; dx = x2-x1; dy = y2-y1;
     374         264 :   if (dy)
     375             :   {
     376         148 :     double a = (dxy + RYsize(e)*dx) / dy, b = dxy / dy;
     377         148 :     if (dx*dy < 0)
     378          18 :     { xmin=maxdd(xmin,a); xmax=mindd(xmax,b); }
     379             :     else
     380         130 :     { xmin=maxdd(xmin,b); xmax=mindd(xmax,a); }
     381             :   }
     382         264 :   if (dx)
     383             :   {
     384         152 :     double a = (RXsize(e)*dy - dxy) / dx, b = -dxy / dx;
     385         152 :     if (dx*dy < 0)
     386          18 :     { ymin=maxdd(ymin,a); ymax=mindd(ymax,b); }
     387             :     else
     388         134 :     { ymin=maxdd(ymin,b); ymax=mindd(ymax,a); }
     389             :   }
     390         264 :   RoLNx1(z) = xmin;
     391         264 :   RoLNx2(z) = xmax;
     392         264 :   if (dx*dy < 0) { RoLNy1(z) = ymax; RoLNy2(z) = ymin; }
     393         246 :   else         { RoLNy1(z) = ymin; RoLNy2(z) = ymax; }
     394         264 :   RoType(z) = (xmin>xmax*c || ymin>ymax*c) ? ROt_MV : ROt_LN;
     395         264 :   Rchain(e, z);
     396         264 :   RoCol(z) = current_color[ne];
     397         264 : }
     398             : static void
     399         228 : _line(long ne, double x, double y)
     400         228 : { rectline0(ne, x, y, 0); }
     401             : void
     402          18 : plotline(long ne, GEN gx2, GEN gy2)
     403          18 : { rectline0(ne, gtodouble(gx2), gtodouble(gy2),0); }
     404             : void
     405          18 : plotrline(long ne, GEN gx2, GEN gy2)
     406          18 : { rectline0(ne, gtodouble(gx2), gtodouble(gy2),1); }
     407             : 
     408             : enum {
     409             :   TICKS_CLOCKW   = 1, /* Draw in clockwise direction */
     410             :   TICKS_ACLOCKW  = 2, /* Draw in anticlockwise direction */
     411             :   TICKS_ENDSTOO  = 4, /* Draw at endspoints if needed */
     412             :   TICKS_NODOUBLE = 8  /* Do not draw double-length ticks */
     413             : };
     414             : 
     415             : /* Given coordinates of ends of a line, and labels l1 l2 attached to the
     416             :  * ends, plot ticks where the label coordinate takes "round" values */
     417             : static void
     418         548 : rectticks(PARI_plot *WW, long ne, double dx1, double dy1, double dx2,
     419             :           double dy2, double l1, double l2, long flags)
     420             : {
     421             :   long dx, dy, dxy, dxy1, x1, y1, x2, y2, nticks, n, n1, dn;
     422             :   double minstep, maxstep, step, l_min, l_max, minl, maxl, dl, dtx, dty, x, y;
     423             :   double ddx, ddy;
     424         548 :   const double mult[3] = { 2./1., 5./2., 10./5. };
     425         548 :   PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     426         548 :   int do_double = !(flags & TICKS_NODOUBLE);
     427             : 
     428         548 :   x1 = DTOL(dx1*RXscale(e) + RXshift(e));
     429         548 :   y1 = DTOL(dy1*RYscale(e) + RYshift(e));
     430         548 :   x2 = DTOL(dx2*RXscale(e) + RXshift(e));
     431         548 :   y2 = DTOL(dy2*RYscale(e) + RYshift(e));
     432         548 :   dx = x2 - x1; if (dx < 0) dx = -dx;
     433         548 :   dy = y2 - y1; if (dy < 0) dy = -dy;
     434         548 :   dxy1 = maxss(dx, dy);
     435         548 :   dx /= WW->hunit;
     436         548 :   dy /= WW->vunit;
     437         548 :   if (dx > 1000 || dy > 1000)
     438           0 :     dxy = 1000; /* avoid overflow */
     439             :   else
     440         548 :     dxy = usqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
     441         548 :   nticks = (long) ((dxy + 2.5)/4);
     442         548 :   if (!nticks) return;
     443             : 
     444             :   /* Find nticks (or less) "round" numbers between l1 and l2. For our purpose
     445             :    * round numbers have "last significant" decimal digit either
     446             :    *    - any;
     447             :    *    - even;
     448             :    *    - divisible by 5.
     449             :    * We need to choose which alternative is better. */
     450         548 :   if (l1 < l2)
     451         274 :     l_min = l1, l_max = l2;
     452             :   else
     453         274 :     l_min = l2, l_max = l1;
     454         548 :   minstep = (l_max - l_min)/(nticks + 1);
     455         548 :   maxstep = 2.5*(l_max - l_min);
     456         548 :   step = exp(log(10.) * floor(log10(minstep)));
     457         548 :   if (!(flags & TICKS_ENDSTOO)) {
     458         548 :     double d = 2*(l_max - l_min)/dxy1; /* Two pixels off */
     459         548 :     l_min += d;
     460         548 :     l_max -= d;
     461             :   }
     462         548 :   for (n = 0; ; n++)
     463             :   {
     464        1760 :     if (step >= maxstep) return;
     465             : 
     466        1760 :     if (step >= minstep) {
     467         548 :       minl = ceil(l_min/step);
     468         548 :       maxl = floor(l_max/step);
     469         548 :       if (minl <= maxl && maxl - minl + 1 <= nticks) {
     470         548 :         nticks = (long) (maxl - minl + 1);
     471         548 :         l_min = minl * step;
     472         548 :         l_max = maxl * step; break;
     473             :       }
     474             :     }
     475        1212 :     step *= mult[ n % 3 ];
     476             :   }
     477             :   /* Where to position doubleticks. Variants:
     478             :    * small: each 5, double: each 10  ; n=2 mod 3
     479             :    * small: each 2, double: each 10  ; n=1 mod 3
     480             :    * small: each 1, double: each  5 */
     481         548 :   dn = (n % 3 == 2)? 2: 5;
     482         548 :   n1 = ((long)minl) % dn; /* unused if do_double = FALSE */
     483             : 
     484             :   /* now l_min and l_max keep min/max values of l with ticks, and nticks is
     485             :      the number of ticks to draw. */
     486         548 :   if (nticks == 1) ddx = ddy = 0; /* -Wall */
     487             :   else {
     488         548 :     dl = (l_max - l_min)/(nticks - 1);
     489         548 :     ddx = (dx2 - dx1) * dl / (l2 - l1);
     490         548 :     ddy = (dy2 - dy1) * dl / (l2 - l1);
     491             :   }
     492         548 :   x = dx1 + (dx2 - dx1) * (l_min - l1) / (l2 - l1);
     493         548 :   y = dy1 + (dy2 - dy1) * (l_min - l1) / (l2 - l1);
     494             :   /* assume hunit and vunit form a square. For clockwise ticks: */
     495         548 :   dtx = WW->hunit * dy/dxy * (y2 > y1 ? 1 : -1); /* y-coord runs down */
     496         548 :   dty = WW->vunit * dx/dxy * (x2 > x1 ? 1 : -1);
     497       13276 :   for (n = 0; n < nticks; n++, x += ddx, y += ddy) {
     498       12728 :     RectObj *z = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObj2P));
     499       12728 :     double lunit = WW->hunit > 1 ? 1.5 : 2;
     500       12728 :     double l = (do_double && (n + n1) % dn == 0) ? lunit: 1;
     501             :     double x1, x2, y1, y2;
     502       12728 :     x1 = x2 = x*RXscale(e) + RXshift(e);
     503       12728 :     y1 = y2 = y*RYscale(e) + RYshift(e);
     504       12728 :     if (flags & TICKS_CLOCKW)  { x1 += dtx*l; y1 -= dty*l; }
     505       12728 :     if (flags & TICKS_ACLOCKW) { x2 -= dtx*l; y2 += dty*l; }
     506       12728 :     RoLNx1(z) = x1; RoLNy1(z) = y1;
     507       12728 :     RoLNx2(z) = x2; RoLNy2(z) = y2;
     508       12728 :     RoType(z) = ROt_LN;
     509       12728 :     Rchain(e, z);
     510       12728 :     RoCol(z) = current_color[ne];
     511             :   }
     512             : }
     513             : 
     514             : static void
     515         173 : rectbox0(long ne, double gx2, double gy2, long relative, long filled)
     516             : {
     517             :   double xx, yy, x1, y1, x2, y2, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
     518         173 :   PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     519         173 :   RectObj *z = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObj2P));
     520             : 
     521         173 :   x1 = RXcursor(e)*RXscale(e) + RXshift(e);
     522         173 :   y1 = RYcursor(e)*RYscale(e) + RYshift(e);
     523         173 :   if (relative)
     524          18 :   { xx = RXcursor(e)+gx2; yy = RYcursor(e)+gy2; }
     525             :   else
     526         155 :   {  xx = gx2; yy = gy2; }
     527         173 :   x2 = xx*RXscale(e) + RXshift(e);
     528         173 :   y2 = yy*RYscale(e) + RYshift(e);
     529         173 :   xmin = maxdd(mindd(mindd(x1,x2),RXsize(e)),0);
     530         173 :   xmax = maxdd(mindd(maxdd(x1,x2),RXsize(e)),0);
     531         173 :   ymin = maxdd(mindd(mindd(y1,y2),RYsize(e)),0);
     532         173 :   ymax = maxdd(mindd(maxdd(y1,y2),RYsize(e)),0);
     533             : 
     534         173 :   RoType(z) = filled ? ROt_FBX: ROt_BX;
     535         173 :   RoBXx1(z) = xmin; RoBXy1(z) = ymin;
     536         173 :   RoBXx2(z) = xmax; RoBXy2(z) = ymax;
     537         173 :   Rchain(e, z);
     538         173 :   RoCol(z) = current_color[ne];
     539         173 : }
     540             : static void
     541         137 : _box(long ne, double x, double y)
     542         137 : { rectbox0(ne, x, y, 0, 0); }
     543             : void
     544          18 : plotbox(long ne, GEN gx2, GEN gy2, long f)
     545          18 : { rectbox0(ne, gtodouble(gx2), gtodouble(gy2), 0, f); }
     546             : void
     547          18 : plotrbox(long ne, GEN gx2, GEN gy2, long f)
     548          18 : { rectbox0(ne, gtodouble(gx2), gtodouble(gy2), 1, f); }
     549             : 
     550             : static void
     551           0 : rectarc0(long ne, double gx2, double gy2, long relative, long filled)
     552             : {
     553             :   double xx, yy, x1, y1, x2, y2, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
     554           0 :   PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     555           0 :   RectObj *z = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObj2P));
     556             : 
     557           0 :   x1 = RXcursor(e)*RXscale(e) + RXshift(e);
     558           0 :   y1 = RYcursor(e)*RYscale(e) + RYshift(e);
     559           0 :   if (relative)
     560           0 :   { xx = RXcursor(e)+gx2; yy = RYcursor(e)+gy2; }
     561             :   else
     562           0 :   {  xx = gx2; yy = gy2; }
     563           0 :   x2 = xx*RXscale(e) + RXshift(e);
     564           0 :   y2 = yy*RYscale(e) + RYshift(e);
     565           0 :   xmin = maxdd(mindd(mindd(x1,x2),RXsize(e)),0);
     566           0 :   xmax = maxdd(mindd(maxdd(x1,x2),RXsize(e)),0);
     567           0 :   ymin = maxdd(mindd(mindd(y1,y2),RYsize(e)),0);
     568           0 :   ymax = maxdd(mindd(maxdd(y1,y2),RYsize(e)),0);
     569             : 
     570           0 :   RoType(z) = filled ? ROt_FAC: ROt_AC;
     571           0 :   RoACx1(z) = xmin; RoACy1(z) = ymin;
     572           0 :   RoACx2(z) = xmax; RoACy2(z) = ymax;
     573           0 :   Rchain(e, z);
     574           0 :   RoCol(z) = current_color[ne];
     575           0 : }
     576             : 
     577             : void
     578           0 : plotarc(long ne, GEN gx2, GEN gy2, long f)
     579           0 : { rectarc0(ne, gtodouble(gx2), gtodouble(gy2), 0, f); }
     580             : 
     581             : static void
     582       36742 : freeobj(RectObj *z) {
     583       36742 :   switch(RoType(z)) {
     584       10601 :     case ROt_MP: case ROt_ML:
     585       10601 :       pari_free(RoMPxs(z));
     586       10601 :       pari_free(RoMPys(z)); break;
     587         532 :     case ROt_ST:
     588         532 :       pari_free(RoSTs(z)); break;
     589             :   }
     590       36742 :   pari_free(z);
     591       36742 : }
     592             : 
     593             : void
     594         310 : plotkill(long ne)
     595             : {
     596             :   RectObj *z, *t;
     597         310 :   PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     598             : 
     599         310 :   z = RHead(e);
     600         310 :   RHead(e) = RTail(e) = NULL;
     601         310 :   RXsize(e) = RYsize(e) = 0;
     602         310 :   RXcursor(e) = RYcursor(e) = 0;
     603         310 :   RXscale(e) = RYscale(e) = 1;
     604         310 :   RXshift(e) = RYshift(e) = 0;
     605       37008 :   while (z) { t = RoNext(z); freeobj(z); z = t; }
     606         310 : }
     607             : 
     608             : /* ROt_MP */
     609             : static void
     610          36 : plotpoints0(long ne, double *X, double *Y, long lx)
     611             : {
     612             :   double *px, *py;
     613          36 :   long i, cp=0;
     614          36 :   PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     615          36 :   RectObj *z = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObjMP));
     616             : 
     617          36 :   RoMPxs(z) = px = (double*) pari_malloc(lx*sizeof(double));
     618          36 :   RoMPys(z) = py = (double*) pari_malloc(lx*sizeof(double));
     619        3620 :   for (i=0; i<lx; i++)
     620             :   {
     621        3584 :     double x = RXscale(e)*X[i] + RXshift(e);
     622        3584 :     double y = RYscale(e)*Y[i] + RYshift(e);
     623        3584 :     if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x <= RXsize(e) && y <= RYsize(e))
     624             :     {
     625        3582 :       px[cp] = x; py[cp] = y; cp++;
     626             :     }
     627             :   }
     628          36 :   RoType(z) = ROt_MP;
     629          36 :   RoMPcnt(z) = cp;
     630          36 :   Rchain(e, z);
     631          36 :   RoCol(z) = current_color[ne];
     632          36 : }
     633             : void
     634          36 : plotpoints(long ne, GEN X, GEN Y)
     635             : {
     636          36 :   pari_sp av = avma;
     637             :   double *px, *py;
     638             :   long i, lx;
     639             : 
     640          36 :   if (!is_vec_t(typ(X)) || !is_vec_t(typ(Y))) { plotpoint(ne, X, Y); return; }
     641          18 :   lx = lg(X); if (lg(Y) != lx) pari_err_DIM("plotpoints");
     642          18 :   lx--; if (!lx) return;
     643             : 
     644          18 :   px = (double*)stack_malloc_align(lx*sizeof(double), sizeof(double)); X++;
     645          18 :   py = (double*)stack_malloc_align(lx*sizeof(double), sizeof(double)); Y++;
     646         198 :   for (i=0; i<lx; i++)
     647             :   {
     648         180 :     px[i] = gtodouble(gel(X,i));
     649         180 :     py[i] = gtodouble(gel(Y,i));
     650             :   }
     651          18 :   plotpoints0(ne,px,py,lx); set_avma(av);
     652             : }
     653             : 
     654             : /* ROt_ML */
