Bill Allombert on Fri, 13 Jan 2023 19:12:39 +0100

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Re: Programmatically obtain a complete list of commands and keywords for updating the PARI/GP third-party IDE tools.

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 05:35:02PM +0100, Gottfried Helms wrote:
> Am 10.01.2023 um 01:46 schrieb Hongyi Zhao:
> > Hi here,
> > 
> > I'm not sure whether there is an elegant way in PARI/GP, which can let
> > me programmatically obtain a complete list of commands and keywords
> > for updating the PARI/GP third-party IDE tools, such as pari-gp-lang
> > [1].
> > 
> > Any tips would be appreciated.
> > 
> > [1]
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Zhao
> > 
> Hmm, don't know whether such a thing is meant:
> - - - - - - - - - - - -
> I've a small set of subroutines which provide from
> a new version of GP the commands plus simple helptext
> ("?Euler") as a text file like this:
> ============================================================================
> Catalan=Catalan(): Catalan's number with current precision.
> Col(x, {n}): transforms the object x into a column vector of dimension n.
> Colrev(x, {n}): transforms the object x into a column vector of dimension n in  reverse order with respect to Col(x, {n}). Empty vector if x is omitted.
> Euler=Euler(): Euler's constant with current precision.
> I=I(): square root of -1.
> List({x=[]}): transforms the vector or list x into a list. Empty list if x is  omitted.
> ...
> znorder(x,{o}): order of the integermod x in (Z/nZ)*. Optional o represents a  multiple of the order of the element.
> znprimroot(n): returns a primitive root of n when it exists.
> znstar(n,{flag=0}): 3-component vector v = [no,cyc0,gen], giving the structure  of the abelian group (Z/nZ)^*; no is the order (i.e. eulerphi(n)), cyc is a  vector of cyclic components, and gen is a vector giving the corresponding  generators.
> ============================================================================

Note: the PARI installation includes a file pari.desc that includes all this data
in RFC822 format. We also provide a perl module to read it PARI/
