Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - bnfunits.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 30101-620df3499e) Lines: 217 225 96.4 %
Date: 2025-03-28 09:18:47 Functions: 14 14 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* Copyright (C) 2020  The PARI group.
       2             : 
       3             : This file is part of the PARI/GP package.
       4             : 
       5             : PARI/GP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
       6             : terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
       7             : Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
       8             : version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
       9             : ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.
      10             : 
      11             : Check the License for details. You should have received a copy of it, along
      12             : with the package; see the file 'COPYING'. If not, write to the Free Software
      13             : Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
      14             : #include "pari.h"
      15             : #include "paripriv.h"
      16             : 
      17             : #define DEBUGLEVEL DEBUGLEVEL_bnf
      18             : 
      19             : /* if x a famat, assume it is a true unit (very costly to check even that
      20             :  * it's an algebraic integer) */
      21             : GEN
      22        1645 : bnfisunit(GEN bnf, GEN x)
      23             : {
      24        1645 :   long tx = typ(x), i, r1, RU, e, n, prec;
      25        1645 :   pari_sp av = avma;
      26             :   GEN t, logunit, ex, nf, pi2_sur_w, rx, emb, arg;
      27             : 
      28        1645 :   bnf = checkbnf(bnf); nf = bnf_get_nf(bnf);
      29        1645 :   RU = lg(bnf_get_logfu(bnf));
      30        1645 :   n = bnf_get_tuN(bnf); /* # { roots of 1 } */
      31        1645 :   if (tx == t_MAT)
      32             :   { /* famat, assumed OK */
      33        1309 :     if (lg(x) != 3) pari_err_TYPE("bnfisunit [not a factorization]", x);
      34             :   } else {
      35         336 :     x = nf_to_scalar_or_basis(nf,x);
      36         336 :     if (typ(x) != t_COL)
      37             :     { /* rational unit ? */
      38             :       GEN v;
      39             :       long s;
      40         140 :       if (typ(x) != t_INT || !is_pm1(x)) return cgetg(1,t_COL);
      41         133 :       s = signe(x); set_avma(av); v = zerocol(RU);
      42         133 :       gel(v,RU) = utoi((s > 0)? 0: n>>1);
      43         133 :       return v;
      44             :     }
      45         196 :     if (!isint1(Q_denom(x))) { set_avma(av); return cgetg(1,t_COL); }
      46             :   }
      47             : 
      48        1505 :   r1 = nf_get_r1(nf);
      49        1505 :   prec = nf_get_prec(nf);
      50        1505 :   for (i = 1;; i++)
      51           0 :   {
      52             :     GEN rlog;
      53        1505 :     nf = bnf_get_nf(bnf);
      54        1505 :     logunit = bnf_get_logfu(bnf);
      55        1505 :     rlog = real_i(logunit);
      56        1505 :     rx = nflogembed(nf,x,&emb, prec);
      57        1505 :     if (rx)
      58             :     {
      59        1505 :       GEN logN = RgV_sum(rx); /* log(Nx), should be ~ 0 */
      60        1505 :       if (gexpo(logN) > -20)
      61             :       { /* precision problem ? */
      62          14 :         if (typ(logN) != t_REAL) { set_avma(av); return cgetg(1,t_COL); } /*no*/
      63          28 :         if (i == 1 && typ(x) != t_MAT &&
      64          28 :             !is_pm1(nfnorm(nf, x))) { set_avma(av); return cgetg(1, t_COL); }
      65             :       }
      66             :       else
      67             :       {
      68         504 :         ex = RU == 1? cgetg(1,t_COL)
      69        1491 :                     : RgM_solve(rlog, rx); /* ~ fundamental units exponents */