     655             : static void
     656       10525 : rectlines0(long ne, double *x, double *y, long lx, long flag)
     657             : {
     658             :   long i,I;
     659             :   double *ptx,*pty;
     660       10525 :   PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     661       10525 :   RectObj *z = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObj2P));
     662             : 
     663       10525 :   I = flag ? lx+1 : lx;
     664       10525 :   ptx = (double*) pari_malloc(I*sizeof(double));
     665       10525 :   pty = (double*) pari_malloc(I*sizeof(double));
     666      232708 :   for (i=0; i<lx; i++)
     667             :   {
     668      222183 :     ptx[i] = RXscale(e)*x[i] + RXshift(e);
     669      222183 :     pty[i] = RYscale(e)*y[i] + RYshift(e);
     670             :   }
     671       10525 :   if (flag)
     672             :   {
     673           0 :     ptx[i] = RXscale(e)*x[0] + RXshift(e);
     674           0 :     pty[i] = RYscale(e)*y[0] + RYshift(e);
     675             :   }
     676       10525 :   Rchain(e, z);
     677       10525 :   RoType(z) = ROt_ML;
     678       10525 :   RoMLcnt(z) = I;
     679       10525 :   RoMLxs(z) = ptx;
     680       10525 :   RoMLys(z) = pty;
     681       10525 :   RoCol(z) = current_color[ne];
     682       10525 : }
     683             : void
     684          36 : plotlines(long ne, GEN X, GEN Y, long flag)
     685             : {
     686          36 :   pari_sp av = avma;
     687             :   double *x, *y;
     688             :   long i, lx;
     689             : 
     690          36 :   if (!is_vec_t(typ(X)) || !is_vec_t(typ(Y))) { plotline(ne, X, Y); return; }
     691          18 :   lx = lg(X); if (lg(Y) != lx) pari_err_DIM("plotlines");
     692          18 :   lx--; if (!lx) return;
     693             : 
     694          18 :   x = (double*)stack_malloc_align(lx*sizeof(double), sizeof(double)); X++;
     695          18 :   y = (double*)stack_malloc_align(lx*sizeof(double), sizeof(double)); Y++;
     696         108 :   for (i=0; i<lx; i++)
     697             :   {
     698          90 :     x[i] = gtodouble(gel(X,i));
     699          90 :     y[i] = gtodouble(gel(Y,i));
     700             :   }
     701          18 :   rectlines0(ne,x,y,lx,flag); set_avma(av);
     702             : }
     703             : 
     704             : /* ROt_ST */
     705             : void
     706         492 : plotstring(long ne, const char *str, long dir)
     707             : {
     708         492 :   PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     709         492 :   RectObj *z = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObjST));
     710         492 :   long l = strlen(str);
     711         492 :   char *s = (char *) pari_malloc(l+1);
     712             : 
     713         492 :   memcpy(s,str,l+1);
     714         492 :   RoType(z) = ROt_ST;
     715         492 :   RoSTl(z) = l;
     716         492 :   RoSTs(z) = s;
     717         492 :   RoSTx(z) = RXscale(e)*RXcursor(e)+RXshift(e);
     718         492 :   RoSTy(z) = RYscale(e)*RYcursor(e)+RYshift(e);
     719         492 :   RoSTdir(z) = dir;
     720         492 :   Rchain(e, z);
     721         492 :   RoCol(z) = current_color[ne];
     722         492 : }
     723             : 
     724             : /* ROt_PTT */
     725             : void
     726          18 : plotpointtype(long ne, long type)
     727             : {
     728          18 :  if (ne == -1) plotpoint_itype = type;
     729             :  else {
     730          18 :    PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     731          18 :    RectObj *z = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObjPN));
     732          18 :    RoType(z) = ROt_PTT;
     733          18 :    RoPTTpen(z) = type;
     734          18 :    Rchain(e, z);
     735             :  }
     736          18 : }
     737             : 
     738             : /* ROt_PTS. FIXME: this function is a noop, since no graphic driver implement
     739             :  * this code. ne == -1 (change globally). */
     740             : void
     741           0 : plotpointsize(long ne, GEN size)
     742             : {
     743           0 :  if (ne == -1) { /*do nothing*/ }
     744             :  else {
     745           0 :    PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     746           0 :    RectObj *z = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObjPS));
     747           0 :    RoType(z) = ROt_PTS;
     748           0 :    RoPTSsize(z) = gtodouble(size);
     749           0 :    Rchain(e, z);
     750             :  }
     751           0 : }
     752             : 
     753             : void
     754       10890 : plotlinetype(long ne, long type)
     755             : {
     756       10890 :  if (ne == -1) rectline_itype = type;
     757             :  else {
     758       10890 :    PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
     759       10890 :    RectObj *z = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObjPN));
     760       10890 :    RoType(z) = ROt_LNT;
     761       10890 :    RoLNTpen(z) = type;
     762       10890 :    Rchain(e, z);
     763             :  }
     764       10890 : }
     765             : 
     766             : #define RECT_CP_RELATIVE  0x1
     767             : #define RECT_CP_NW        0x0
     768             : #define RECT_CP_SW        0x2
     769             : #define RECT_CP_SE        0x4
     770             : #define RECT_CP_NE        0x6
     771             : 
     772             : static double*
     773           0 : cpd(double* R, size_t t)
     774           0 : { void *o = pari_malloc(t * sizeof(double)); memcpy(o,R,t); return (double*)o; }
     775             : static void*
     776         460 : cp(void* R, size_t t)
     777         460 : { void *o = pari_malloc(t); memcpy(o,R,t); return o; }
     778             : void
     779          36 : plotcopy(long source, long dest, GEN xoff, GEN yoff, long flag)
     780             : {
     781          36 :   PariRect *s = check_rect_init(source), *d = check_rect_init(dest);
     782          36 :   RectObj *R, *tail = RTail(d);
     783             :   long i, x, y;
     784          36 :   if (flag & RECT_CP_RELATIVE) {
     785          32 :     double xd = gtodouble(xoff), yd = gtodouble(yoff);
     786             :     PARI_plot T;
     787          32 :     if (xd > 1) pari_err_DOMAIN("plotcopy","dx",">",gen_1,xoff);
     788          28 :     if (xd < 0) pari_err_DOMAIN("plotcopy","dx","<",gen_0,xoff);
     789          24 :     if (yd > 1) pari_err_DOMAIN("plotcopy","dy",">",gen_1,yoff);
     790          20 :     if (yd < 0) pari_err_DOMAIN("plotcopy","dy","<",gen_0,yoff);
     791          16 :     pari_get_plot(&T);
     792          16 :     x = DTOL(xd * (T.width-1));
     793          16 :     y = DTOL(yd * (T.height-1));
     794             :   } else {
     795           4 :     if (typ(xoff) != t_INT) pari_err_TYPE("plotcopy",xoff);
     796           4 :     if (typ(yoff) != t_INT) pari_err_TYPE("plotcopy",yoff);
     797           4 :     x = itos(xoff);
     798           4 :     y = itos(yoff);
     799             :   }
     800          20 :   switch (flag & ~RECT_CP_RELATIVE)
     801             :   {
     802           8 :     case RECT_CP_NW: break;
     803           4 :     case RECT_CP_SW: y = RYsize(d) - RYsize(s) - y; break;
     804           4 :     case RECT_CP_SE: y = RYsize(d) - RYsize(s) - y; /* fall through */
     805           8 :     case RECT_CP_NE: x = RXsize(d) - RXsize(s) - x; break;
     806             :   }
     807         360 :   for (R = RHead(s); R; R = RoNext(R))
     808             :   {
     809             :     RectObj *o;
     810         340 :     switch(RoType(R))
     811             :     {
     812          40 :       case ROt_PT:
     813          40 :         o = (RectObj*)cp(R, sizeof(RectObj1P));
     814          40 :         RoPTx(o) += x; RoPTy(o) += y;
     815          40 :         break;
     816          80 :       case ROt_LN: case ROt_BX: case ROt_FBX:
     817          80 :         o = (RectObj*)cp(R, sizeof(RectObj2P));
     818          80 :         RoLNx1(o) += x; RoLNy1(o) += y;
     819          80 :         RoLNx2(o) += x; RoLNy2(o) += y;
     820          80 :         break;
     821          40 :       case ROt_MP: case ROt_ML:
     822          40 :         o = (RectObj*)cp(R, sizeof(RectObjMP));
     823          40 :         RoMPxs(o) = (double*)cp(RoMPxs(R), sizeof(double)*RoMPcnt(o));
     824          40 :         RoMPys(o) = (double*)cp(RoMPys(R), sizeof(double)*RoMPcnt(o));
     825         340 :         for (i=0; i<RoMPcnt(o); i++) { RoMPxs(o)[i] += x; RoMPys(o)[i] += y; }
     826          40 :         break;
     827          40 :       case ROt_ST:
     828          40 :         o = (RectObj*)cp(R, sizeof(RectObjST));
     829          40 :         RoSTs(o) = (char*)cp(RoSTs(R),RoSTl(R)+1);
     830          40 :         RoSTx(o) += x; RoSTy(o) += y;
     831          40 :         break;
     832         140 :       default: /* ROt_PTT, ROt_LNT, ROt_PTS */
     833         140 :         o = (RectObj*)cp(R, sizeof(RectObjPN));
     834         140 :         break;
     835             :     }
     836         340 :     RoNext(tail) = o; tail = o;
     837             :   }
     838          20 :   RoNext(tail) = NULL; RTail(d) = tail;
     839          20 : }
     840             : 
     841             : enum {CLIPLINE_NONEMPTY = 1, CLIPLINE_CLIP_1 = 2, CLIPLINE_CLIP_2 = 4};
     842             : /* A simpler way is to clip by 4 half-planes */
     843             : static int
     844         120 : clipline(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax,
     845             :          double *x1p, double *y1p, double *x2p, double *y2p)
     846             : {
     847         120 :   int xy_exch = 0, rc = CLIPLINE_NONEMPTY;
     848             :   double t, sl;
     849             :   double xi, xmn, xmx;
     850             :   double yi, ymn, ymx;
     851             :   int x1_is_ymn, x1_is_xmn;
     852         120 :   double x1 = *x1p, x2 = *x2p, y1 = *y1p, y2 = *y2p;
     853             : 
     854         120 :   if ((x1 < xmin &&  x2 < xmin) || (x1 > xmax && x2 > xmax))
     855          40 :     return 0;
     856          80 :   if (fabs(x1 - x2) < fabs(y1 - y2)) { /* Exchange x and y */
     857          24 :     xy_exch = 1;
     858          24 :     dswap(xmin, ymin); dswap(x1, y1);
     859          24 :     dswap(xmax, ymax); dswap(x2, y2);
     860             :   }
     861             : 
     862             :   /* Build y as a function of x */
     863          80 :   xi = x1;
     864          80 :   yi = y1;
     865          80 :   sl = x1==x2? 0: (y2 - yi)/(x2 - xi);
     866             : 
     867          80 :   if (x1 > x2) {
     868          24 :     x1_is_xmn = 0;
     869          24 :     xmn = x2;
     870          24 :     xmx = x1;
     871             :   } else {
     872          56 :     x1_is_xmn = 1;
     873          56 :     xmn = x1;
     874          56 :     xmx = x2;
     875             :   }
     876             : 
     877          80 :   if (xmn < xmin) {
     878           8 :     xmn = xmin;
     879           8 :     rc |= x1_is_xmn? CLIPLINE_CLIP_1: CLIPLINE_CLIP_2;
     880             :   }
     881          80 :   if (xmx > xmax) {
     882          12 :     xmx = xmax;
     883          12 :     rc |= x1_is_xmn? CLIPLINE_CLIP_2: CLIPLINE_CLIP_1;
     884             :   }
     885          80 :   if (xmn > xmx) return 0;
     886             : 
     887          80 :   ymn = yi + (xmn - xi)*sl;
     888          80 :   ymx = yi + (xmx - xi)*sl;
     889             : 
     890          80 :   if (sl < 0) t = ymn, ymn = ymx, ymx = t;
     891          80 :   if (ymn > ymax || ymx < ymin) return 0;
     892             : 
     893          80 :   if (rc & CLIPLINE_CLIP_1) x1 = x1_is_xmn? xmn: xmx;
     894          80 :   if (rc & CLIPLINE_CLIP_2) x2 = x1_is_xmn? xmx: xmn;
     895             : 
     896             :   /* Now we know there is an intersection, need to move x1 and x2 */
     897          80 :   x1_is_ymn = ((sl >= 0) == (x1 < x2));
     898          80 :   if (ymn < ymin) {
     899           4 :     double x = (ymin - yi)/sl + xi; /* slope != 0  ! */
     900           4 :     if (x1_is_ymn) x1 = x, rc |= CLIPLINE_CLIP_1;
     901           0 :     else           x2 = x, rc |= CLIPLINE_CLIP_2;
     902             :   }
     903          80 :   if (ymx > ymax) {
     904           4 :     double x = (ymax - yi)/sl + xi; /* slope != 0  ! */
     905           4 :     if (x1_is_ymn) x2 = x, rc |= CLIPLINE_CLIP_2;
     906           0 :     else           x1 = x, rc |= CLIPLINE_CLIP_1;
     907             :   }
     908          80 :   if (rc & CLIPLINE_CLIP_1) y1 = yi + (x1 - xi)*sl;
     909          80 :   if (rc & CLIPLINE_CLIP_2) y2 = yi + (x2 - xi)*sl;
     910          80 :   if (xy_exch) /* Exchange x and y */
     911          24 :     *x1p = y1, *x2p = y2, *y1p = x1, *y2p = x2;
     912             :   else
     913          56 :     *x1p = x1, *x2p = x2, *y1p = y1, *y2p = y2;
     914          80 :   return rc;
     915             : }
     916             : 
     917             : void
     918          20 : plotclip(long rect)
     919             : {
     920          20 :   PariRect *s = check_rect_init(rect);
     921          20 :   RectObj *next, *R = RHead(s), **prevp = &RHead(s);
     922          20 :   double xmin = 0, xmax = RXsize(s);
     923          20 :   double ymin = 0, ymax = RYsize(s);
     924             : 
     925         380 :   for (; R; R = next) {
     926         360 :     int did_clip = 0;
     927             : #define REMOVE() { *prevp = next; freeobj(R); break; }
     928             : #define NEXT() { prevp = &RoNext(R); break; }
     929             : 
     930         360 :     next = RoNext(R);
     931         360 :     switch(RoType(R)) {
     932          40 :       case ROt_PT:
     933          40 :         if ( DTOL(RoPTx(R)) < xmin || DTOL(RoPTx(R)) > xmax
     934          40 :           || DTOL(RoPTy(R)) < ymin || DTOL(RoPTy(R)) > ymax) REMOVE();
     935          24 :         NEXT();
     936          40 :       case ROt_BX: case ROt_FBX:
     937          40 :         if (RoLNx1(R) < xmin) RoLNx1(R) = xmin, did_clip = 1;
     938          40 :         if (RoLNx2(R) < xmin) RoLNx2(R) = xmin, did_clip = 1;
     939          40 :         if (RoLNy1(R) < ymin) RoLNy1(R) = ymin, did_clip = 1;
     940          40 :         if (RoLNy2(R) < ymin) RoLNy2(R) = ymin, did_clip = 1;
     941          40 :         if (RoLNx1(R) > xmax) RoLNx1(R) = xmax, did_clip = 1;
     942          40 :         if (RoLNx2(R) > xmax) RoLNx2(R) = xmax, did_clip = 1;
     943          40 :         if (RoLNy1(R) > ymax) RoLNy1(R) = ymax, did_clip = 1;
     944          40 :         if (RoLNy2(R) > ymax) RoLNy2(R) = ymax, did_clip = 1;
     945             :         /* Remove zero-size clipped boxes */
