Iwao Kimura on Wed, 09 May 2018 06:26:55 +0200

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Re: idealprimedec() behavior


In my previous post, the subject should be "idealfactor() behavior" instead of "idealprimedec() behavior".
My apologies...

On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 12:50 PM Iwao Kimura <iwao@sci.u-toyama.ac.jp> wrote:
Hi pari dev,

I found the following idealprimdec() behavior:
(12:28) gp > nf=bnfinit(x^2+5);
(12:28) gp > id=idealprimedec(nf,3)[1];id
%5 = [3, [-1, 1]~, 1, 1, [1, -5; 1, 1]]
(12:28) gp > idealfactor(nf,id)
%6 = 
[[3, [-1, 1]~, 1, 1, [1, -5; 1, 1]] 1]

(12:29) gp > idtwo=idealtwoelt(nf,id);idtwo
%7 = [3, [-1, 1]~]
(12:29) gp > idealfactor(nf,idtwo)
%8 = 
[ [3, [-1, 1]~, 1, 1, [1, -5; 1, 1]] 1]

[[3, [1, 1]~, 1, 1, [-1, -5; 1, -1]] 1]

What I expected is that %6 and %9 are the same.
Am I missing something?
I'm using:
  GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.9.4 (released)
                              amd64 running mingw (x86-64/GMP-6.1.2 kernel) 64-bit version
                                     compiled: Dec 20 2017, gcc version 4.9.1 (GCC)
                                                threading engine: single
                                     (readline v6.2 enabled, extended help enabled)

Dept. Math., University of Toyama, Japan.

Dept. Math., University of Toyama, Japan.