      70        1491 :         if (ex) { ex = grndtoi(ex, &e); if (e < -4) break; }
      71             :       }
      72             :     }
      73           0 :     if (i == 1)
      74           0 :       prec = nbits2prec(gexpo(x) + 128);
      75             :     else
      76             :     {
      77           0 :       if (i > 4) pari_err_PREC("bnfisunit");
      78           0 :       prec = precdbl(prec);
      79             :     }
      80           0 :     if (DEBUGLEVEL) pari_warn(warnprec,"bnfisunit",prec);
      81           0 :     bnf = bnfnewprec_shallow(bnf, prec);
      82             :   }
      83             :   /* choose a large embedding => small relative error */
      84        2069 :   for (i = 1; i < RU; i++)
      85        1418 :     if (signe(gel(rx,i)) > -1) break;
      86        1491 :   if (RU == 1) t = gen_0;
      87             :   else
      88             :   {
      89         987 :     t = imag_i( row_i(logunit,i, 1,RU-1) );
      90         987 :     t = RgV_dotproduct(t, ex);
      91         987 :     if (i > r1) t = gmul2n(t, -1);
      92             :   }
      93        1491 :   if (typ(emb) != t_MAT) arg = garg(gel(emb,i), prec);
      94             :   else
      95             :   {
      96        1309 :     GEN p = gel(emb,1), e = gel(emb,2);
      97        1309 :     long j, l = lg(p);
      98        1309 :     arg = NULL;
      99       62132 :     for (j = 1; j < l; j++)
     100             :     {
     101       60823 :       GEN a = gmul(gel(e,j), garg(gel(gel(p,j),i), prec));
     102       60823 :       arg = arg? gadd(arg, a): a;
     103             :     }
     104             :   }
     105        1491 :   t = gsub(arg, t); /* = arg(the missing root of 1) */
     106        1491 :   pi2_sur_w = divru(mppi(prec), n>>1); /* 2pi / n */
     107        1491 :   e = umodiu(roundr(divrr(t, pi2_sur_w)), n);
     108        1491 :   if (n > 2)
     109             :   {
     110           7 :     GEN z = algtobasis(nf, bnf_get_tuU(bnf)); /* primitive root of 1 */
     111           7 :     GEN ro = RgV_dotproduct(row(nf_get_M(nf), i), z);
     112           7 :     GEN p2 = roundr(divrr(garg(ro, prec), pi2_sur_w));
     113           7 :     e *= Fl_inv(umodiu(p2,n), n);
     114           7 :     e %= n;
     115             :   }
     116        1491 :   gel(ex,RU) = utoi(e); setlg(ex, RU+1); return gc_GEN(av, ex);
     117             : }
     118             : 
     119             : /* split M a square ZM in HNF as [H, B; 0, Id], H in HNF without 1-eigenvalue */
     120             : static GEN
     121        1008 : hnfsplit(GEN M, GEN *pB)
     122             : {
     123        1008 :   long i, l = lg(M);
     124        3510 :   for (i = l-1; i; i--)
     125        3209 :     if (!equali1(gcoeff(M,i,i))) break;
     126        1008 :   if (!i) { *pB = zeromat(0, l-1); return cgetg(1, t_MAT); }
     127         707 :   *pB = matslice(M, 1, i, i+1, l-1); return matslice(M, 1, i, 1, i);
     128             : }
     129             : 
     130             : /* S a list of prime ideal in idealprimedec format. If pH != NULL, set it to
     131             :  * the HNF of the S-class group and return bnfsunit, else return bnfunits */
     132             : static GEN
     133        1442 : bnfsunit_i(GEN bnf, GEN S, GEN *pH, GEN *pA, GEN *pden)
     134             : {
     135        1442 :   long FLAG, i, lS = lg(S);
     136             :   GEN M, U1, U2, U, V, H, Sunit, B, g;
     137             : 
     138        1442 :   if (!is_vec_t(typ(S))) pari_err_TYPE("bnfsunit",S);
     139        1442 :   bnf = checkbnf(bnf);
     140        1442 :   if (lS == 1)
     141             :   {
     142         434 :     *pA = cgetg(1,t_MAT);
     143         434 :     *pden = gen_1; return cgetg(1,t_VEC);
     144             :   }
     145        1008 :   M = cgetg(lS,t_MAT); /* relation matrix for the S class group */
     146        1008 :   g = cgetg(lS,t_MAT); /* principal part */