     946          40 :         if (did_clip && RoLNx1(R) == RoLNx2(R)
     947           8 :                      && RoLNy1(R) == RoLNy2(R)) REMOVE();
     948          36 :         NEXT();
     949          40 :       case ROt_LN:
     950          40 :         if (!clipline(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
     951             :                       &RoLNx1(R), &RoLNy1(R),
     952           8 :                       &RoLNx2(R), &RoLNy2(R))) REMOVE();
     953          32 :         NEXT();
     954          20 :       case ROt_MP: {
     955          20 :         int c = RoMPcnt(R), f = 0, t = 0;
     956             : 
     957         220 :         while (f < c) {
     958         200 :           if ( DTOL(RoMPxs(R)[f]) >= xmin && DTOL(RoMPxs(R)[f]) <= xmax
     959         120 :             && DTOL(RoMPys(R)[f]) >= ymin && DTOL(RoMPys(R)[f]) <= ymax) {
     960         120 :             if (t != f) {
     961           0 :               RoMPxs(R)[t] = RoMPxs(R)[f];
     962           0 :               RoMPys(R)[t] = RoMPys(R)[f];
     963             :             }
     964         120 :             t++;
     965             :           }
     966         200 :           f++;
     967             :         }
     968          20 :         if (t == 0) REMOVE();
     969          12 :         RoMPcnt(R) = t;
     970          12 :         NEXT();
     971             :       }
     972          20 :       case ROt_ML: {
     973             :         /* Hard case. Break a multiline into several pieces
     974             :          * if some part is clipped. */
     975          20 :         int c = RoMPcnt(R) - 1;
     976          20 :         int f = 0, t = 0, had_lines = 0, had_hole = 0, rc;
     977          20 :         double ox = RoMLxs(R)[0], oy = RoMLys(R)[0], oxn, oyn;
     978             : 
     979         100 :         while (f < c) {
     980             :         /* Endpoint of this segment is startpoint of next one: need to
     981             :          * preserve it if it is clipped. */
     982          80 :           oxn = RoMLxs(R)[f+1];
     983          80 :           oyn = RoMLys(R)[f+1];
     984          80 :           rc = clipline(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
     985             :                   &ox, &oy, /* &RoMLxs(R)[f], &RoMLys(R)[f], */
     986          80 :                   &RoMLxs(R)[f+1], &RoMLys(R)[f+1]);
     987          80 :           RoMLxs(R)[f] = ox; ox = oxn;
     988          80 :           RoMLys(R)[f] = oy; oy = oyn;
     989          80 :           if (!rc) {
     990          32 :             if (had_lines) had_hole = 1;
     991          32 :             f++; continue;
     992             :           }
     993             : 
     994          48 :           if (!had_lines || (!(rc & CLIPLINE_CLIP_1) && !had_hole) ) {
     995             :             /* Continuous */
     996          48 :             had_lines = 1;
     997          48 :             if (t != f) {
     998           0 :               if (t == 0) {
     999           0 :                 RoMPxs(R)[t] = RoMPxs(R)[f];
    1000           0 :                 RoMPys(R)[t] = RoMPys(R)[f];
    1001             :               }
    1002           0 :               RoMPxs(R)[t+1] = RoMPxs(R)[f+1];
    1003           0 :               RoMPys(R)[t+1] = RoMPys(R)[f+1];
    1004             :             }
    1005          48 :             t++;
    1006          48 :             f++;
    1007          48 :             if (rc & CLIPLINE_CLIP_2) had_hole = 1, RoMLcnt(R) = t+1;
    1008          48 :             continue;
    1009             :           }
    1010             :           /* Is not continuous, automatically R is not pari_free()ed.  */
    1011           0 :           t++;
    1012           0 :           RoMLcnt(R) = t;
    1013           0 :           if (rc & CLIPLINE_CLIP_2) { /* Needs separate entry */
    1014           0 :             RectObj *n = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObj2P));
    1015           0 :             RoType(n) = ROt_LN;
    1016           0 :             RoCol(n) = RoCol(R);
    1017           0 :             RoLNx1(n) = RoMLxs(R)[f];   RoLNy1(n) = RoMLys(R)[f];
    1018           0 :             RoLNx2(n) = RoMLxs(R)[f+1]; RoLNy2(n) = RoMLys(R)[f+1];
    1019           0 :             RoNext(n) = next;
    1020           0 :             RoNext(R) = n;
    1021             :             /* Restore the unclipped value: */
    1022           0 :             RoMLxs(R)[f+1] = oxn; RoMLys(R)[f+1] = oyn;
    1023           0 :             f++;
    1024           0 :             prevp = &RoNext(n);
    1025             :           }
    1026           0 :           if (f + 1 < c) { /* Are other lines */
    1027           0 :             RectObj *n = (RectObj*) pari_malloc(sizeof(RectObjMP));
    1028           0 :             RoType(n) = ROt_ML;
    1029           0 :             RoCol(n) = RoCol(R);
    1030           0 :             RoMLcnt(n) = c - f;
    1031           0 :             RoMLxs(n) = cpd(RoMPxs(R) + f, c-f);
    1032           0 :             RoMLys(n) = cpd(RoMPys(R) + f, c-f);
    1033           0 :             RoMPxs(n)[0] = oxn;
    1034           0 :             RoMPys(n)[0] = oyn;
    1035           0 :             RoNext(n) = next;
    1036           0 :             RoNext(R) = n;
    1037           0 :             next = n;
    1038             :           }
    1039           0 :           break;
    1040             :         }
    1041          20 :         if (t == 0) REMOVE();
    1042          12 :         NEXT();
    1043             :       }
    1044             :     }
    1045             : #undef REMOVE
    1046             : #undef NEXT
    1047             :   }
    1048          20 : }
    1049             : 
    1050             : /********************************************************************/
    1051             : /**                                                                **/
    1052             : /**                        HI-RES PLOT                             **/
    1053             : /**                                                                **/
    1054             : /********************************************************************/
    1055             : static void
    1056      185061 : set_xrange(dblPointList *f, double x)
    1057      185061 : { if (x < f->xsml) f->xsml = x;
    1058      185061 :   if (x > f->xbig) f->xbig = x; }
    1059             : static void
    1060      176441 : Appendx(dblPointList *f, dblPointList *l, double x)
    1061      176441 : { (l->d)[l->nb++] = x; set_xrange(f,x); }
    1062             : static void
    1063      251653 : set_yrange(dblPointList *f, double y)
    1064      251653 : { if (y < f->ysml) f->ysml = y;
    1065      251653 :   if (y > f->ybig) f->ybig = y; }
    1066             : static void
    1067      241441 : Appendy(dblPointList *f, dblPointList *l, double y)
    1068      241441 : { (l->d)[l->nb++] = y; set_yrange(f,y); }
    1069             : 
    1070             : static void
    1071      138192 : get_xy(long cplx, GEN t, double *x, double *y)
    1072             : {
    1073             :   GEN a, b;
    1074      138192 :   if (cplx)
    1075             :   {
    1076           0 :     if (typ(t) == t_VEC)
    1077             :     {
    1078           0 :       if (lg(t) != 2) pari_err_DIM("get_xy");
    1079           0 :       t = gel(t,1);
    1080             :     }
    1081           0 :     a = real_i(t); b = imag_i(t);
    1082             :   }
    1083             :   else
    1084             :   {
    1085      138192 :     if (typ(t) != t_VEC || lg(t) != 3) pari_err_DIM("get_xy");
    1086      138192 :     a = gel(t,1); b = gel(t,2);
    1087             :   }
    1088      138192 :   *x = gtodouble(a);
    1089      138192 :   *y = gtodouble(b);
    1090      138192 : }
    1091             : /* t a t_VEC (possibly a scalar if cplx), get next (x,y) coordinate starting
    1092             :  * at index *i [update i] */
    1093             : static void
    1094       40256 : get_xy_from_vec(long cplx, GEN t, long *i, double *x, double *y)
    1095             : {
    1096             :   GEN a, b;
    1097       40256 :   if (cplx)
    1098             :   {
    1099           0 :     if (typ(t) == t_VEC) t = gel(t,*i);
    1100           0 :     a = real_i(t); b = imag_i(t); (*i)++;
    1101             :   }
    1102             :   else
    1103             :   {
    1104       40256 :     a = gel(t, (*i)++);
    1105       40256 :     b = gel(t, (*i)++);
    1106             :   }
    1107       40256 :   *x = gtodouble(a);
    1108       40256 :   *y = gtodouble(b);
    1109       40256 : }
    1110             : 
    1111             : static void
    1112         504 : dblV_from_RgV(dblPointList *L, GEN x)
    1113             : {
    1114         504 :   long j, l = lg(x);
    1115         504 :   double *X = (double*)pari_malloc(l*sizeof(double));
    1116       20936 :   for (j = 1; j < l; j++) X[j-1] = gtodouble(gel(x,j));
    1117         504 :   L->d = X; L->nb = l-1;
    1118         504 : }
    1119             : 
    1120             : /* Convert data from GEN to double before we call plotrecthrawin. */
    1121             : static dblPointList*
    1122          42 : gtodblList(GEN data, long flags)
    1123             : {
    1124             :   dblPointList *l, *L;
    1125             :   double *X, *Y;
    1126          42 :   long nl = lg(data)-1, i, j;
    1127          42 :   const long param = (flags & (PLOT_PARAMETRIC|PLOT_COMPLEX));
    1128          42 :   const long cplx = (flags & PLOT_COMPLEX);
    1129             : 
    1130          42 :   if (! is_vec_t(typ(data))) pari_err_TYPE("gtodblList",data);
    1131          42 :   if (!nl) return NULL;
    1132             : 
    1133          42 :   if (nl == 1 && !cplx) pari_err_DIM("gtodblList");
    1134         538 :   for (i = 1; i <= nl; i++)
    1135             :   { /* Check input first */
    1136         496 :     GEN x = gel(data,i);
    1137         496 :     if (!is_vec_t(typ(x))) pari_err_TYPE("gtodblList",x);
    1138             :   }
    1139          42 :   if (flags & PLOT_PARAMETRIC)
    1140             :   {
    1141          30 :     if (odd(nl))
    1142           0 :       pari_err_TYPE("gtodbllist [odd #components in parametric plot]", data);
    1143          64 :     for (i = 1; i < nl; i += 2)
    1144             :     {
    1145          34 :       GEN x = gel(data,i), y = gel(data,i+1);
    1146          34 :       if (lg(y) != lg(x)) pari_err_DIM("gtodblList");
    1147             :     }
    1148             :   }
    1149          12 :   else if (!cplx)
    1150             :   {
    1151           8 :     long l1 = lg(gel(data,1)); if (l1 == 1) return NULL;
    1152         420 :     for (i = 2; i <= nl; i++)
    1153         412 :       if (lg(gel(data,i)) != l1) pari_err_DIM("gtodblList");
    1154             :   }
    1155             : 
    1156             :   /* Now allocate memory and convert coord. to double */
    1157          42 :   if (cplx)
    1158             :   {
    1159           4 :     l = (dblPointList*)pari_malloc((2*nl)*sizeof(dblPointList));
    1160          12 :     for (i = 0; i < nl; i++)
    1161             :     {
    1162           8 :       pari_sp av = avma;
    1163           8 :       GEN x = gel(data,i+1);
    1164           8 :       dblV_from_RgV(&l[2*i],   real_i(x));
    1165           8 :       dblV_from_RgV(&l[2*i+1], imag_i(x)); set_avma(av);
    1166             :     }
    1167             :   }
    1168          38 :   else if (param)
    1169             :   {
    1170          30 :     l = (dblPointList*)pari_malloc(nl*sizeof(dblPointList));
    1171          64 :     for (i = 1; i < nl; i += 2)
    1172             :     {
    1173          34 :       dblV_from_RgV(&l[i-1], gel(data,i));
    1174          34 :       dblV_from_RgV(&l[i], gel(data,i+1));
    1175             :     }
    1176             :   }
    1177             :   else
    1178             :   {
    1179           8 :     l = (dblPointList*)pari_malloc(nl*sizeof(dblPointList));
    1180           8 :     dblV_from_RgV(&l[0], gel(data,1));
    1181         420 :     for (i = 2; i <= nl; i++) dblV_from_RgV(&l[i-1], gel(data, i));
    1182             :   }
    1183             :   /* Compute extremas */
    1184          42 :   L = &l[0];
    1185          42 :   if (param)
    1186             :   {
    1187          34 :     L->nb = cplx? nl: nl/2;
    1188          34 :     for (i=0; i < L->nb; i+=2)
    1189          34 :       if (l[i+1].nb) break;
    1190          34 :     if (i >= L->nb) { pari_free(l); return NULL; }
    1191          34 :     L->xsml = L->xbig = l[i  ].d[0];
    1192          34 :     L->ysml = L->ybig = l[i+1].d[0];
    1193          68 :     for (; i < L->nb; i+=2)
    1194             :     {
    1195          34 :       long nbi = l[i+1].nb; X = l[i].d; Y = l[i+1].d;
    1196        8246 :       for (j = 0; j < nbi; j++) { set_xrange(L, X[j]); set_yrange(L, Y[j]); }
    1197             :     }
    1198             :   }
    1199             :   else
    1200             :   {
    1201           8 :     L->nb = nl-1;
    1202           8 :     X = L->d;   L->xsml = L->xbig = X[0];
    1203           8 :     Y = l[1].d; L->ysml = L->ybig = Y[0];
    1204         416 :     for (j=0; j < l[1].nb; j++) set_xrange(L, X[j]);
    1205         420 :     for (i=1; i <= L->nb; i++)
    1206             :     {
    1207         412 :       long nbi = l[i].nb; Y = l[i].d;
    1208        2412 :       for (j = 0; j < nbi; j++) set_yrange(L, Y[j]);
    1209             :     }
    1210             :   }
    1211          42 :   return l;
    1212             : }
    1213             : 
    1214             : /* x,y t_REAL; return (x+y)/2,  */
    1215             : static GEN
    1216      217949 : rmiddle(GEN x, GEN y) { GEN z = addrr(x,y); shiftr_inplace(z,-1); return z; }
    1217             : 
    1218             : static void
    1219      103871 : single_recursion(void *E, GEN(*eval)(void*,GEN), dblPointList *pl,
    1220             :                  GEN xl,double yl, GEN xr,double yr,long depth)
    1221             : {
    1222             :   GEN xx;
    1223      103871 :   pari_sp av = avma;
    1224      103871 :   double yy, dy=pl[0].ybig - pl[0].ysml;
    1225             : 
    1226      103871 :   if (depth==RECUR_MAXDEPTH) return;
    1227             : 
    1228       92133 :   xx = rmiddle(xl,xr);
    1229       92133 :   yy = gtodouble(eval(E,xx));
    1230             : 
    1231       92133 :   if (dy && fabs(yl+yr-2*yy) < dy*RECUR_PREC) return;
    1232       49917 :   single_recursion(E,eval, pl,xl,yl, xx,yy, depth+1);
    1233       49917 :   Appendx(&pl[0],&pl[0],rtodbl(xx));
    1234       49917 :   Appendy(&pl[0],&pl[1],yy);
    1235       49917 :   single_recursion(E,eval, pl,xx,yy, xr,yr, depth+1);
    1236       49917 :   set_avma(av);
    1237             : }
    1238             : 
    1239             : static void
