Martin Larsen on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 01:27:44 +0200

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RE: Suggestion

> On Thu, Oct 11, 2007 at 05:24:43PM +0200, Martin Larsen wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > I have a suggestion for a new feature, but first I will mention a few problems with GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.4.1 (alpha) on Windows.
> >
> > * a script loaded at startup will not have it's local()'s recognized (they become global)
> Could you give an example ? local() are only supported inside functions
> in GP 2.4.1.

Let's say you have loaded this function from a script at start:

then try this
> ?k
k: user defined variable
Now you can't do this
> k(m)=m++
  ***   unused characters: k(m)=m++
> > * a script with syntax error loaded with \r will prevent any new attempt of loading it.

Let's say a ";" was forgotten in the above function, then you can't load it again when you have corrected it. I have not experienced this in older versions.
> > * flag==4 in vecsort produces an error
> A GP 2.4.1 specific bug which was a pretty buggy development release,
> alas! Try out GP 2.3.2 which is much more solid.
> > And now a little funny example:
> >
> > > k=1;vector(6,i,[k,k=k*10%7][1])
> > %1 = [32, 3, 32, 6, 32, 5]
> This is a well-know bug with the memory handling: GP forget to copy
> the first k in the vector. This is fixed in the forthcoming GP 2.4.2
> I recorded it as bug #686.
> > > k=1;vector(6,i,[k*1,k=k*10%7][1])
> > %2 = [1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5]
> >
> > I think this is a nice way if you don't want the result from the last _expression_(?)
> > Only 2. example works as expected, but is the method safe?
> Actually yes, but you could just do
> k=1;vector(6,i,l=k;k=k*10%7;l)
> which is safe.

Yes but "ad hoc" variables are ugly.

> > I think it would be nice to be allowed to exclude unused locals in vector and matrix.
> This would clash with the current interface design: there is no
> polymorphism.
> > And last - Wouldn't it be nice if we had a standard-script that
> > followed Pari with lots of extra functions, where functions could be
> > loaded as last resort on demand?
> What we need is standardised way to write and publish library of GP
> functions. Would you like to try ?

I think the old and experienced guys should lay out the principles.
But what did you think of the concept of loading functions from a standard script? eg: if I want partitions, then Pari don't know what that is and start looking in this script and find it there without loading other things from that script.

> Cheers,
> Bill.

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