     147        1008 :   FLAG = pH ? 0: nf_GENMAT;
     148        6083 :   for (i = 1; i < lS; i++)
     149             :   {
     150        5075 :     GEN pr = gel(S,i);
     151        5075 :     checkprid(pr);
     152        5075 :     if (pH)
     153        1834 :       gel(M,i) = isprincipal(bnf, pr);
     154             :     else
     155             :     {
     156        3241 :       GEN v = bnfisprincipal0(bnf, pr, FLAG);
     157        3241 :       gel(M,i) = gel(v,1);
     158        3241 :       gel(g,i) = gel(v,2);
     159             :     }
     160             :   }
     161             :   /* S class group and S units, use ZM_hnflll to get small 'U' */
     162        1008 :   M = shallowconcat(M, diagonal_shallow(bnf_get_cyc(bnf)));
     163        1008 :   H = ZM_hnflll(M, &U, 1); setlg(U, lS); if (pH) *pH = H;
     164        1008 :   U1 = rowslice(U,1, lS-1);
     165        1008 :   U2 = rowslice(U,lS, lg(M)-1); /* (M | cyc) [U1; U2] = 0 */
     166        1008 :   H = ZM_hnflll(U1, pH? NULL: &V, 0);
     167             :  /* U1 = upper left corner of U, invertible. S * U1 = principal ideals
     168             :   * whose generators generate the S-units */
     169        1008 :   H = hnfsplit(H, &B);
     170             :  /*                     [ H B  ]            [ H^-1   - H^-1 B ]
     171             :   * U1 * V = HNF(U1) =  [ 0 Id ], inverse = [  0         Id   ]
     172             :   * S * HNF(U1) = integral generators for S-units = Sunit */
     173        1008 :   Sunit = cgetg(lS, t_VEC);
     174        1008 :   if (pH)
     175             :   {
     176         161 :     long nH = lg(H) - 1;
     177         161 :     FLAG = nf_FORCE | nf_GEN;
     178        1995 :     for (i = 1; i < lS; i++)
     179             :     {
     180        1834 :       GEN C = NULL, E;
     181        1834 :       if (i <= nH) E = gel(H,i); else { C = gel(S,i), E = gel(B,i-nH); }
     182        1834 :       gel(Sunit,i) = gel(isprincipalfact(bnf, C, S, E, FLAG), 2);
     183             :     }
     184             :   }
     185             :   else
     186             :   {
     187         847 :     GEN cycgen = bnf_build_cycgen(bnf);
     188         847 :     U1 = ZM_mul(U1, V);
     189         847 :     U2 = ZM_mul(U2, V);
     190         847 :     FLAG = nf_FORCE | nf_GENMAT;
     191        4088 :     for (i = 1; i < lS; i++)
     192             :     {
     193        3241 :       GEN a = famatV_factorback(g, gel(U1,i));
     194        3241 :       GEN b = famatV_factorback(cycgen, ZC_neg(gel(U2,i)));
     195        3241 :       gel(Sunit,i) = famat_reduce(famat_mul(a, b));
     196             :     }
     197             :   }
     198        1008 :   H = ZM_inv(H, pden);
     199        1008 :   *pA = shallowconcat(H, ZM_neg(ZM_mul(H,B))); /* top inverse * den */
     200        1008 :   return Sunit;
     201             : }
     202             : GEN
     203         168 : bnfsunit(GEN bnf,GEN S,long prec)
     204             : {
     205         168 :   pari_sp av = avma;
     206         168 :   long i, l = lg(S);
     207         168 :   GEN v, R, nf, A, den, U, cl, H = NULL;
     208         168 :   bnf = checkbnf(bnf); nf = bnf_get_nf(bnf);
     209         168 :   v = cgetg(7, t_VEC);
     210         168 :   gel(v,1) = U = bnfsunit_i(bnf, S, &H, &A, &den);
     211         168 :   gel(v,2) = mkvec2(A, den);
     212         168 :   gel(v,3) = cgetg(1,t_VEC); /* dummy */
     213         168 :   R = bnf_get_reg(bnf);
     214         168 :   cl = bnf_get_clgp(bnf);
     215         168 :   if (l != 1)
     216             :   {
     217         161 :     GEN u,A, G = bnf_get_gen(bnf), D = ZM_snf_group(H,NULL,&u), h = ZV_prod(D);
     218         161 :     long lD = lg(D);
     219         161 :     A = cgetg(lD, t_VEC);
     220         182 :     for(i = 1; i < lD; i++) gel(A,i) = idealfactorback(nf, G, gel(u,i), 1);
     221         161 :     cl = mkvec3(h, D, A);
     222         161 :     R = mpmul(R, h);
     223        1995 :     for (i = 1; i < l; i++)