    1240      138104 : param_recursion(void *E,GEN(*eval)(void*,GEN), long cplx, dblPointList *pl,
    1241             :   GEN tl,double xl, double yl, GEN tr,double xr,double yr, long depth)
    1242             : {
    1243             :   GEN t;
    1244      138104 :   pari_sp av = avma;
    1245      138104 :   double xx, dy=pl[0].ybig - pl[0].ysml;
    1246      138104 :   double yy, dx=pl[0].xbig - pl[0].xsml;
    1247             : 
    1248      198060 :   if (depth==RECUR_MAXDEPTH) return;
    1249             : 
    1250      125816 :   t = rmiddle(tl,tr);
    1251      125816 :   get_xy(cplx, eval(E,t), &xx,&yy);
    1252             : 
    1253      125816 :   if (dx && dy && fabs(xl+xr-2*xx) < dx*RECUR_PREC
    1254       62848 :                && fabs(yl+yr-2*yy) < dy*RECUR_PREC) return;
    1255       65860 :   param_recursion(E,eval, cplx, pl, tl,xl,yl, t,xx,yy, depth+1);
    1256       65860 :   Appendx(&pl[0],&pl[0],xx);
    1257       65860 :   Appendy(&pl[0],&pl[1],yy);
    1258       65860 :   param_recursion(E,eval,cplx, pl, t,xx,yy, tr,xr,yr, depth+1);
    1259       65860 :   set_avma(av);
    1260             : }
    1261             : 
    1262             : /* Graph 'code' for parameter values in [a,b], using 'N' sample points
    1263             :  * (0 = use a default value); code is either a t_CLOSURE or a t_POL or a
    1264             :  * t_VEC of two t_POLs from rectsplines. Returns a dblPointList of
    1265             :  * (absolute) coordinates. */
    1266             : static dblPointList *
    1267       10087 : plotrecthin(void *E, GEN(*eval)(void*, GEN), GEN a, GEN b, ulong flags,
    1268             :             long N, long prec)
    1269             : {
    1270       10087 :   const double INF = 1.0/0.0;
    1271       10087 :   const long param = flags & (PLOT_PARAMETRIC|PLOT_COMPLEX);
    1272       10087 :   const long recur = flags & PLOT_RECURSIVE;
    1273       10087 :   const long cplx = flags & PLOT_COMPLEX;
    1274             :   GEN t, dx, x;
    1275             :   dblPointList *pl;
    1276       10087 :   long tx, i, j, sig, nc, nl, ncoords, nbpoints, non_vec = 0;
    1277             : 
    1278       10087 :   sig = gcmp(b,a); if (!sig) return NULL;
    1279       10087 :   if (sig < 0) swap(a, b);
    1280       10087 :   if (N == 1) pari_err_DOMAIN("ploth", "#points", "<", gen_2, stoi(N));
    1281       10083 :   if (!N) N = recur? 8: (param? 1500: 1000);
    1282             :   /* compute F(a) to determine nc = #curves; nl = #coord. lists */
    1283       10083 :   x = gtofp(a, prec);
    1284       10083 :   t = eval(E, x); tx = typ(t);
    1285       10083 :   if (cplx) nc = nl = (tx == t_VEC)? lg(t)-1: 1;
    1286       10083 :   else if (param)
    1287             :   {
    1288        6043 :     if (tx != t_VEC) pari_err_TYPE("ploth [not a t_VEC in parametric plot]", t);
    1289        6039 :     nl = lg(t)-1; nc = nl >> 1;
    1290        6039 :     if (odd(nl)) pari_err_TYPE("ploth [odd #components in parametric plot]",t);
    1291             :   }
    1292        4040 :   else if (!is_matvec_t(tx)) { nl = 2; non_vec = 1; nc = 1; }
    1293             :   else
    1294             :   {
    1295          12 :     if (tx != t_VEC) pari_err_TYPE("ploth [not a t_VEC]",t);
    1296          12 :     nl = lg(t);
    1297          12 :     nc = nl-1;
    1298             :   }
    1299       10079 :   if (!nc) return NULL;
    1300       10079 :   if (recur && nc > 1) pari_err_TYPE("ploth [multi-curves + recursive]",t);
    1301             : 
    1302       10075 :   ncoords = cplx? 2*nl: nl;
    1303       10075 :   nbpoints = recur? N << RECUR_MAXDEPTH: N;
    1304       10075 :   pl=(dblPointList*) pari_malloc(ncoords*sizeof(dblPointList));
    1305             :   /* set [xy]sml,[xy]big to default values */
    1306       10075 :   if (param)
    1307             :   {
    1308        6039 :     pl[0].xsml = INF;
    1309        6039 :     pl[0].xbig =-INF;
    1310             :   } else {
    1311        4036 :     pl[0].xsml = gtodouble(a);
    1312        4036 :     pl[0].xbig = gtodouble(b);
    1313             :   }
    1314       10075 :   pl[0].ysml = INF;
    1315       10075 :   pl[0].ybig =-INF;
    1316       30249 :   for (i = 0; i < ncoords; i++)
    1317             :   {
    1318       20174 :     pl[i].d = (double*)pari_malloc((nbpoints+1)*sizeof(double));
    1319       20174 :     pl[i].nb=0;
    1320             :   }
    1321       10075 :   dx = divru(gtofp(gsub(b,a),prec), N-1);
    1322       10075 :   if (recur)
    1323             :   { /* recursive plot */
    1324        9987 :     double yl, yr = 0;
    1325        9987 :     if (param)
    1326             :     {
    1327        5992 :       GEN tl = cgetr(prec), tr = cgetr(prec);
    1328        5992 :       double xl, xr = 0;
    1329        5992 :       pari_sp av2 = avma;
    1330        5992 :       affgr(a, tl);
    1331        5992 :       t = eval(E, tl);
    1332        5992 :       get_xy(cplx,t, &xl,&yl);
    1333       12376 :       for (i=0; i<N-1; i++, set_avma(av2))
    1334             :       {
    1335        6384 :         if (i) { affrr(tr,tl); xl = xr; yl = yr; }
    1336        6384 :         addrrz(tl,dx,tr);
    1337        6384 :         t = eval(E, tr);
    1338        6384 :         get_xy(cplx,t, &xr,&yr);
    1339        6384 :         Appendx(&pl[0],&pl[0],xl);
    1340        6384 :         Appendy(&pl[0],&pl[1],yl);
    1341        6384 :         param_recursion(E,eval, cplx, pl, tl,xl,yl, tr,xr,yr, 0);
    1342             :       }
    1343        5992 :       Appendx(&pl[0],&pl[0],xr);
    1344        5992 :       Appendy(&pl[0],&pl[1],yr);
    1345             :     }
    1346             :     else /* single curve */
    1347             :     {
    1348        3995 :       GEN xl = cgetr(prec), xr = cgetr(prec);
    1349        3995 :       pari_sp av2 = avma;
    1350        3995 :       affgr(a,xl);
    1351        3995 :       yl = gtodouble(eval(E,xl));
    1352        8032 :       for (i=0; i<N-1; i++, set_avma(av2))
    1353             :       {
    1354        4037 :         addrrz(xl,dx,xr);
    1355        4037 :         yr = gtodouble(eval(E,xr));
    1356        4037 :         Appendx(&pl[0],&pl[0],rtodbl(xl));
    1357        4037 :         Appendy(&pl[0],&pl[1],yl);
    1358        4037 :         single_recursion(E,eval, pl,xl,yl,xr,yr,0);
    1359        4037 :         affrr(xr,xl); yl = yr;
    1360             :       }
    1361        3995 :       Appendx(&pl[0],&pl[0],rtodbl(xr));
    1362        3995 :       Appendy(&pl[0],&pl[1],yr);
    1363             :     }
    1364             :   }
    1365             :   else /* nonrecursive plot */
    1366             :   {
    1367          88 :     GEN V, X = cgetg(N+1, t_VEC);
    1368       86388 :     for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { gel(X,i) = x; x = addrr(x,dx); }
    1369          88 :     if (flags & PLOT_PARA && eval == gp_call)
    1370          14 :     {
    1371          14 :       GEN worker = snm_closure(is_entry("_parapply_slice_worker"),
    1372             :                                mkvec((GEN)E));
    1373          14 :       V = gen_parapply_slice(worker, X, mt_nbthreads());
    1374             :     }
    1375             :     else
    1376             :     {
    1377          74 :       V = cgetg(N+1, t_VEC);
    1378       68874 :       for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) gel(V,i) = eval(E,gel(X,i));
    1379             :     }
    1380          88 :     if (param)
    1381             :     {
    1382       40303 :       for (i = 1; i <= N; i++)
    1383             :       {
    1384             :         long nt, k, j;
    1385       40260 :         t = gel(V,i);
    1386       40260 :         if (typ(t) != t_VEC)
    1387             :         {
    1388           4 :           if (cplx) nt = 1;
    1389           4 :           else nt = 0; /* trigger error */
    1390             :         }
    1391             :         else
    1392       40256 :           nt = lg(t)-1;
    1393       40260 :         if (nt != nl) pari_err_DIM("plotrecth");
    1394       40256 :         k = 0; j = 1;
    1395       80512 :         while (j <= nl)
    1396             :         {
    1397             :           double xx, yy;
    1398       40256 :           get_xy_from_vec(cplx, t, &j, &xx, &yy);
    1399       40256 :           Appendx(&pl[0], &pl[k++], xx);
    1400       40256 :           Appendy(&pl[0], &pl[k++], yy);
    1401             :         }
    1402             :       }
    1403             :     }
    1404          41 :     else if (non_vec)
    1405       33033 :       for (i = 1; i <= N; i++)
    1406             :       {
    1407       33000 :         Appendy(&pl[0], &pl[1], gtodouble(gel(V,i)));
    1408       33000 :         pl[0].d[i-1] = gtodouble(gel(X,i));
    1409             :       }
    1410             :     else /* vector of nonparametric curves */
    1411        8008 :       for (i = 1; i <= N; i++)
    1412             :       {
    1413        8000 :         t = gel(V,i);
    1414        8000 :         if (typ(t) != t_VEC || lg(t) != nl) pari_err_DIM("plotrecth");
    1415       40000 :         for (j = 1; j < nl; j++) Appendy(&pl[0], &pl[j], gtodouble(gel(t,j)));
    1416        8000 :         pl[0].d[i-1] = gtodouble(gel(X,i));
    1417             :       }
    1418             :   }
    1419       10071 :   pl[0].nb = nc; return pl;
    1420             : }
    1421             : 
    1422             : static GEN
    1423      234176 : spline_eval(void* E, GEN x) { return gsubst((GEN)E,0,x); }
    1424             : 
    1425             : /* Uses highlevel plotting functions to implement splines as
    1426             :    a low-level plotting function. */
    1427             : static void
    1428           8 : rectsplines(long ne, double *x, double *y, long lx, long flag)
    1429             : {
    1430             :   long i, j;
    1431           8 :   pari_sp av0 = avma;
    1432           8 :   GEN X = pol_x(0), xa = cgetg(lx+1, t_VEC), ya = cgetg(lx+1, t_VEC);
    1433             :   GEN tas, pol3;
    1434           8 :   long param = flag & PLOT_PARAMETRIC;
    1435           8 :   const long fl = param | PLOT_RECURSIVE | PLOT_NO_RESCALE | PLOT_NO_FRAME
    1436             :                         | PLOT_NO_AXE_Y | PLOT_NO_AXE_X;
    1437             : 
    1438           8 :   if (lx < 4) pari_err(e_MISC, "Too few points (%ld) for spline plot", lx);
    1439       10008 :   for (i = 1; i <= lx; i++) {
    1440       10000 :     gel(xa,i) = dbltor(x[i-1]);
    1441       10000 :     gel(ya,i) = dbltor(y[i-1]);
    1442             :   }
    1443           8 :   if (param) {
    1444           4 :     tas = new_chunk(4);
    1445          20 :     for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++) gel(tas,j-1) = utoipos(j);
    1446           4 :     pol3 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
    1447             :   }
    1448             :   else
    1449           4 :     tas = pol3 = NULL; /* gcc -Wall */
    1450        9984 :   for (i = 0; i <= lx - 4; i++) {
    1451        9976 :     pari_sp av = avma;
    1452             : 
    1453        9976 :     xa++; ya++;
    1454        9976 :     if (param) {
    1455        5988 :       gel(pol3,1) = polintspec(tas, xa, X, 4, NULL);
    1456        5988 :       gel(pol3,2) = polintspec(tas, ya, X, 4, NULL);
    1457             :     } else {
    1458        3988 :       pol3 = polintspec(xa, ya, X, 4, NULL);
    1459        3988 :       tas = xa;
    1460             :     }
    1461             :     /* Start with 3 points */
    1462        9976 :     plotrecth((void*)pol3, &spline_eval, ne,
    1463             :                i== 0 ? gel(tas,0) : gel(tas,1),
    1464        9976 :                i==lx-4 ? gel(tas,3) : gel(tas,2),
    1465             :                fl, 2, DEFAULTPREC);
    1466        9976 :     set_avma(av);
    1467             :   }
    1468           8 :   set_avma(av0);
    1469           8 : }
    1470             : 
    1471             : static void
    1472          78 : pari_get_fmtplot(GEN fmt, PARI_plot *T)
    1473             : {
    1474          78 :   char *f = GSTR(fmt);
    1475          78 :   if (!strcmp(f, "svg")) pari_get_svgplot(T);
    1476          21 :   else if (!strcmp(f, "ps")) pari_get_psplot(T);
    1477           0 :   else pari_err_TYPE("plotexport [unknown format]", fmt);
    1478          78 : }
    1479             : static GEN
    1480         142 : fmt_convert(GEN fmt, GEN w, GEN x, GEN y, PARI_plot *T)
    1481             : {
    1482         142 :   char *f, *s = NULL;
    1483         142 :   if (typ(fmt) != t_STR) pari_err_TYPE("plotexport",fmt);
    1484         142 :   f = GSTR(fmt);
    1485         142 :   if (!strcmp(f, "svg"))
    1486          93 :     s = rect2svg(w,x,y,T);
    1487          49 :   else if (!strcmp(f, "ps"))
    1488          49 :     s = rect2ps(w,x,y,T);
    1489             :   else
    1490           0 :     pari_err_TYPE("plotexport [unknown format]", fmt);
    1491         142 :   return strtoGENstr(s);
    1492             : }
    1493             : 
    1494             : static void
    1495          76 : Draw(PARI_plot *T, GEN w, GEN x, GEN y)
    1496             : {
    1497          76 :   if (!T->draw) pari_err(e_MISC,"high resolution graphics disabled");
    1498          76 :   T->draw(T, w,x,y);
    1499          76 : }
    1500             : static void
    1501       20226 : set_range(double m, double M, double *sml, double *big)
    1502             : {
    1503       20226 :   if (M - m < 1.e-9) { double d = fabs(m)/10; M += d; m -= d; }
    1504       20226 :   *sml = m; *big = M;
    1505       20226 : }
    1506             : /* Plot a dblPointList. Complete with axes, bounding box, etc.
    1507             :  *
    1508             :  * data is an array of structs. Its meaning depends on flags :
    1509             :  *
    1510             :  * + data[0] contains global extremas, the number of curves to plot
    1511             :  *   (data[0].nb) and a list of doubles (first set of x-coordinates).
    1512             :  *
    1513             :  * + data[i].nb (i>0) contains the number of points in the list
    1514             :  *   data[i].d (hopefully, data[2i].nb=data[2i+1].nb when i>0...)
    1515             :  *
    1516             :  * + If flags contain PLOT_PARAMETRIC, the array length should be
    1517             :  *   even, and successive pairs (data[2i].d, data[2i+1].d) represent
    1518             :  *   curves to plot.
    1519             :  *
    1520             :  * + If there is no such flag, the first element is an array with
    1521             :  *   x-coordinates and the following ones contain y-coordinates.
    1522             :  * If W != NULL, output wrt this PARI_plot using two drawing rectangles:
    1523             :  * one for labels, another for graphs. Else draw to rectwindow ne without
    1524             :  * labels.
