Shevek on Sat, 03 Mar 2018 10:33:04 +0100

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ellap: I can't reproduce example from manual

I'm trying to understand the use of 'ellap' to compute the Frobenius
trace of elliptic curves defined over different fields.

Then I stucked on an example verbatim taken from the manual (*):

? Fq = ffgen(ffinit(11,3), 'a); \\ defines Fq := F11^3
? E = ellinit([a+1,a], Fq);  \\ y^2 = x^3 + (a+1)x + a, defined over Fq
? ellap(E)
  ***   at top-level: ellap(E)
  ***                 ^--------
  *** ellap: incorrect type in ellap [can't determine p] (t_VEC).
  ***   Break loop: type 'break' to go back to GP prompt

What is wrong here? The example was played on versions 2.9.3 (self
compiled) and 2.7.5 (from Ubuntu package). The system is Ubuntu 16.04


(*) -

Shevek (shevek at