     224             :     {
     225        1834 :       GEN pr = gel(S,i), p = pr_get_p(pr);
     226        1834 :       long f = pr_get_f(pr);
     227        1834 :       R = mpmul(R, logr_abs(itor(p,prec)));
     228        1834 :       if (f != 1) R = mulru(R, f);
     229        1834 :       gel(U,i) = nf_to_scalar_or_alg(nf, gel(U,i));
     230             :     }
     231             :   }
     232         168 :   gel(v,4) = R;
     233         168 :   gel(v,5) = cl;
     234         168 :   gel(v,6) = S; return gc_GEN(av, v);
     235             : }
     236             : GEN
     237        1092 : bnfunits(GEN bnf, GEN S)
     238             : {
     239        1092 :   pari_sp av = avma;
     240             :   GEN A, den, U, fu, tu;
     241        1092 :   bnf = checkbnf(bnf);
     242        1092 :   U = bnfsunit_i(bnf, S? S: cgetg(1,t_VEC), NULL, &A, &den);
     243        1092 :   if (!S) S = cgetg(1,t_VEC);
     244        1092 :   fu = bnf_compactfu(bnf);
     245        1092 :   if (!fu)
     246             :   {
     247             :     long i, l;
     248         231 :     fu = bnf_has_fu(bnf); if (!fu) bnf_build_units(bnf);
     249         231 :     fu = shallowcopy(fu); l = lg(fu);
     250         686 :     for (i = 1; i < l; i++) gel(fu,i) = to_famat_shallow(gel(fu,i),gen_1);
     251             :   }
     252        1092 :   tu = nf_to_scalar_or_basis(bnf_get_nf(bnf), bnf_get_tuU(bnf));
     253        1092 :   U = shallowconcat(U, vec_append(fu, to_famat_shallow(tu,gen_1)));
     254        1092 :   return gc_GEN(av, mkvec4(U, S, A, den));
     255             : }
     256             : GEN
     257         182 : sunits_mod_units(GEN bnf, GEN S)
     258             : {
     259         182 :   pari_sp av = avma;
     260             :   GEN A, den;
     261         182 :   bnf = checkbnf(bnf);
     262         182 :   return gc_GEN(av, bnfsunit_i(bnf, S, NULL, &A, &den));
     263             : }
     264             : 
     265             : /* v_S(x), x in famat form */
     266             : static GEN
     267         105 : sunit_famat_val(GEN nf, GEN S, GEN x)
     268             : {
     269         105 :   long i, l = lg(S);
     270         105 :   GEN v = cgetg(l, t_VEC);
     271        1085 :   for (i = 1; i < l; i++) gel(v,i) = famat_nfvalrem(nf, x, gel(S,i), NULL);
     272         105 :   return v;
     273             : }
     274             : /* v_S(x), x algebraic number */
     275             : static GEN
     276        1218 : sunit_val(GEN nf, GEN S, GEN x, GEN N)
     277             : {
     278        1218 :   long i, l = lg(S);
     279        1218 :   GEN v = zero_zv(l-1), N0 = N;
     280       37093 :   for (i = 1; i < l; i++)
     281             :   {
     282       35875 :     GEN P = gel(S,i), p = pr_get_p(P);
     283       35875 :     if (dvdii(N, p)) { v[i] = nfval(nf,x,P); (void)Z_pvalrem(N0, p, &N0); }
     284             :   }
     285        1218 :   return is_pm1(N0)? v: NULL;
     286             : }
     287             : 
     288             : /* if *px a famat, assume it's an S-unit */
     289             : static GEN
     290        1624 : make_unit(GEN nf, GEN U, GEN *px)
     291             : {
     292        1624 :   GEN den, v, w, A, gen = gel(U,1), S = gel(U,2), x = *px;
     293        1624 :   long cH, i, l = lg(S);
     294             : 
     295        1624 :   if (l == 1) return cgetg(1, t_COL);
     296        1596 :   A = gel(U,3); den = gel(U,4);
     297        1596 :   cH = nbrows(A);
     298        1596 :   if (typ(x) == t_MAT && lg(x) == 3)
     299             :   {
     300         105 :     w = sunit_famat_val(nf, S, x); /* x = S v */
     301         105 :     v = ZM_ZC_mul(A, w);
     302         105 :     w += cH; w[0] = evaltyp(t_COL) | _evallg(lg(A) - cH);
     303             :   }
     304             :   else
     305             :   {
     306             :     GEN N;
     307        1491 :     x = nf_to_scalar_or_basis(nf,x);