    1525             :  * If fmt != NULL (requires W != NULL), output is a t_STR containing the
    1526             :  * converted picture, else a bounding box */
    1527             : static GEN
    1528       10113 : plotrecthrawin(GEN fmt, PARI_plot *W, long ne, dblPointList *data, long flags)
    1529             : {
    1530       10113 :   const long param = flags & (PLOT_PARAMETRIC|PLOT_COMPLEX);
    1531       10113 :   const long max_graphcolors = lg(GP_DATA->graphcolors)-1;
    1532       10113 :   const pari_sp av = avma;
    1533             :   dblPointList x, y;
    1534             :   double xsml, xbig, ysml, ybig;
    1535             :   long ltype, i, nc, w[3], wx[3], wy[3];
    1536             : 
    1537       10113 :   if (!data) return cgetg(1,t_VEC);
    1538       10113 :   x = data[0]; nc = x.nb;
    1539       10113 :   set_range(x.xsml, x.xbig, &xsml, &xbig);
    1540       10113 :   set_range(x.ysml, x.ybig, &ysml, &ybig);
    1541       10113 :   if (W)
    1542             :   { /* actual output; else output to rectwindow: no labels */
    1543             :     char YBIG[16], YSML[16], XSML[16], XBIG[16];
    1544         114 :     long lm = W->hunit-1, rm = W->hunit-1, tm = W->vunit-1;
    1545         114 :     long bm = W->vunit+W->fheight-1;
    1546             :     /* left/right/top/bottom margin */
    1547         114 :     if (!(flags&PLOT_NOMINMAX))
    1548             :     {
    1549         114 :       sprintf(YSML,"%.5g", ysml); sprintf(YBIG,"%.5g", ybig);
    1550         114 :       sprintf(XSML,"%.5g", xsml); sprintf(XBIG,"%.5g", xbig);
    1551             :       /* left margin has y labels with hgap on both sides of text */
    1552         114 :       lm = maxss(strlen(YSML), strlen(YBIG)) * W->fwidth + 2*W->hunit-1;
    1553             :     }
    1554         114 :     w[0] = evaltyp(t_VECSMALL) | _evallg((flags&PLOT_NOMINMAX)? 2: 3);
    1555         114 :     wx[0] = wy[0] = w[0];
    1556         114 :     w[1] = ne; wx[1] = lm; wy[1] = tm;
    1557             :    /* Window (width x height) is given in pixels, correct pixels are 0..n-1,
    1558             :     * whereas rect functions work with windows whose pixel range is [0,n] */
    1559         114 :     initrect_i(ne, W->width - (lm+rm) - 1, W->height - (tm+bm) - 1);
    1560         114 :     if (!(flags&PLOT_NOMINMAX))
    1561             :     { /* draw labels on se */
    1562         114 :       const long se = NUMRECT-2;
    1563         114 :       w[2] = se; wx[2] = 0;  wy[2] = 0;
    1564         114 :       initrect_i(se, W->width - 1, W->height - 1);
    1565         114 :       _move(se,lm,0); plotstring(se, YBIG, RoSTdirRIGHT|RoSTdirHGAP|RoSTdirTOP);
    1566         114 :       _move(se,lm,W->height-bm); plotstring(se,YSML, RoSTdirRIGHT|RoSTdirHGAP|RoSTdirVGAP);
    1567         114 :       _move(se,lm,W->height-bm); plotstring(se, XSML, RoSTdirLEFT|RoSTdirTOP);
    1568         114 :       _move(se,W->width-rm-1, W->height-bm); plotstring(se, XBIG, RoSTdirRIGHT|RoSTdirTOP);
    1569             :     }
    1570             :   }
    1571       10113 :   if (!(flags & PLOT_NO_RESCALE)) plotscale0(ne, xsml, xbig, ysml, ybig);
    1572       10113 :   if (!(flags & PLOT_NO_FRAME))
    1573             :   {
    1574         274 :     long fl = (flags & PLOT_NODOUBLETICK)? TICKS_CLOCKW|TICKS_NODOUBLE
    1575         137 :                                          : TICKS_CLOCKW;
    1576             :     PARI_plot T, *pl;
    1577         137 :     if (W) pl = W; else { pl = &T; pari_get_plot(pl); }
    1578         137 :     plotlinetype(ne, -2); /* frame */
    1579         137 :     current_color[ne] = colormap_to_color(DEFAULT_COLOR);
    1580         137 :     _move(ne,xsml,ysml);
    1581         137 :     _box(ne,xbig,ybig);
    1582         137 :     if (!(flags & PLOT_NO_TICK_X)) {
    1583         137 :       rectticks(pl, ne, xsml, ysml, xbig, ysml, xsml, xbig, fl);
    1584         137 :       rectticks(pl, ne, xbig, ybig, xsml, ybig, xbig, xsml, fl);
    1585             :     }
    1586         137 :     if (!(flags & PLOT_NO_TICK_Y)) {
    1587         137 :       rectticks(pl, ne, xbig, ysml, xbig, ybig, ysml, ybig, fl);
    1588         137 :       rectticks(pl, ne, xsml, ybig, xsml, ysml, ybig, ysml, fl);
    1589             :     }
    1590             :   }
    1591       10113 :   if (!(flags & PLOT_NO_AXE_Y) && (xsml<=0 && xbig >=0))
    1592             :   {
    1593         112 :     plotlinetype(ne, -1); /* axes */
    1594         112 :     current_color[ne] = colormap_to_color(AXIS_COLOR);
    1595         112 :     _move(ne,0.0,ysml);
    1596         112 :     _line(ne,0.0,ybig);
    1597             :   }
    1598       10113 :   if (!(flags & PLOT_NO_AXE_X) && (ysml<=0 && ybig >=0))
    1599             :   {
    1600         116 :     plotlinetype(ne, -1); /* axes */
    1601         116 :     current_color[ne] = colormap_to_color(AXIS_COLOR);
    1602         116 :     _move(ne,xsml,0.0);
    1603         116 :     _line(ne,xbig,0.0);
    1604             :   }
    1605             : 
    1606       10113 :   if (param) {
    1607        6069 :     i = 0;
    1608        6069 :     flags |= PLOT_PARAMETRIC;
    1609        6069 :     flags &= (~PLOT_COMPLEX); /* turn COMPLEX to PARAMETRIC*/
    1610        4044 :   } else i = 1;
    1611       20646 :   for (ltype = 0; ltype < nc; ltype++)
    1612             :   {
    1613       10537 :     long c = GP_DATA->graphcolors[1+(ltype%max_graphcolors)];
    1614       10537 :     current_color[ne] = colormap_to_color(c);
    1615       10533 :     if (param) x = data[i++];
    1616             : 
    1617       10533 :     y = data[i++];
    1618       10533 :     if (flags & (PLOT_POINTS_LINES|PLOT_POINTS)) {
    1619          18 :       plotlinetype(ne, plotpoint_itype + ltype); /* Graphs */
    1620          18 :       plotpointtype(ne,plotpoint_itype + ltype); /* Graphs */
    1621          18 :       plotpoints0(ne, x.d, y.d, y.nb);
    1622          18 :       if (!(flags & PLOT_POINTS_LINES)) continue;
    1623             :     }
    1624             : 
    1625       10515 :     if (flags & PLOT_SPLINES) {
    1626             :       /* rectsplines will call us back with ltype == 0 */
    1627           8 :       int old = rectline_itype;
    1628           8 :       rectline_itype = rectline_itype + ltype;
    1629           8 :       rectsplines(ne, x.d, y.d, y.nb, flags);
    1630           8 :       rectline_itype = old;
    1631             :     } else {
    1632       10507 :       plotlinetype(ne, rectline_itype + ltype); /* Graphs */
    1633       10507 :       rectlines0(ne, x.d, y.d, y.nb, 0);
    1634             :     }
    1635             :   }
    1636       30751 :   for (i--; i>=0; i--) pari_free(data[i].d);
    1637       10109 :   pari_free(data);
    1638             : 
    1639       10109 :   if (W)
    1640             :   {
    1641         110 :     GEN s = NULL;
    1642         110 :     if (fmt) s = fmt_convert(fmt, w, wx, wy, W); else Draw(W, w,wx,wy);
    1643         330 :     for (i = 1; i < lg(w); i++) plotkill(w[i]);
    1644         110 :     if (fmt) return s;
    1645             :   }
    1646       10031 :   set_avma(av);
    1647       10031 :   retmkvec4(dbltor(xsml), dbltor(xbig), dbltor(ysml), dbltor(ybig));
    1648             : }
    1649             : 
    1650             : /*************************************************************************/
    1651             : /*                                                                       */
    1652             : /*                          HI-RES FUNCTIONS                             */
    1653             : /*                                                                       */
    1654             : /*************************************************************************/
    1655             : /* If T != NULL, draw using the attached graphic (using rectwindow ne as a temp)
    1656             :  * Else write to rectwindow 'ne'.
    1657             :  * Graph y=f(x), x=a..b, use n points */
    1658             : static GEN
    1659       10087 : plotrecth_i(GEN fmt, void *E, GEN(*f)(void*,GEN), PARI_plot *T, long ne,
    1660             :             GEN a,GEN b, ulong flags,long n, long prec)
    1661             : {
    1662       10087 :   pari_sp av = avma;
    1663       10087 :   dblPointList *pl = plotrecthin(E,f, a,b, flags, n, prec);
    1664       10071 :   set_avma(av); return plotrecthrawin(fmt, T, ne, pl, flags);
    1665             : }
    1666             : GEN
    1667        9983 : plotrecth(void *E, GEN(*f)(void*,GEN), long ne, GEN a,GEN b,
    1668             :            long flags, long n, long prec)
    1669        9983 : { return plotrecth_i(NULL, E,f, NULL, ne, a,b, flags&~PLOT_PARA, n, prec); }
    1670             : GEN
    1671           7 : plotrecth0(long ne, GEN a,GEN b,GEN code, long flags,long n, long prec)
    1672           7 : { EXPR_WRAP(code, plotrecth(EXPR_ARG, ne, a,b, flags, n, prec)); }
    1673             : static GEN
    1674          44 : _ploth(void *E, GEN(*f)(void*,GEN), GEN a, GEN b,long flags, long n, long prec)
    1675             : {
    1676          44 :   PARI_plot T; pari_get_plot(&T);
    1677          44 :   return plotrecth_i(NULL, E,f, &T, NUMRECT-1, a,b, flags,n, prec);
    1678             : }
    1679             : GEN
    1680          44 : ploth(void *E, GEN(*f)(void*,GEN), GEN a, GEN b,long flags, long n, long prec)
    1681          44 : { return _ploth(E, f, a, b, flags&~PLOT_PARA, n, prec); }
    1682             : GEN
    1683           0 : parploth(GEN a, GEN b, GEN code, long flags, long n, long prec)
    1684           0 : { return _ploth(code, gp_call, a, b, flags|PLOT_PARA, n, prec); }
    1685             : GEN
    1686          44 : ploth0(GEN a, GEN b, GEN code, long flags,long n, long prec)
    1687          44 : { EXPR_WRAP(code, ploth(EXPR_ARG, a,b,flags,n, prec)); }
    1688             : 
    1689             : GEN
    1690           0 : psploth(void *E, GEN(*f)(void*,GEN), GEN a,GEN b, long flags, long n, long prec)
    1691             : {
    1692           0 :   PARI_plot T; pari_get_psplot(&T); T.draw = &_psdraw;
    1693           0 :   return plotrecth_i(NULL, E,f, &T, NUMRECT-1, a,b, flags&~PLOT_PARA,n, prec);
    1694             : }
    1695             : GEN
    1696           0 : psploth0(GEN a, GEN b, GEN code, long flags, long n, long prec)
    1697           0 : { EXPR_WRAP(code, psploth(EXPR_ARG, a, b, flags, n, prec)); }
    1698             : 
    1699             : static GEN
    1700          60 : _plothexport(GEN fmt, void *E, GEN(*f)(void*,GEN), GEN a,GEN b, long flags,
    1701             :             long n, long prec)
    1702             : {
    1703          60 :   pari_sp av = avma;
    1704             :   GEN s;
    1705          60 :   PARI_plot T; pari_get_fmtplot(fmt, &T);
    1706          60 :   s = plotrecth_i(fmt, E,f, &T, NUMRECT-1, a,b, flags,n, prec);
    1707          60 :   return gerepileuptoleaf(av, s);
    1708             : }
    1709             : GEN
    1710          46 : plothexport(GEN fmt, void *E, GEN(*f)(void*,GEN), GEN a,GEN b, long flags,
    1711             :             long n, long prec)
    1712          46 : { return _plothexport(fmt, E, f, a, b, flags&~PLOT_PARA, n, prec); }
    1713             : GEN
    1714          46 : plothexport0(GEN fmt, GEN a, GEN b, GEN code, long flags, long n, long prec)
    1715          46 : { EXPR_WRAP(code, plothexport(fmt, EXPR_ARG, a, b, flags, n, prec)); }
    1716             : GEN
    1717          14 : parplothexport(GEN fmt, GEN a, GEN b, GEN code, long flags, long n, long prec)
    1718          14 : { return _plothexport(fmt, code, gp_call, a, b, flags|PLOT_PARA, n, prec); }
    1719             : 
    1720             : /* Draw list of points */
    1721             : static GEN
    1722          42 : plotrecthraw_i(GEN fmt, PARI_plot *T, long ne, GEN data, long flags)
    1723             : {
    1724          42 :   dblPointList *pl = gtodblList(data,flags);
    1725          42 :   return plotrecthrawin(fmt, T, ne, pl, flags);
    1726             : }
    1727             : static GEN
    1728          26 : plothraw_i(GEN fmt, PARI_plot *T, GEN X, GEN Y, long flag)
    1729             : {
    1730          26 :   pari_sp av = avma;
    1731          26 :   switch (flag) {
    1732          18 :     case 0: flag = PLOT_PARAMETRIC|PLOT_POINTS; break;
    1733           8 :     case 1: flag = PLOT_PARAMETRIC; break;
    1734           0 :     default: flag |= PLOT_PARAMETRIC; break;
    1735             :   }
    1736          26 :   return gerepileupto(av, plotrecthraw_i(fmt, T, NUMRECT-1, mkvec2(X,Y), flag));
    1737             : }
    1738             : GEN
    1739           8 : plothraw(GEN X, GEN Y, long flags)
    1740           8 : { PARI_plot T; pari_get_plot(&T); return plothraw_i(NULL,&T,X,Y,flags); }
    1741             : GEN
    1742           0 : psplothraw(GEN X, GEN Y, long flags)
    1743           0 : { PARI_plot T; pari_get_psplot(&T); T.draw = &_psdraw;
    1744           0 :   return plothraw_i(NULL,&T,X,Y,flags); }
    1745             : GEN
    1746          16 : plotrecthraw(long ne, GEN data, long flags)
    1747          16 : { return plotrecthraw_i(NULL, NULL, ne, data, flags); }
    1748             : GEN
    1749          18 : plothrawexport(GEN fmt, GEN X, GEN Y, long flags)
    1750          18 : { PARI_plot T; pari_get_fmtplot(fmt,&T); return plothraw_i(fmt,&T,X,Y,flags); }
    1751             : 
    1752             : GEN
    1753           8 : plothsizes(long flag)
    1754             : {
    1755           8 :   GEN vect = cgetg(1+8,t_VEC);
    1756             :   PARI_plot T;
    1757             : 
    1758           8 :   pari_get_plot(&T);
    1759           8 :   gel(vect,1) = stoi(T.width);
    1760           8 :   gel(vect,2) = stoi(T.height);
    1761           8 :   if (flag) {
    1762           0 :     gel(vect,3) = dbltor(T.hunit*1.0/T.width);
    1763           0 :     gel(vect,4) = dbltor(T.vunit*1.0/T.height);
    1764           0 :     gel(vect,5) = dbltor(T.fwidth*1.0/T.width);
    1765           0 :     gel(vect,6) = dbltor(T.fheight*1.0/T.height);
