Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - ifactor1.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 30007-407ab607e8) Lines: 1812 2216 81.8 %
Date: 2025-02-20 09:19:49 Functions: 105 120 87.5 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
Z_issmooth 0
Z_pollardbrent 0
coreu_fact 0
ifac_GC 0
ifac_check 0
ifac_factor_dbg 0
ifac_print 0
ifac_realloc 0
radicalu 0
rho_dbg 0
vecfactoroddu 0
vecfactoru 0
ifac_ispowerful 7
ifac_resort 7
ifac_sort_one 7
Z_to_Up 14
ifac_defrag 14
uprecprime 38
vecsquarefreeu 49
precprime 56
ECM_alloc 57
ECM_init 57
ECM_loop 93
ifac_moebius 236
coreu_init_from_squarefree 247
ifac_skip 320
core_init_from_squarefree 327
ifac_core 353
ifac_moebiusu 663
Zn_ispower 756
ifac_read 760
Zp_ispower 798
pollardbrent_i 802
uis_357_powermod_32bit_2 824
ifac_factoru 857
update_pow 859
ispowerful 1708
diviiexact_inplace 1883
squfof_ambig 2091
maxomegaoddu 2280
vecfactoroddu_i 2280
ifac_start 2509
ifac_decomp 2561
Z_factor_until 3045
ellfacteur 3255
ifac_insert_multiplet 3272
pollardbrent 3482
squfof 5113
ifac_crack 5776
ifac_whoiswho 5781
ifac_start_hint 5927
ifac_next 6633
vecfactorsquarefreeu 7014
ecm_elladd2 7194
uisprime_nosmall 7872
ifac_divide 9822
factorint 10290
ifac_checkprime 11260
ifac_main 14175
uis_357_powermod_32bit_1 14424
ifac_find 15255
ZV_aff 25650
ellmult 25650
ifac_isprime 28101
STOREi 31166
vecfactoru_i 31923
vecfactorsquarefreeu_coprime 32592
special_primes 39416
elldouble 40073
ifac_delete 45774
Z_factor_limit 49971
INIT 51708
moebiusu_fact 54194
moebius 55741
coreu 62994
is_pth_power 69282
maxomegau 71605
Z_oddprimedivisors_fast 126756
nextprime 126861
Z_factor_primes 127359
Z_oddprimedivisors_gcd 128036
aux_end 128188
Z_issmooth_fact 175970
get_rule 208727
ecm_elladd 234487
ecm_elladd0 240431
absZ_factor_limit 290994
is_kth_power 470911
STOREu 681371
core 709547
STORE 712688
u_oddprimedivisors_gcd 808527
tridiv_bound 869620
absZ_factor_limit_strict 887225
factoru_primes 916393
unextprime_overflow 992097
unextprime 1129186
uis_357_power 2366973
uis_357_powermod 2422104
moebiusu 2480474
is_357_power 2801676
absZ_factor 3277223
factoru 3749067
check_res 3928868
tridiv_boundu 4366890
snextpr 4531317
FpE_add_i 8291496
Z_factor 9507669
ifactor 9567977
ifactor_sign 14026248
u_357_divides 15812327
factoru_result 17215388
factoru_sign 17647777
one_iter 28254792
matsmalltrunc_init 38831359
matsmalltrunc_append 99672666
u_forprime_next_fast 142983864

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16