     308        1491 :     switch(typ(x))
     309             :     {
     310         497 :       case t_INT:  N = x; if (!signe(N)) return NULL; break;
     311           0 :       case t_FRAC: N = mulii(gel(x,1),gel(x,2)); break;
     312         994 :       default: { GEN d = Q_denom(x); N = mulii(idealnorm(nf,gmul(x,d)), d); }
     313             :     }
     314             :     /* relevant primes divide N */
     315        1491 :     if (is_pm1(N)) return zerocol(l-1);
     316        1218 :     w = sunit_val(nf, S, x, N);
     317        1218 :     if (!w) return NULL;
     318        1204 :     v = ZM_zc_mul(A, w);
     319        1204 :     w += cH; w[0] = evaltyp(t_VECSMALL) | _evallg(lg(A) - cH);
     320        1204 :     w = zc_to_ZC(w);
     321             :   }
     322        2519 :   if (!is_pm1(den)) for (i = 1; i <= cH; i++)
     323             :   {
     324             :     GEN r;
     325        1210 :     gel(v,i) = dvmdii(gel(v,i), den, &r);
     326        1210 :     if (r != gen_0) return NULL;
     327             :   }
     328        1309 :   v = shallowconcat(v, w); /* append bottom of w (= [0 Id] part) */
     329       38094 :   for (i = 1; i < l; i++)
     330             :   {
     331       36785 :     GEN e = gel(v,i);
     332       36785 :     if (signe(e)) x = famat_mulpow_shallow(x, gel(gen,i), negi(e));
     333             :   }
     334        1309 :   *px = x; return v;
     335             : }
     336             : 
     337             : static GEN
     338        1624 : bnfissunit_i(GEN bnf, GEN x, GEN U)
     339             : {
     340        1624 :   GEN w, nf, v = NULL;
     341        1624 :   bnf = checkbnf(bnf);
     342        1624 :   nf = bnf_get_nf(bnf);
     343        1624 :   if ( (w = make_unit(nf, U, &x)) ) v = bnfisunit(bnf, x);
     344        1624 :   if (!v || lg(v) == 1) return NULL;
     345        1596 :   return mkvec2(v, w);
     346             : }
     347             : static int
     348         126 : checkU(GEN U)
     349             : {
     350         126 :   if (typ(U) != t_VEC || lg(U) != 5) return 0;
     351         126 :   return typ(gel(U,1)) == t_VEC && is_vec_t(typ(gel(U,2)))
     352         252 :          && typ(gel(U,4))==t_INT;
     353             : }
     354             : GEN
     355         161 : bnfisunit0(GEN bnf, GEN x, GEN U)
     356             : {
     357         161 :   pari_sp av = avma;
     358             :   GEN z;
     359         161 :   if (!U) return bnfisunit(bnf, x);
     360         126 :   if (!checkU(U)) pari_err_TYPE("bnfisunit",U);
     361         126 :   z = bnfissunit_i(bnf, x, U);
     362         126 :   if (!z) { set_avma(av); return cgetg(1,t_COL); }
     363         112 :   return gc_GEN(av, shallowconcat(gel(z,2), gel(z,1)));
     364             : }
     365             : 
     366             : /* OBSOLETE */
     367             : static int
     368        1498 : checkbnfS_i(GEN v)
     369             : {
     370             :   GEN S, g, w;
     371        1498 :   if (typ(v) != t_VEC || lg(v) != 7) return 0;
     372        1498 :   g = gel(v,1); w = gel(v,2); S = gel(v,6);
     373        1498 :   if (typ(g) != t_VEC || !is_vec_t(typ(S)) || lg(S) != lg(g)) return 0;
     374        1498 :   return typ(w) == t_VEC && lg(w) == 3;
     375             : }
     376             : /* OBSOLETE */
     377             : GEN
     378        1498 : bnfissunit(GEN bnf, GEN bnfS, GEN x)
     379             : {
     380        1498 :   pari_sp av = avma;
     381             :   GEN z, U;
     382        1498 :   if (!checkbnfS_i(bnfS)) pari_err_TYPE("bnfissunit",bnfS);
     383        1498 :   U = mkvec4(gel(bnfS,1), gel(bnfS,6), gmael(bnfS,2,1), gmael(bnfS,2,2));
     384        1498 :   z = bnfissunit_i(bnf, x, U);
     385        1498 :   if (!z) { set_avma(av); return cgetg(1,t_COL); }
     386        1484 :   return gc_GEN(av, shallowconcat(gel(z,1), gel(z,2)));
     387             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16