    1766             :   } else {
    1767           8 :     gel(vect,3) = stoi(T.hunit);
    1768           8 :     gel(vect,4) = stoi(T.vunit);
    1769           8 :     gel(vect,5) = stoi(T.fwidth);
    1770           8 :     gel(vect,6) = stoi(T.fheight);
    1771             :   }
    1772           8 :   gel(vect,7) = stoi(T.dwidth);
    1773           8 :   gel(vect,8) = stoi(T.dheight);
    1774           8 :   return vect;
    1775             : }
    1776             : 
    1777             : /*************************************************************************/
    1778             : /*                                                                       */
    1779             : /*                         POSTSCRIPT OUTPUT                             */
    1780             : /*                                                                       */
    1781             : /*************************************************************************/
    1782             : static long
    1783         108 : wxy_n(GEN wxy)
    1784             : {
    1785             :   long n;
    1786         108 :   switch(typ(wxy))
    1787             :   {
    1788          38 :     case t_INT: return 1;
    1789          70 :     case t_VEC:
    1790          70 :       n = lg(wxy)-1;
    1791          70 :       if (n%3) pari_err_DIM("plotdraw");
    1792          70 :       return n/3;
    1793             :   }
    1794           0 :   pari_err_TYPE("plotdraw",wxy);
    1795             :   return 0;/*LCOV_EXCL_LINE*/
    1796             : }
    1797             : static void
    1798         108 : wxy_init(GEN wxy, GEN *pW, GEN *pX, GEN *pY, PARI_plot *T)
    1799             : {
    1800         108 :   long i, n = wxy_n(wxy);
    1801             :   GEN W, X, Y;
    1802         108 :   *pW = W = cgetg(n+1, t_VECSMALL); /* win number */
    1803         108 :   *pX = X = cgetg(n+1, t_VECSMALL);
    1804         108 :   *pY = Y = cgetg(n+1, t_VECSMALL); /* (x,y)-offset */
    1805         108 :   if (typ(wxy) == t_INT)
    1806             :   {
    1807          38 :     W[1] = itos(wxy); check_rect_init(W[1]);
    1808          38 :     X[1] = 0;
    1809          38 :     Y[1] = 0; return;
    1810             :   }
    1811         140 :   for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    1812             :   {
    1813          70 :     GEN w = gel(wxy,3*i-2), x = gel(wxy,3*i-1), y = gel(wxy,3*i);
    1814          70 :     if (typ(w) != t_INT) pari_err_TYPE("plotdraw",w);
    1815          70 :     W[i] = itos(w); check_rect_init(W[i]);
    1816          70 :     if (T) {
    1817           0 :       X[i] = DTOL(gtodouble(x)*(T->width - 1));
    1818           0 :       Y[i] = DTOL(gtodouble(y)*(T->height - 1));
    1819             :     } else {
    1820          70 :       X[i] = gtos(x);
    1821          70 :       Y[i] = gtos(y);
    1822             :     }
    1823             :   }
    1824             : }
    1825             : /* if flag is set, rescale wrt T */
    1826             : static void
    1827          44 : gendraw(PARI_plot *T, GEN wxy, long flag)
    1828             : {
    1829             :   GEN w, x, y, W, X, Y;
    1830             :   long i, l;
    1831          44 :   wxy_init(wxy, &w,&x,&y, flag? T: NULL);
    1832          44 :   l = lg(w);
    1833             :   /* malloc mandatory in case draw() forks then pari_close(). Done after
    1834             :    * wxy_init to avoid leak on error */
    1835          44 :   W = cgetalloc(l, t_VECSMALL);
    1836          44 :   X = cgetalloc(l, t_VECSMALL);
    1837          44 :   Y = cgetalloc(l, t_VECSMALL);
    1838          88 :   for (i = 1; i < l; i++) { W[i] = w[i]; X[i] = x[i]; Y[i] = y[i]; }
    1839          44 :   Draw(T,W,X,Y);
    1840          44 :   pari_free(W); pari_free(X); pari_free(Y);
    1841          44 : }
    1842             : void
    1843           0 : psdraw(GEN wxy, long flag)
    1844           0 : { PARI_plot T; pari_get_psplot(&T); T.draw = flag? &_psdraw: &_psdraw_scale;
    1845           0 :   gendraw(&T, wxy, flag); }
    1846             : void
    1847          44 : plotdraw(GEN wxy, long flag)
    1848          44 : { PARI_plot T; pari_get_plot(&T); gendraw(&T, wxy, flag); }
    1849             : GEN
    1850          64 : plotexport(GEN fmt, GEN wxy, long flag)
    1851             : {
    1852          64 :   pari_sp av = avma;
    1853             :   GEN w, x, y;
    1854          64 :   PARI_plot _T, *T = flag? &_T: NULL;
    1855          64 :   if (T) pari_get_plot(T);
    1856          64 :   wxy_init(wxy, &w, &x, &y, T);
    1857          64 :   return gerepileuptoleaf(av, fmt_convert(fmt, w, x, y, T));
    1858             : }
    1859             : 
    1860             : /* may be called after pari_close(): don't use the PARI stack */
    1861             : void
    1862         142 : gen_draw(struct plot_eng *eng, GEN w, GEN x, GEN y, double xs, double ys)
    1863             : {
    1864         142 :   void *data = eng->data;
    1865         142 :   long i, j, lw = lg(w);
    1866         142 :   long hgapsize = eng->pl->hunit, fheight = eng->pl->fheight;
    1867         142 :   long vgapsize = eng->pl->vunit,  fwidth = eng->pl->fwidth;
    1868         362 :   for(i = 1; i < lw; i++)
    1869             :   {
    1870         220 :     PariRect *e = &rectgraph[w[i]];
    1871             :     RectObj *R;
    1872         220 :     long x0 = x[i], y0 = y[i];
    1873       10469 :     for (R = RHead(e); R; R = RoNext(R))
    1874             :     {
    1875       10249 :       long col = RoCol(R);
    1876       10249 :       switch(RoType(R))
    1877             :       {
    1878          64 :       case ROt_PT:
    1879          64 :         eng->sc(data,col);
    1880          64 :         eng->pt(data, DTOL((RoPTx(R)+x0)*xs), DTOL((RoPTy(R)+y0)*ys));
    1881          64 :         break;
    1882        8216 :       case ROt_LN:
    1883        8216 :         eng->sc(data,col);
    1884        8216 :         eng->ln(data, DTOL((RoLNx1(R)+x0)*xs), DTOL((RoLNy1(R)+y0)*ys),
    1885        8216 :                       DTOL((RoLNx2(R)+x0)*xs), DTOL((RoLNy2(R)+y0)*ys));
    1886        8216 :         break;
    1887           0 :       case ROt_AC:
    1888           0 :         eng->sc(data,col);
    1889           0 :         eng->ac(data,
    1890           0 :                 DTOL((RoBXx1(R)+x0)*xs),
    1891           0 :                 DTOL((RoBXy1(R)+y0)*ys),
    1892           0 :                 DTOL((RoBXx2(R)-RoBXx1(R))*xs),
    1893           0 :                 DTOL((RoBXy2(R)-RoBXy1(R))*ys));
    1894           0 :         break;
    1895           0 :       case ROt_FAC:
    1896           0 :         eng->sc(data,col);
    1897           0 :         eng->fa(data,
    1898           0 :                 DTOL((RoBXx1(R)+x0)*xs),
    1899           0 :                 DTOL((RoBXy1(R)+y0)*ys),
    1900           0 :                 DTOL((RoBXx2(R)-RoBXx1(R))*xs),
    1901           0 :                 DTOL((RoBXy2(R)-RoBXy1(R))*ys));
    1902           0 :         break;
    1903         167 :       case ROt_BX:
    1904         167 :         eng->sc(data,col);
    1905         167 :         eng->bx(data,
    1906         167 :                 DTOL((RoBXx1(R)+x0)*xs),
    1907         167 :                 DTOL((RoBXy1(R)+y0)*ys),
    1908         167 :                 DTOL((RoBXx2(R)-RoBXx1(R))*xs),
    1909         167 :                 DTOL((RoBXy2(R)-RoBXy1(R))*ys));
    1910         167 :         break;
    1911           0 :       case ROt_FBX:
    1912           0 :         eng->sc(data,col);
    1913           0 :         eng->fb(data,
    1914           0 :                 DTOL((RoBXx1(R)+x0)*xs),
    1915           0 :                 DTOL((RoBXy1(R)+y0)*ys),
    1916           0 :                 DTOL((RoBXx2(R)-RoBXx1(R))*xs),
    1917           0 :                 DTOL((RoBXy2(R)-RoBXy1(R))*ys));
    1918           0 :         break;
    1919          53 :       case ROt_MP:
    1920             :         {
    1921          53 :           double *ptx = RoMPxs(R);
    1922          53 :           double *pty = RoMPys(R);
    1923          53 :           long     nb = RoMPcnt(R);
    1924             :           struct plot_points *points =
    1925          53 :             (struct plot_points *) pari_malloc(sizeof(*points)*nb);
    1926        1841 :           for(j=0;j<nb;j++)
    1927             :           {
    1928        1788 :             points[j].x = DTOL((ptx[j]+x0)*xs);
    1929        1788 :             points[j].y = DTOL((pty[j]+y0)*ys);
    1930             :           }
    1931          53 :           eng->sc(data,col);
    1932          53 :           eng->mp(data, nb, points);
    1933          53 :           pari_free(points);
    1934          53 :           break;
    1935             :         }
    1936         110 :       case ROt_ML:
    1937             :         {
    1938         110 :           double *ptx = RoMLxs(R);
    1939         110 :           double *pty = RoMLys(R);
    1940         110 :           long     nb = RoMLcnt(R);
    1941             :           struct plot_points *points =
    1942         110 :             (struct plot_points *) pari_malloc(sizeof(*points)*nb);
    1943       66474 :           for(j=0;j<nb;j++)
    1944             :           {
    1945       66364 :             points[j].x = DTOL((ptx[j]+x0)*xs);
    1946       66364 :             points[j].y = DTOL((pty[j]+y0)*ys);
    1947             :           }
    1948         110 :           eng->sc(data,col);
    1949         110 :           eng->ml(data, nb, points);
    1950         110 :           pari_free(points);
    1951         110 :           break;
    1952             :         }
    1953         348 :       case ROt_ST:
    1954             :         {
    1955         348 :           long dir = RoSTdir(R);
    1956         348 :           long h = dir & RoSTdirHPOS_mask, hgap  = 0;
    1957         348 :           long v = dir & RoSTdirVPOS_mask, vgap  = 0;
    1958         348 :           long x, y, l = RoSTl(R);
    1959         348 :           long shift = (h == RoSTdirLEFT ? 0 : (h == RoSTdirRIGHT? 2: 1));
    1960         348 :           long vshift= (v == RoSTdirBOTTOM? 0: (v == RoSTdirTOP? 2: 1));
    1961         348 :           if (dir & RoSTdirHGAP)
    1962         156 :             hgap = (h == RoSTdirLEFT) ? hgapsize : -hgapsize;
    1963         348 :           if (dir & RoSTdirVGAP)
    1964          78 :             vgap = (v == RoSTdirBOTTOM) ? 2*vgapsize : -2*vgapsize;
    1965         348 :           x = DTOL(xs * (RoSTx(R) + x0 + hgap - (l * fwidth * shift)/2));
    1966         348 :           y = DTOL(ys * (RoSTy(R) + y0 - (vgap - vshift*(fheight-1))/2));
    1967         348 :           eng->sc(data,col);
    1968         348 :           eng->st(data, x, y, RoSTs(R), l);
    1969         348 :           break;
    1970             :         }
    1971        1291 :       default:
    1972        1291 :         break;
    1973             :       }
    1974             :     }
    1975             :   }
    1976         142 : }
    1977             : /*************************************************************************/
    1978             : /*                               SVG                                     */
    1979             : /*************************************************************************/
    1980             : 
    1981             : struct svg_data {
    1982             :   pari_str str;
    1983             :   char hexcolor[8];  /* "#rrggbb\0" */
    1984             : };
    1985             : #define data_str(d) (&((struct svg_data*)(d))->str)
    1986             : #define data_hexcolor(d) (((struct svg_data*)(d))->hexcolor)
    1987             : 
    1988             : /* Work with precision 1/scale */
    1989             : static const float SVG_SCALE = 1024.0;
    1990             : 
    1991             : static float
    1992      141920 : svg_rescale(float x) { return x / SVG_SCALE; }
    1993             : 
    1994             : static void
    1995         992 : svg_point(void *data, long x, long y)
    1996             : {
    1997         992 :   pari_str *S = data_str(data);
    1998             : 
    1999         992 :   str_printf(S, "<circle cx='%.2f' cy='%.2f' r='0.5' ",
    2000         992 :     svg_rescale(x), svg_rescale(y));
    2001         992 :   str_printf(S, "style='fill:%s;stroke:none;'/>", data_hexcolor(data));
    2002         992 : }
    2003             : 
    2004             : static void
    2005        5451 : svg_line(void *data, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2)
    2006             : {
    2007        5451 :   pari_str *S = data_str(data);
    2008             : 
    2009        5451 :   str_printf(S, "<line x1='%.2f' y1='%.2f' x2='%.2f' y2='%.2f' ",
    2010        5451 :     svg_rescale(x1), svg_rescale(y1), svg_rescale(x2), svg_rescale(y2));
    2011        5451 :   str_printf(S, "style='fill:none;stroke:%s;'/>", data_hexcolor(data));
    2012        5451 : }
    2013             : 
    2014             : static void
    2015           0 : svg_ell(void *data, long x, long y, long w, long h)
    2016             : {
    2017           0 :   pari_str *S = data_str(data);
    2018           0 :   float sx = svg_rescale(x), sy = svg_rescale(y), sw = svg_rescale(w), sh = svg_rescale(h);
    2019           0 :   str_printf(S, "<ellipse cx='%.2f' cy='%.2f' rx='%.2f' ry='%.2f' ",
    2020           0 :     sx+sw/2, sy+sh/2, sw/2, sh/2);
    2021           0 :   str_printf(S, "style='fill:none;stroke:%s;'/>", data_hexcolor(data));
    2022           0 : }
    2023             : 
    2024             : static void
    2025           0 : svg_fillell(void *data, long x, long y, long w, long h)
    2026             : {
    2027           0 :   pari_str *S = data_str(data);
    2028           0 :   const char * color = data_hexcolor(data);
    2029           0 :   float sx = svg_rescale(x), sy = svg_rescale(y), sw = svg_rescale(w), sh = svg_rescale(h);
    2030           0 :   str_printf(S, "<ellipse cx='%.2f' cy='%.2f' rx='%.2f' ry='%.2f' ",
    2031           0 :     sx+sw/2, sy+sh/2, sw/2, sh/2);
    2032           0 :   str_printf(S, "style='fill:%s;stroke:%s;'/>", color, color);
    2033           0 : }
    2034             : 
    2035             : static void
    2036         111 : svg_rect(void *data, long x, long y, long w, long h)
    2037             : {
    2038         111 :   pari_str *S = data_str(data);
    2039             : 
    2040         111 :   str_printf(S, "<rect x='%.2f' y='%.2f' width='%.2f' height='%.2f' ",
    2041         111 :     svg_rescale(x), svg_rescale(y), svg_rescale(w), svg_rescale(h));
    2042         111 :   str_printf(S, "style='fill:none;stroke:%s;'/>", data_hexcolor(data));
    2043         111 : }
    2044             : 
    2045             : static void
    2046           0 : svg_fillrect(void *data, long x, long y, long w, long h)
    2047             : {
    2048           0 :   pari_str *S = data_str(data);
    2049           0 :   const char * color = data_hexcolor(data);
    2050           0 :   str_printf(S, "<rect x='%.2f' y='%.2f' width='%.2f' height='%.2f' ",
    2051           0 :     svg_rescale(x), svg_rescale(y), svg_rescale(w), svg_rescale(h));
    2052           0 :   str_printf(S, "style='fill:%s;stroke:%s;'/>", color, color);
    2053           0 : }
    2054             : 
    2055             : static void
    2056          32 : svg_points(void *data, long nb, struct plot_points *p)
    2057             : {
    2058             :   long i;
    2059         981 :   for (i = 0; i < nb; i++)
    2060         949 :     svg_point(data, p[i].x, p[i].y);
    2061          32 : }
    2062             : 
    2063             : static void
    2064        6062 : svg_color(void *data, long col)
    2065             : {
    2066             :   static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
    2067        6062 :   char *c = data_hexcolor(data);
    2068             :   int r, g, b;
    2069        6062 :   long_to_rgb(col, &r, &g, &b);
    2070        6062 :   c[0] = '#';
    2071        6062 :   c[1] = hex[r / 16];
    2072        6062 :   c[2] = hex[r & 15];
    2073        6062 :   c[3] = hex[g / 16];
    2074        6062 :   c[4] = hex[g & 15];
    2075        6062 :   c[5] = hex[b / 16];
    2076        6062 :   c[6] = hex[b & 15];
    2077        6062 :   c[7] = '\0';
    2078        6062 : }
    2079             : 
    2080             : static void
    2081          82 : svg_lines(void *data, long nb, struct plot_points *p)
    2082             : {
    2083             :   long i;
    2084          82 :   pari_str *S = data_str(data);
    2085             : 
    2086          82 :   str_printf(S, "<polyline points='");
    2087       58676 :   for (i = 0; i < nb; i++)
    2088             :   {
    2089       58594 :     if (i > 0) str_printf(S, " ");
    2090       58594 :     str_printf(S, "%.2f,%.2f", svg_rescale(p[i].x), svg_rescale(p[i].y));
    2091             :   }
    2092          82 :   str_printf(S, "' style='fill:none;stroke:%s;'/>", data_hexcolor(data));
    2093          82 : }
    2094             : 
    2095             : static void
    2096         250 : svg_text(void *data, long x, long y, char *text, long numtext)
    2097             : {
    2098         250 :   pari_str *S = data_str(data);
    2099             :   (void)numtext;
    2100         250 :   str_printf(S, "<text x='%.5f' y='%.5f' font-size='%ld' style='fill:%s;'>%s</text>",
    2101         250 :     svg_rescale(x),svg_rescale(y), 12, data_hexcolor(data), text);
    2102         250 : }
    2103             : 
    2104             : static void
    2105          93 : svg_head(PARI_plot *T, pari_str *S)
    2106             : {
    2107          93 :   str_printf(S, "<svg width='%ld' height='%ld' version='1.1' xmlns=''>", T->width, T->height);
    2108          93 : }
    2109             : 
    2110             : static void
    2111          93 : svg_tail(pari_str *S)
    2112             : {
    2113          93 :   str_printf(S, "</svg>");
    2114          93 : }
    2115             : 
    2116             : char *
    2117          93 : rect2svg(GEN w, GEN x, GEN y, PARI_plot *T)
    2118             : {
    2119             :   struct plot_eng pl;
    2120             :   struct svg_data data;
    2121             :   PARI_plot U;
    2122             : 
    2123          93 :   str_init(&data.str, 1);
    2124          93 :   svg_color(&data, 0);
    2125          93 :   if (!T)
    2126             :   {
    2127          36 :     long i, l = lg(w), xmax = 0, ymax = 0;
    2128          36 :     T = &U; pari_get_svgplot(T);
    2129          72 :     for (i = 1; i < l; i++)
    2130             :     {
    2131          36 :       PariRect *e = check_rect_init(w[i]);
    2132          36 :       xmax = maxss(xmax, RXsize(e) + x[i]);
    2133          36 :       ymax = maxss(ymax, RYsize(e) + y[i]);
    2134             :     }
    2135          36 :     T->width = xmax;
    2136          36 :     T->height = ymax;
    2137             :   }
    2138          93 : = &data;
    2139          93 : = &svg_color;
    2140          93 : = &svg_point;
    2141          93 :   pl.ln = &svg_line;
    2142          93 : = &svg_ell;
    2143          93 :   pl.fa = &svg_fillell;
    2144          93 :   pl.bx = &svg_rect;
    2145          93 :   pl.fb = &svg_fillrect;
    2146          93 : = &svg_points;
    2147          93 : = &svg_lines;
    2148          93 : = &svg_text;
    2149          93 : = T;
    2150             : 
    2151          93 :   svg_head(T, &data.str);
    2152          93 :   gen_draw(&pl, w, x, y, SVG_SCALE, SVG_SCALE);
    2153          93 :   svg_tail(&data.str);
    2154             : 
    2155          93 :   return data.str.string;
    2156             : }
    2157             : 
    2158             : /*************************************************************************/
    2159             : /*                            POSTSCRIPT                                 */
    2160             : /*************************************************************************/
    2161             : static void
    2162        2989 : ps_sc(void *data, long col)
    2163             : {
    2164        2989 :   pari_str *S = (pari_str*)data;
    2165        2989 :   int r, g, b; long_to_rgb(col, &r, &g, &b);
    2166        2989 :   if (!r && !g && !b)
    2167        2940 :     str_puts(S,"c0\n");
    2168             :   else
    2169          49 :     str_printf(S,"%.6f %.6f %.6f c\n", r/255., g/255., b/255.);
    2170        2989 : }
    2171             : 
    2172             : static void
    2173         860 : ps_point(void *data, long x, long y)
    2174             : {
    2175         860 :   pari_str *S = (pari_str*)data;
    2176         860 :   str_printf(S,"%ld %ld p\n",y,x);
    2177         860 : }
    2178             : 
    2179             : static void
    2180        2765 : ps_line(void *data, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2)
    2181             : {
    2182        2765 :   pari_str *S = (pari_str*)data;
    2183        2765 :   str_printf(S,"%ld %ld m %ld %ld l\n",y1,x1,y2,x2);
    2184        2765 :   str_printf(S,"stroke\n");
    2185        2765 : }
    2186             : 
    2187             : static void
    2188           0 : ps_arc(void *data, long x, long y, long w, long h)
    2189             : {
    2190           0 :   pari_str *S = (pari_str*)data;
    2191           0 :   str_printf(S,"matrix currentmatrix %ld %ld translate %ld %ld scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath setmatrix currentlinejoin 0 setlinejoin stroke setlinejoin\n",
    2192           0 :          y+h/2,x+w/2,h/2,w/2);
    2193           0 : }
    2194             : 
    2195             : static void
    2196           0 : ps_fillarc(void *data, long x, long y, long w, long h)
    2197             : {
    2198           0 :   pari_str *S = (pari_str*)data;
    2199           0 :   str_printf(S,"matrix currentmatrix %ld %ld translate %ld %ld scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath setmatrix currentlinejoin 0 setlinejoin fill setlinejoin\n",
    2200           0 :          y+h/2,x+w/2,h/2,w/2);
    2201           0 : }
    2202             : 
    2203             : static void
    2204          56 : ps_rect(void *data, long x, long y, long w, long h)
    2205             : {
    2206          56 :   pari_str *S = (pari_str*)data;
    2207          56 :   str_printf(S,"%ld %ld m %ld %ld l %ld %ld l %ld %ld l closepath currentlinejoin 0 setlinejoin stroke setlinejoin\n",
    2208             :              y,x, y,x+w, y+h,x+w, y+h,x);
    2209          56 : }
    2210             : 
    2211             : static void
    2212           0 : ps_fillrect(void *data, long x, long y, long w, long h)
    2213             : {
    2214           0 :   pari_str *S = (pari_str*)data;
    2215           0 :   str_printf(S,"%ld %ld m %ld %ld l %ld %ld l %ld %ld l closepath currentlinejoin 0 setlinejoin fill setlinejoin\n",
    2216             :              y,x, y,x+w, y+h,x+w, y+h,x);
    2217           0 : }
    2218             : 
    2219             : static void
    2220          21 : ps_points(void *data, long nb, struct plot_points *p)
    2221             : {
    2222             :   long i;
    2223         860 :   for (i=0; i<nb; i++) ps_point(data, p[i].x, p[i].y);
    2224          21 : }
    2225             : 
    2226             : static void
    2227          28 : ps_lines(void *data, long nb, struct plot_points *p)
    2228             : {
    2229          28 :   pari_str *S = (pari_str*)data;
    2230             :   long i;
    2231          28 :   str_printf(S,"%ld %ld m\n",p[0].y,p[0].x);
    2232        7770 :   for (i=1; i<nb; i++) str_printf(S, "%ld %ld l\n", p[i].y, p[i].x);
    2233          28 :   str_printf(S,"stroke\n");
    2234          28 : }
    2235             : 
    2236             : static void
    2237          98 : ps_string(void *data, long x, long y, char *s, long length)
    2238             : {
    2239          98 :   pari_str *S = (pari_str*)data;
    2240             :   (void)length;
    2241          98 :   if (strpbrk(s, "(\\)")) {
    2242           7 :     str_printf(S,"(");
    2243          42 :     while (*s) {
    2244          35 :       if ( *s=='(' || *s==')' || *s=='\\' ) str_putc(S,'\\');
    2245          35 :       str_putc(S, *s);
    2246          35 :       s++;
    2247             :     }
    2248             :   } else
    2249          91 :     str_printf(S,"(%s", s);
    2250          98 :   str_printf(S,") %ld %ld m 90 rotate show -90 rotate\n", y, x);
    2251          98 : }
    2252             : 
    2253             : char *
    2254          49 : rect2ps_i(GEN w, GEN x, GEN y, PARI_plot *T, int plotps)
    2255             : {
    2256             :   struct plot_eng pl;
    2257             :   PARI_plot U;
    2258             :   pari_str S;
    2259          49 :   double xs = 0.65*PS_SCALE, ys = 0.65*PS_SCALE;
    2260          49 :   if (T) /* res wrt T dimens */
    2261             :   {
    2262          21 :     if (plotps)
    2263           0 :       xs = ys = PS_SCALE;
    2264             :     else
    2265             :     {
    2266          21 :       xs *= ((double)PS_WIDTH) / T->width;
    2267          21 :       ys *= ((double)PS_HEIGH) / T->height;
    2268             :     }
    2269             :   }
    2270             :   else
    2271             :   {
    2272          28 :     T = &U; pari_get_psplot(T);
    2273             :   }
    2274          49 :   str_init(&S, 1);
    2275             :   /* Definitions taken from post terminal of Gnuplot. */
    2276          49 :   str_printf(&S, "%%!\n\
    2277             : 50 50 translate\n\
    2278             : 1 %d div 1 %d div scale\n\
    2279             : 1 setlinejoin\n\
    2280             : /p {moveto 0 2 rlineto 2 0 rlineto 0 -2 rlineto closepath fill} def\n\
    2281             : /c0 {0 0 0 setrgbcolor} def\n\
    2282             : /c {setrgbcolor} def\n\
    2283             : /l {lineto} def\n\
    2284             : /m {moveto} def\n"
    2285             : "/Times-Roman findfont %ld scalefont setfont\n",
    2286          49 : PS_SCALE, PS_SCALE, DTOL(T->fheight * xs));
    2287             : 
    2288          49 : = &ps_sc;
    2289          49 : = &ps_point;
    2290          49 :   pl.ln = &ps_line;
    2291          49 : = &ps_arc;
    2292          49 :   pl.fa = &ps_fillarc;
    2293          49 :   pl.bx = &ps_rect;
    2294          49 :   pl.fb = &ps_fillrect;
    2295          49 : = &ps_points;
    2296          49 : = &ps_lines;
    2297          49 : = &ps_string;
    2298          49 : = T;
    2299          49 : = (void*)&S;
    2300             : 
    2301          49 :   if (plotps) str_printf(&S,"0 %ld translate -90 rotate\n", (T->height - 50)*PS_SCALE);
    2302          49 :   gen_draw(&pl, w, x, y, xs, ys);
    2303          49 :   str_puts(&S,"stroke showpage\n");
    2304          49 :   *S.cur = 0; return S.string;
    2305             : }
    2306             : char *
    2307          49 : rect2ps(GEN w, GEN x, GEN y, PARI_plot *T)
    2308          49 : { return rect2ps_i(w,x,y,T,0); }
    2309             : 
    2310             : void
    2311           0 : pari_plot_by_file(const char *env, const char *suf, const char *img)
    2312             : {
    2313           0 :   const char *cmd, *s = pari_unique_filename_suffix("plotfile", suf);
    2314           0 :   FILE *f = fopen(s, "w");
    2315             :   pari_timer ti;
    2316           0 :   if (!f) pari_err_FILE("image file", s);
    2317           0 :   fputs(img, f); (void)fclose(f);
    2318           0 :   cmd = os_getenv(env);
    2319             : #ifdef GP_MIME_OPEN
    2320           0 :   if (!cmd) cmd = GP_MIME_OPEN;
    2321             : #else
    2322             :   if (!cmd) cmd = "open -W";
    2323             : #endif
    2324           0 :   cmd = pari_sprintf("%s \"%s\" 2>/dev/null", cmd, s);
    2325           0 :   walltimer_start(&ti);
    2326           0 :   gpsystem(cmd);
    2327             :   /* Some image viewers will return immediately and will not display
    2328             :      files that have been deleted. In that case we have to leak the file.
    2329             :    */
    2330           0 :   if (walltimer_delay(&ti)>1000) pari_unlink(s);
    2331           0 :   pari_free((char*)s);
    2332           0 : }
    2333             : 
    2334             : /*************************************************************************/
    2335             : /*                                                                       */
    2336             : /*                           RGB COLORS                                  */
    2337             : /*                                                                       */
    2338             : /*************************************************************************/
    2339             : /* generated from /etc/X11/rgb.txt by the following perl script
    2340             : #!/usr/bin/perl
    2341             : while(<>)
    2342             : {
    2343             :   ($hex, $name) = split(/\t\t/, $_);
    2344             :   $hex =~ s/^ +//; chomp($name); $name =~ s, *,,g;
    2345             :   $hex = sprintf("0x%02x%02x%02x", split(/\s+/, $hex));
    2346             :   $name = lc($name); next if ($done{$name});
    2347             :   $done{$name} = 1;
    2348             :   print "COL(\"$name\", $hex),\n";
    2349             : }
    2350             : */
    2351             : 
    2352             : #define COL(x,y) {(void*)x,(void*)y,0,NULL}
    2353             : static hashentry col_list[] = {
    2354             : COL("", 0x000000),
    2355             : COL("snow", 0xfffafa),
    2356             : COL("ghostwhite", 0xf8f8ff),
    2357             : COL("whitesmoke", 0xf5f5f5),
    2358             : COL("gainsboro", 0xdcdcdc),
    2359             : COL("floralwhite", 0xfffaf0),
    2360             : COL("oldlace", 0xfdf5e6),
    2361             : COL("linen", 0xfaf0e6),
    2362             : COL("antiquewhite", 0xfaebd7),
    2363             : COL("papayawhip", 0xffefd5),
    2364             : COL("blanchedalmond", 0xffebcd),
    2365             : COL("bisque", 0xffe4c4),
    2366             : COL("peachpuff", 0xffdab9),
    2367             : COL("navajowhite", 0xffdead),
    2368             : COL("moccasin", 0xffe4b5),
    2369             : COL("cornsilk", 0xfff8dc),
    2370             : COL("ivory", 0xfffff0),
    2371             : COL("lemonchiffon", 0xfffacd),
    2372             : COL("seashell", 0xfff5ee),
    2373             : COL("honeydew", 0xf0fff0),
    2374             : COL("mintcream", 0xf5fffa),
    2375             : COL("azure", 0xf0ffff),
    2376             : COL("aliceblue", 0xf0f8ff),
    2377             : COL("lavender", 0xe6e6fa),
    2378             : COL("lavenderblush", 0xfff0f5),
    2379             : COL("mistyrose", 0xffe4e1),
    2380             : COL("white", 0xffffff),
    2381             : COL("black", 0x000000),
    2382             : COL("darkslategray", 0x2f4f4f),
    2383             : COL("darkslategrey", 0x2f4f4f),
    2384             : COL("dimgray", 0x696969),
    2385             : COL("dimgrey", 0x696969),
    2386             : COL("slategray", 0x708090),
    2387             : COL("slategrey", 0x708090),
    2388             : COL("lightslategray", 0x778899),
    2389             : COL("lightslategrey", 0x778899),
    2390             : COL("gray", 0xbebebe),
    2391             : COL("grey", 0xbebebe),
    2392             : COL("lightgrey", 0xd3d3d3),
    2393             : COL("lightgray", 0xd3d3d3),
    2394             : COL("midnightblue", 0x191970),
    2395             : COL("navy", 0x000080),
    2396             : COL("navyblue", 0x000080),
    2397             : COL("cornflowerblue", 0x6495ed),
    2398             : COL("darkslateblue", 0x483d8b),
    2399             : COL("slateblue", 0x6a5acd),
    2400             : COL("mediumslateblue", 0x7b68ee),
    2401             : COL("lightslateblue", 0x8470ff),
    2402             : COL("mediumblue", 0x0000cd),
    2403             : COL("royalblue", 0x4169e1),
    2404             : COL("blue", 0x0000ff),
    2405             : COL("dodgerblue", 0x1e90ff),
    2406             : COL("deepskyblue", 0x00bfff),
    2407             : COL("skyblue", 0x87ceeb),
    2408             : COL("lightskyblue", 0x87cefa),
    2409             : COL("steelblue", 0x4682b4),
    2410             : COL("lightsteelblue", 0xb0c4de),
    2411             : COL("lightblue", 0xadd8e6),
    2412             : COL("powderblue", 0xb0e0e6),
    2413             : COL("paleturquoise", 0xafeeee),
    2414             : COL("darkturquoise", 0x00ced1),
    2415             : COL("mediumturquoise", 0x48d1cc),
    2416             : COL("turquoise", 0x40e0d0),
    2417             : COL("cyan", 0x00ffff),
    2418             : COL("lightcyan", 0xe0ffff),
    2419             : COL("cadetblue", 0x5f9ea0),
    2420             : COL("mediumaquamarine", 0x66cdaa),
    2421             : COL("aquamarine", 0x7fffd4),
    2422             : COL("darkgreen", 0x006400),
    2423             : COL("darkolivegreen", 0x556b2f),
    2424             : COL("darkseagreen", 0x8fbc8f),
    2425             : COL("seagreen", 0x2e8b57),
    2426             : COL("mediumseagreen", 0x3cb371),
    2427             : COL("lightseagreen", 0x20b2aa),
    2428             : COL("palegreen", 0x98fb98),
    2429             : COL("springgreen", 0x00ff7f),
    2430             : COL("lawngreen", 0x7cfc00),
    2431             : COL("green", 0x00ff00),
    2432             : COL("chartreuse", 0x7fff00),
    2433             : COL("mediumspringgreen", 0x00fa9a),
    2434             : COL("greenyellow", 0xadff2f),
    2435             : COL("limegreen", 0x32cd32),
    2436             : COL("yellowgreen", 0x9acd32),
    2437             : COL("forestgreen", 0x228b22),
    2438             : COL("olivedrab", 0x6b8e23),
    2439             : COL("darkkhaki", 0xbdb76b),
    2440             : COL("khaki", 0xf0e68c),
    2441             : COL("palegoldenrod", 0xeee8aa),
    2442             : COL("lightgoldenrodyellow", 0xfafad2),
    2443             : COL("lightyellow", 0xffffe0),
    2444             : COL("yellow", 0xffff00),
    2445             : COL("gold", 0xffd700),
    2446             : COL("lightgoldenrod", 0xeedd82),
    2447             : COL("goldenrod", 0xdaa520),
    2448             : COL("darkgoldenrod", 0xb8860b),
    2449             : COL("rosybrown", 0xbc8f8f),
    2450             : COL("indianred", 0xcd5c5c),
    2451             : COL("saddlebrown", 0x8b4513),
    2452             : COL("sienna", 0xa0522d),
    2453             : COL("peru", 0xcd853f),
    2454             : COL("burlywood", 0xdeb887),
    2455             : COL("beige", 0xf5f5dc),
    2456             : COL("wheat", 0xf5deb3),
    2457             : COL("sandybrown", 0xf4a460),
    2458             : COL("tan", 0xd2b48c),
    2459             : COL("chocolate", 0xd2691e),
    2460             : COL("firebrick", 0xb22222),
    2461             : COL("brown", 0xa52a2a),
    2462             : COL("darksalmon", 0xe9967a),
    2463             : COL("salmon", 0xfa8072),
    2464             : COL("lightsalmon", 0xffa07a),
    2465             : COL("orange", 0xffa500),
    2466             : COL("darkorange", 0xff8c00),
    2467             : COL("coral", 0xff7f50),
    2468             : COL("lightcoral", 0xf08080),
    2469             : COL("tomato", 0xff6347),
    2470             : COL("orangered", 0xff4500),
    2471             : COL("red", 0xff0000),
    2472             : COL("hotpink", 0xff69b4),
    2473             : COL("deeppink", 0xff1493),
    2474             : COL("pink", 0xffc0cb),
    2475             : COL("lightpink", 0xffb6c1),
    2476             : COL("palevioletred", 0xdb7093),
    2477             : COL("maroon", 0xb03060),
    2478             : COL("mediumvioletred", 0xc71585),
    2479             : COL("violetred", 0xd02090),
    2480             : COL("magenta", 0xff00ff),
    2481             : COL("violet", 0xee82ee),
    2482             : COL("plum", 0xdda0dd),
    2483             : COL("orchid", 0xda70d6),
    2484             : COL("mediumorchid", 0xba55d3),
    2485             : COL("darkorchid", 0x9932cc),
    2486             : COL("darkviolet", 0x9400d3),
    2487             : COL("blueviolet", 0x8a2be2),
    2488             : COL("purple", 0xa020f0),
    2489             : COL("mediumpurple", 0x9370db),
    2490             : COL("thistle", 0xd8bfd8),
    2491             : COL("snow1", 0xfffafa),
    2492             : COL("snow2", 0xeee9e9),
    2493             : COL("snow3", 0xcdc9c9),
    2494             : COL("snow4", 0x8b8989),
    2495             : COL("seashell1", 0xfff5ee),
    2496             : COL("seashell2", 0xeee5de),
    2497             : COL("seashell3", 0xcdc5bf),
    2498             : COL("seashell4", 0x8b8682),
    2499             : COL("antiquewhite1", 0xffefdb),
    2500             : COL("antiquewhite2", 0xeedfcc),
    2501             : COL("antiquewhite3", 0xcdc0b0),
    2502             : COL("antiquewhite4", 0x8b8378),
    2503             : COL("bisque1", 0xffe4c4),
    2504             : COL("bisque2", 0xeed5b7),
    2505             : COL("bisque3", 0xcdb79e),
    2506             : COL("bisque4", 0x8b7d6b),
    2507             : COL("peachpuff1", 0xffdab9),
    2508             : COL("peachpuff2", 0xeecbad),
    2509             : COL("peachpuff3", 0xcdaf95),
    2510             : COL("peachpuff4", 0x8b7765),
    2511             : COL("navajowhite1", 0xffdead),
    2512             : COL("navajowhite2", 0xeecfa1),
    2513             : COL("navajowhite3", 0xcdb38b),
    2514             : COL("navajowhite4", 0x8b795e),
    2515             : COL("lemonchiffon1", 0xfffacd),
    2516             : COL("lemonchiffon2", 0xeee9bf),
    2517             : COL("lemonchiffon3", 0xcdc9a5),
    2518             : COL("lemonchiffon4", 0x8b8970),
    2519             : COL("cornsilk1", 0xfff8dc),
    2520             : COL("cornsilk2", 0xeee8cd),
    2521             : COL("cornsilk3", 0xcdc8b1),
    2522             : COL("cornsilk4", 0x8b8878),
    2523             : COL("ivory1", 0xfffff0),
    2524             : COL("ivory2", 0xeeeee0),
    2525             : COL("ivory3", 0xcdcdc1),
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    2937             : COL("grey66", 0xa8a8a8),
    2938             : COL("gray67", 0xababab),
    2939             : COL("grey67", 0xababab),
    2940             : COL("gray68", 0xadadad),
    2941             : COL("grey68", 0xadadad),
    2942             : COL("gray69", 0xb0b0b0),
    2943             : COL("grey69", 0xb0b0b0),
    2944             : COL("gray70", 0xb3b3b3),
    2945             : COL("grey70", 0xb3b3b3),
    2946             : COL("gray71", 0xb5b5b5),
    2947             : COL("grey71", 0xb5b5b5),
    2948             : COL("gray72", 0xb8b8b8),
    2949             : COL("grey72", 0xb8b8b8),
    2950             : COL("gray73", 0xbababa),
    2951             : COL("grey73", 0xbababa),
    2952             : COL("gray74", 0xbdbdbd),
    2953             : COL("grey74", 0xbdbdbd),
    2954             : COL("gray75", 0xbfbfbf),
    2955             : COL("grey75", 0xbfbfbf),
    2956             : COL("gray76", 0xc2c2c2),
    2957             : COL("grey76", 0xc2c2c2),
    2958             : COL("gray77", 0xc4c4c4),
    2959             : COL("grey77", 0xc4c4c4),
    2960             : COL("gray78", 0xc7c7c7),
    2961             : COL("grey78", 0xc7c7c7),
    2962             : COL("gray79", 0xc9c9c9),
    2963             : COL("grey79", 0xc9c9c9),
    2964             : COL("gray80", 0xcccccc),
    2965             : COL("grey80", 0xcccccc),
    2966             : COL("gray81", 0xcfcfcf),
    2967             : COL("grey81", 0xcfcfcf),
    2968             : COL("gray82", 0xd1d1d1),
    2969             : COL("grey82", 0xd1d1d1),
    2970             : COL("gray83", 0xd4d4d4),
    2971             : COL("grey83", 0xd4d4d4),
    2972             : COL("gray84", 0xd6d6d6),
    2973             : COL("grey84", 0xd6d6d6),
    2974             : COL("gray85", 0xd9d9d9),
    2975             : COL("grey85", 0xd9d9d9),
    2976             : COL("gray86", 0xdbdbdb),
    2977             : COL("grey86", 0xdbdbdb),
    2978             : COL("gray87", 0xdedede),
    2979             : COL("grey87", 0xdedede),
    2980             : COL("gray88", 0xe0e0e0),
    2981             : COL("grey88", 0xe0e0e0),
    2982             : COL("gray89", 0xe3e3e3),
    2983             : COL("grey89", 0xe3e3e3),
    2984             : COL("gray90", 0xe5e5e5),
    2985             : COL("grey90", 0xe5e5e5),
    2986             : COL("gray91", 0xe8e8e8),
    2987             : COL("grey91", 0xe8e8e8),
    2988             : COL("gray92", 0xebebeb),
    2989             : COL("grey92", 0xebebeb),
    2990             : COL("gray93", 0xededed),
    2991             : COL("grey93", 0xededed),
    2992             : COL("gray94", 0xf0f0f0),
    2993             : COL("grey94", 0xf0f0f0),
    2994             : COL("gray95", 0xf2f2f2),
    2995             : COL("grey95", 0xf2f2f2),
    2996             : COL("gray96", 0xf5f5f5),
    2997             : COL("grey96", 0xf5f5f5),
    2998             : COL("gray97", 0xf7f7f7),
    2999             : COL("grey97", 0xf7f7f7),
    3000             : COL("gray98", 0xfafafa),
    3001             : COL("grey98", 0xfafafa),
    3002             : COL("gray99", 0xfcfcfc),
    3003             : COL("grey99", 0xfcfcfc),
    3004             : COL("gray100", 0xffffff),
    3005             : COL("grey100", 0xffffff),
    3006             : COL("darkgrey", 0xa9a9a9),
    3007             : COL("darkgray", 0xa9a9a9),
    3008             : COL("darkblue", 0x00008b),
    3009             : COL("darkcyan", 0x008b8b),
    3010             : COL("darkmagenta", 0x8b008b),
    3011             : COL("darkred", 0x8b0000),
    3012             : COL("lightgreen", 0x90ee90),
    3013             : COL(NULL,0) /* sentinel */
    3014             : };
    3015             : #undef COL
    3016             : 
    3017             : void
    3018       20267 : long_to_rgb(long c, int *r, int *g, int *b)
    3019             : {
    3020       20267 :   *b = c & 0xff; c >>= 8;
    3021       20267 :   *g = c & 0xff; c >>= 8;
    3022       20267 :   *r = c;
    3023       20267 : }
    3024             : static int
    3025           0 : hex2(const char *s)
    3026             : {
    3027           0 :   int m = 0, c = 0, i;
    3028           0 :   for (i = 0; i < 2; i++, s++)
    3029             :   {
    3030           0 :     if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9')
    3031           0 :       c = *s - '0';
    3032           0 :     else if (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F')
    3033           0 :       c = *s - 'A' + 10;
    3034           0 :     else if (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f')
    3035           0 :       c = *s - 'a' + 10;
    3036           0 :     else pari_err(e_MISC,"incorrect hexadecimal number: %s", s);
    3037           0 :     m = 16*m + c;
    3038             :   }
    3039           0 :   return m;
    3040             : }
    3041             : void
    3042       11216 : colorname_to_rgb(const char *s, int *r, int *g, int *b)
    3043             : {
    3044       11216 :   if (!rgb_colors) rgb_colors = hashstr_import_static(col_list, 1000);
    3045       11216 :   if (*s == '#' && strlen(s) == 7)
    3046             :   {
    3047           0 :     *r = hex2(s+1);
    3048           0 :     *g = hex2(s+3);
    3049           0 :     *b = hex2(s+5);
    3050             :   }
    3051             :   else
    3052             :   {
    3053       11216 :     hashentry *ep = hash_search(rgb_colors, (void*)s);
    3054       11216 :     if (!ep) pari_err(e_MISC, "unknown color %s", s);
    3055       11216 :     long_to_rgb((long)ep->val, r,g,b);
    3056             :   }
    3057       11216 : }
    3058             : 
    3059             : static void
    3060           0 : chk_8bit(int v, GEN c)
    3061           0 : { if (v & ~0xff) pari_err(e_MISC, "invalid RGB code: %Ps", c); }
    3062             : void
    3063       11216 : color_to_rgb(GEN c, int *r, int *g, int *b)
    3064             : {
    3065       11216 :   switch(typ(c))
    3066             :   {
    3067       11216 :     case t_STR:
    3068       11216 :       colorname_to_rgb(GSTR(c), r,g,b);
    3069       11216 :       break;
    3070           0 :     default: /* t_VECSMALL: */
    3071           0 :       *r = c[1]; chk_8bit(*r, c);
    3072           0 :       *g = c[2]; chk_8bit(*g, c);
    3073           0 :       *b = c[3]; chk_8bit(*b, c);
    3074           0 :       break;
    3075             :   }
    3076       11216 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16